4 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Cannon Beach opens its doors CANNON BEACH COTTAGE & GARDEN TOUR Peek inside locals’ homes on the Cottage & Garden Tour By NANCY McCARTHY FOR COAST WEEKEND M aybe it starts with a ques- tion: What is it like to live in Cannon Beach? Or maybe the question is: What’s inside that house? Whatever spurs the interest, the Cannon Beach Cottage & Garden Tour answers both questions and many more for the hundreds of participants who tour the village’s homes and yards every year. When the tour started 15 years ago, it lasted one afternoon and drew 30 visitors. Now, the activities begin Friday night with a concert and end Sunday afternoon with a garden tea. More than 700 people participated last year. This year’s tour on Saturday, Sept. 8, includes 10 homes in mid- town and the Presidential area, all within walking distance. “All of them offer something dif- ferent,” said Liz Johnson, outreach Continued on Page 16 NANCY MCCARTHY PHOTOS TOP: The front door of a house on the Cottage & Garden Tour invites visi- tors. The home once was owned by Cannon Beach postmaster Marie Mar- shall. ABOVE: Karen Tye created a small ‘Buddha garden’ in the corner of her front yard. Although the home borders Hemlock Street, a giant hedge provides privacy. When: Friday, Sept. 7, through Sunday, Sept. 9; the tour runs from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday Ticket location: Cannon Beach History Center & Museum, 1387 S. Spruce St.; call 503- 436-930 or go online at info@cbhistory.org for tickets in advance or buy tickets on tour day at the museum. Activities and cost: • Friday night concert, photo booth and reception with the R.J. Marx Quartet: $15 • Saturday lecture and luncheon with keynote speaker Bill Sullivan, an Oregon writer, adven- turer, hiker and histori- an: $25 • Saturday tour and eve- ning jazz concert with the Honeyville Rascals: $35 • Sunday English-style garden tea with keynote speaker and Portland area garden designer Lucy Hardi- man: $20 More details: Check the history center’s website, cbhistory.org/ events-exhibits/cot- tage-tour/ Annual fundraiser: The cottage tour pro- vides 20 percent of the history center’s annual income and allows the museum to offer free admission.