THE TOTEM DIFFERENCE Superior Marketing • Exceptional Service Experienced Top Rated Brokers Jessica Dornin 971-241-4408 Broker 503-739-7500 Michele Hoagland 503-440-1568 Broker Teri Larsen, Rachel Kyniston, and Stephanie Smith, TLC Home Loan Officers Buying your first home, looking for a new home or need to refinance? See Teri, Rachel, or Stephanie for a mortgage loan designed to meet your needs and your budget. From the moment you decide to purchase to the time you move in, they’ll be there to provide you with tools and advice to help make the experience an enjoyable one. • Conventional Home Loans (First, Second, Refinance) • FHA Loans • VA Loans Why TLC? •Step-by-step help from beginning to end •Local decision making •Variety of loan programs •Competitive rates •Online loan access •Pre-approval, so you can house hunt with confidence Julia Radditz 503-367-9024 Karen Radditz 503-449-4645 Principal Broker Principal Broker Outstanding Service Quality Work Down to the Last Detail YOUR LOCAL SOURCE FOR C UMMINS AND K OHLER G ENERATORS Call to make an appointment with Teri, Rachel, or Stephanie today! Branches in Astoria, Seaside, Tillamook, Lincoln City, and Newport. C ALL T ODAY FOR A FREE E STIMATE 503.717.9148 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL SOLAR SYSTEMS 503.842.7523 866.901.3521 Excellent Tax Credits and an Energy Trust Grant can pay for up to 75% of a PV Solar System Local Electricians Available 24/7 A DIVISION OF CREDIT UNION 1.888.826.2905 CCB# 151632 WA LIC# NORTHBE941BD Serving the Northern Oregon Coast and Long Beach Property Lines • September 2018 | 7