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About The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 2018)
SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 // 13 12 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ON YOUR PHONE COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA R Saturday, Sept. 8 Sunday, Sept. 9 Wheels & Waves $35. Maps available at the museum for this self-guided walking tour of selected homes and gardens. 7 a.m., down- town corridor, Seaside, 503-717- 1914. Wheels & Waves car show highlights custom builds, classics, vintage restorations and low riders with a line-up of events and photo opportunities. √ Columbia-Pacific Farmers Market Noon, Veterans Field at 3rd and Oregon streets, Long Beach, Wash., 360-244- 3921. (Fridays) Manzanita Farmers Market 5 p.m., Laneda Ave. and 5th St., Manza- nita, 503-368-3339. (Fridays) Tillamook Farmers’ Market 9 a.m., 2nd St. and Laurel Ave., Tilla- mook, 503-842-2146. (Saturdays) Astoria Flea Market 10 a.m., First Presbyterian Church, 1103 Grand Ave., Astoria. (Saturday) Clatskanie Farmers Market 10 a.m., Copes Park, 11 Lillich St., Clats- kanie. (Saturdays) Saturday Market at the Port 10 a.m., Port of Ilwaco, 165 Howerton Ave., Ilwaco, Wash. (Saturdays) Consignment Auction Thursday, Sept. 6 Protect the River 5:30 p.m., Astoria City Hall, 1095 Duane St., Astoria. Oregon Parks & Recreation Dept. will discuss the designation and management plan of the Nehalem Scenic Waterway, open to the public. Comic Showcase 7:30 p.m., Labor Temple, 934 Duane St., Astoria, 503- 325-0801, no cover, 21+. Enjoy an early evening of PG-rated stand-up comedy by local talent. Book Launch 7 p.m., Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503- 368-3846. Mark Smith will launch his new novel “The Osprey and the Seawolf, The Battle of the Atlantic 1942.” 5 p.m., Long Beach Grange, 5715 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-4953. (Saturday) Friday, Sept. 7 Wheels & Waves Seaside’s annu- al Wheels and Waves Car Show is a celebration of show-quality vehicles from 1974 and older. √ Coast Weekend editor suggested events Wheels & Waves 7 a.m., downtown corridor, Seaside, 503-717-1914. Wheels & Waves car show highlights cus- tom builds, classics, vintage restorations and low riders with a line-up of events and photo opportunities. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, √ Cannon Beach, 503- 436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect one-of- a-kind glass art at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of-season sec- onds sale. Slow Drag 4 p.m., Harbor front at Howerton Way, Port of Ilwaco, Wash. Slow and steady wins this race along Port of Ilwaco with hot rods and cool cruisers competing in this annual coasting competition. Cottage Reception 6 p.m., CB History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, $15. A concert and recep- tion will kick off the annual multi-day cottage and garden tour. √ ts n e m int o p p A adly l g e ar d! e t p e Acc Astoria Sunday Market 10 a.m., 12th St. & Marine Drive, Asto- ria, 503-325-1010. (Sundays) Cannon Beach Farmers Market 1 p.m., Hemlock/Gower streets near City Hall, 163 Gower Ave., Cannon Beach, 503-436-8044. (Tuesdays) Seaside Farmers Market 4 p.m., Broadway Middle School park- ing area off Hwy. 101, Seaside, 503-738- 3311. (Wednesdays) Rod Run 8 a.m., Beach Barons Field, 25515 Sandridge Road, Ocean Park, Wash. A classic car show and shine fea- tures cars from Model A’s to muscle, includes poker run, 50/50 draw- ing, engine raffle and trophy presentations; no pets allowed. Angora Hiking Club 9 a.m., meet at 6th St. parking lot (6th and 7th streets), Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-440-3909. Linda Dugan will lead a moderate hike at Nehalem Point. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-368-3436. Choose from a selec- tion of near-perfect one-of-a-kind glass art at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of-season seconds sale. √ WSU Presentation 10 a.m., Columbia Pa- cific Museum, 115 Lake St., Ilwaco, Wash. WSU master gardeners will give a presentation on “Propagation of Decid- Check out the Coast Weekend calendar, and other great content at COURTESY STEWART MARTIN This dog won first place in the Chuck-It Toss at a previous Muttza- nita Festival. Muttzanita Festival 10 a.m., First St. & Laneda Ave., next to Visitors Center, Manza- nita, 503-368- 3436. Muttzanita festival offers a full day of activ- ities including games, contests, a pet parade and vendor booths. uous & Evergreens from Stem Cuttings.” Cottage Luncheon Noon, Tolovana Inn, 3400 Hem- lock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-9301, $25. The tour starts with a luncheon and lecture on Cannon Beach histo- ry with Bill Sullivan. √ Cottage Tour Noon, CB History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, Art Reception 1 p.m., Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Man- zanita, 503-368-3846. An art opening recep- tion for “Gone to the Dogs” features canine creations celebrating the annual Muttzanita festival. Mushroom Talk 1 p.m., Seaside Library, 1131 Broadway, Sea- side, 503-738-6742. Author Langdon Cook will feature a slide show for an in-depth look at the Basidiomy- cota Agaricomycetes family. Author Reading 2 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1391. Holly Lorincz will read from her newest release “The Everything Girl,” co-published with L.E. Malecki. √ Beach Race 2:30 p.m., Peter Iredale Shipwreck at Fort Stevens State Park, 100 Iredale Road, $45. Race to the Bar is a 10k/5k run/walk ben- efit race for the Lower Columbia Hospice followed by a bonfire, music and awards; race starts at 5 p.m., no pets allowed. Astoria Art Walk Public Forum 6:30 p.m., CCC Towler Hall, 1651 Lexing- ton Ave., Astoria, 503-791-9156. The public is invited to an 5 p.m., celebrate the arts at the Second Sat- urday Art Walk where businesses exhibit original works of art; look for the pinwheels at participating busi- nesses. Tidal Rock Project 5 p.m., 15th St. between Duane & Commercial streets, adjacent to Blue Scorcher, Astoria. Tidal Rock is an artist envi- ronmental installation and video by Jessica Schleif, Brenda Harper and Agnes Field, featur- ing Marco Davis. √ Meet & Greet 5 p.m., Wake’s Secret Gallery, 160 10th St., Astoria, 424-371-4321. The gallery will host an opening reception and meet-n-greet for Parisian artists Ariane Pick and Yves Prince performing “All About Hands.” Cottage Reception 6 p.m., CB History Center, 1387 Spruce St., Cannon Beach. A beer and wine reception with live music will fol- low the cottage tour. Wine Gala & Auction 6:30 p.m., Skamokawa Grange, 18 Fairgrounds Road, Skamokawa, Wash., 360-795-3007, $20 to $30. Friends of Skamokawa will host a wine gala and auction fundraiser with wine tasting, live and silent auctions. COURTESY LEAGUE OF INTERTIDAL WRITERS One of the bookends the League is giving away for the raffle. Open House 9:30 a.m., League of Intertidal Writers, 639 Clat- sop Ave., Astoria. The League of Intertidal Writers will have an open house, book sale and raffle. Rod Run 8 a.m., Beach Barons Field, 25515 San- dridge Road, Ocean Park, Wash. A classic car show and shine featuring Model A’s to muscle cars, no pets allowed. √ Golf Tourney 9:30 a.m., Peninsula Golf Course, 9604 Pacific Hwy., Long Beach, Wash., 360- 214-4857, $50. Rotary Club of Southwest Pa- cific County will host an 18-hole scramble benefit tournament with mulligans and prizes. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glass- works, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503- 436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect one-of-a- kind glass art at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of- season seconds sale. Cottage Tea 11 a.m., Tolo- vana Inn, 3400 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-9301, $20. The cottage and garden tour conclude with an English-style tea and garden presentation with Lucy Hardiman. √ Art Talk 3 p.m., Northwest By Northwest Gallery, 232 Spruce St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-0741. The gallery will host the Professional Women’s Art Tour, an informal conversation about northwest art, culture and wine; limited to 25, sign up required. 2120 Exchange Street, Suite 111 Astoria, Oregon 503-325-0333 Sally Baker, PA-C Kenyon Solecki, PA-C Art of Aging 3 p.m., Hoffman Cen- ter, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503-368- 3846, $5. Coordinators from The Rainy Day Village Network will give a presentation at the next Art of Aging/ Art of Dying series. Thursday, Sept. 13 Business After Hours 5:30 p.m., Knutsen Insurance, 968 Com- mercial St., Astoria, 503-325-6311. Spon- sored by the Astoria Warrenton Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours provides a social networking op- portunity for chamber members to meet and mingle. Paint & Sip 6:30 p.m., Astoria Country Club, 33445 Sunset Beach Lane, Warrenton, 503-420- 0405, $30 to 35. Paint an original piece of art in a relaxed setting with food and drink. DAMIAN MULINIX PHOTO Monday, Sept. 10 Hours: Everyday 9am - 7pm Mark Tabor, PA-C interactive forum to explore two designs for the new Scandi- navian Heritage Park, followed by a Q&A and refreshments. Wednesday, Sept. 12 Express Healthcare for Busy Lifestyles Keith Klatt, MD Tuesday, Sept. 11 Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication.