SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 // 15 10. AVA New Gallery 375 Duane St. Local printmakers Kirsten Horning and Sarah Lippold are members of The North Coast Printmakers Collective. Horning says she likes “the rhythm of carving the wood, the smoothness of the block and inks. This work reaches into my childhood inspiration with MONSTERS!” Lippold: “My prints show you a snapshot from my memory of what I see everyday in the world around me.” 10 COURTESY ASTORIA VISUAL ARTS 11. Forsythea Home & Garden Art An untitled monoprint by Sarah Lippold. 1124 Commercial St. Linoleum Block Prints will be featured. Pieces include some rarely seen and a few newbies from the collection of artist/owner Patricia Fagerland. A journey into human/nature by Terrie Remington, inspired by the belief that it has never been so important for us to realize that we are part of nature and 12. Luminari Arts 1133 Commercial St. Dining Out North Coast and Peninsula Imagine Your Buy 1 Meal, Get 1 1/2 off (of equal or lesser value) Monday-Thursday Offer expires 9/30/18 TUE 22 $ ECIAL! Y PI Z Z A DA Pizz 2 for as SP S 303 1st Avenue South, Ilwaco, Washington 360-777-3740 • OPEN AT 4 AM Seaside 451 Ave U Golf Seaside Course 503-738-5261 503.755.1818 Favorite stop to & from the Coast SMOKEHOUSE BUTCHER BLOCK SMOKED MEAT , 503.325.7414 #1 12th Street, Astoria, OR GHOSTS , LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS and more ! 125 9TH ST. ASTORIA OR. (503)325-4744 ILIES FAM OME! C WEL Hungry Harbor GrillE 3 13 Pa c ific Hw y, Do w n to w n Lo n g Be a c h, W A 3 60-642-5555 • w w n gryha rb o r.c o m –– COM E EN JOY OUR K ITE ROOM –– Place Your Ad Here! 13. Holly McHone Jewelers 16. Tempo Gallery 1150 Commercial St. Creating unique and individual custom-designed jewelry. Create something new with your own gemstones or find out how Holly can be your personal diamond shopper in Antwerp Belgium, the diamond capital of the world. 14. RiverSea Gallery 1160 Commercial St. “From the Source to the Sea” features new paintings by Barbara Szkutnik, a retired airline pilot who explores the point where water transitions into sky in these mostly aerial landscapes. In the Alcove, Stephanie Brockway and Dayna Collins present “Scrounged Beauty,” a collaborative show of mixed-media artwork from salvaged components. Local author Marianne Monson will be here to sign her latest book, “Women of the Blue and Gray.” 1268 Commercial St. Please join us this Art Walk for refreshments and view the works of a few more new artists. I would like to MEAT , ROUGH day on the course? Make it up to yourself— Score a Friday Night Dinner Special! welcome Blue Bond, David Brooks and Dan Cheney to our group. Blue and David paint in oils, Dan in watercolor and acrylic. 15. The Art Stall Restaurant Advertised Here! nature is a part of us. We see our images in clouds, the moon, trees and rocks, and swim into the sea with dolphins and fly into space with birds. 3 8TH & L, ON THE S EAV IEW BEAC H APPROAC H 3 60-642-7880 LATE S UM M ER DINING ON THE DEPOT DEC K 1271 Commercial St. Phyllis Taylor and Carol Smith are featured artists this month. Taylor has eight new works of local subjects in watercolor, acrylic and a photograph. Smith is showing a “Summer Dream” series of photographs. Also showing: Janet Hutchings, Vicki Baker, Ed Peterson, Thron Riggs, and Mark Hutchings. Music by Denise Reed on keyboard and vocals with Sabine Muth on violin. 17. Old Town Framing Company 1287 Commercial St. Jo Lumpkin Brown is “hanging out” with us. She is releasing the past and celebrating the present with Astoria-in- spired drawings. After 30 years as a paint supervisor in the motion picture industry, she has finally retired! During those 30 years, Jo painted several large murals around Astoria that still exist. Now Jo comes home and gets to be small, personal and playful. 18. Tidal Rock Park Duane and 15th streets Join art installation artists Jessica Schleif, Agnes Field and Brenda Harper for a celebration of the Tidal Rock Park improvements. Events include a drumming and smudge ceremony by the Chinook Nation at 6 p.m.; a dance with Marco Davis and the Oddfellow Collective; Seth Tichenor and Gad Perez, “On Gentrification & Home”; music with sound artist Derek Ecklund; Dinah Urell sings “Song from the Heart”; Bill Atwood does sculpture; and Charissa Brock has a light installation. Food by Blue Scorcher Bakery & Cafe. 19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1396 Duane St. (Duane and 14 streets) It’s our first anniversary! Stop by, have a piece of cake and check out the work of 11 local artists. We’re not your typical gallery. Come see what we’ve got — mixed media, paintings, photos, jewelry, copper wire trees and mosaics! 21. Bridge and Tunnel Bottleshop and Taproom 1390 Duane St. Chelsea Gittle, local artist and owner of Proof in Painting, will be displaying a sample of paintings used at paint- and-sip events hosted at various venues in the area. Tidal Rock Park beckons during Art Walk ASTORIA — During the Second Saturday Art Walk, the public is invited to see the improvements to Tidal Rock Park and enjoy art and performance in the space. Meet and greet the artists at 5 p.m. at the park (15th Street between Commercial and Duane streets) with treats supplied by the Blue Scorcher Cafe & Bakery. The art includes Jessi- ca Schleif’s “Blackberry Hearts,” sculptures to recognize what blackberry vines have meant to the park; Brenda Harper’s video installation about small- town life; Agnes Field’s “Excavation of Need,” an expression of her thoughts about the domestication of art and nature, and the use of found materials from the COURTESY AGNES FIELD Oddfellows Collective, from left: Trixie Kerfuffle, Marco Davis and Jessamyn Grace. clearing of the park; and a light installation by Charissa Brock. • 6 p.m. Chinook Nation drumming and smudge ceremony. • 7 p.m. Oddfellows Col- lective: Marco Davis, Trixie Kerfuffle and Jessamyn Grace present a new dance work in progress. • 7:30 p.m. Seth Tichenor: “On Gentrifica- tion.” • 8 p.m. Derek Ecklund: Oregon-based musician, sound artist and composer exploring the relationships between music and geogra- phy. • 8:45 p.m. Dinah Urell sings “Songs from the Heart.” The Tidal Rock Project is an effort to transform the overgrown green space and present temporary art installations. The project is funded by the Precipice Fund with support from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the Calligram Foundation.