5B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 2018 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted Full or part-time Driver needed. Wages DOE, CDL required, North West Ready Mix. 950 Olney Avenue nwready@pacifier.com 503-325-3562 SEASIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT is seeking candidates for: Warrenton-Hammond School District Warrenton Prep Preschool seeks a Preschool Assistant. Position is part-time (8:30-2:30 each day) with paid holidays, sick leave and personal leave. 604 Apartments 651 Help Wanted Emerald Heights 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available (503)325-8221 Ocean Spa Is looking for full time Receptionist & Massage Therapist 651 Help Wanted NOW HIRING Full time & part time positions. Call 503-436-0664 to inquire. FT - Looking for Glazer/Light Carpentry help. Valid drivers license. Must pass drug-screen. Competitive pay. 503-741-3777 Please contact Cynthia at cynthia@awakeningsbythesea.com Planning to move? Sell those items you can’t take with you with a classified ad in The Daily Astorian! Riley’s Restaurant in Seaside is looking for experienced Waitstaff. Come in and apply 1104 S Holladay Drive Experienced Cook Needed OleBob’s seafood restaurant 151 Howerton Way, Ilwaco, WA Competitive pay Apply in person olebobs.com Full-Time Employment Family Health Center, is looking for a exp FT Med. receptionist. Send resume to jobs@cfamhc.org Ocean Park, WA. Full-Time Employment Veterinary Receptionist. Experi- ence required. Fast paced envi- ronment. Friendly, reliable, and self motivated team player. Sea- side, OR. 503-738-8846 info@ seasidepetclinic.com Full-Time Employment Housekeeper/Front Desk $15/hr DOE Tradewinds Condo/Hotel Seaside, OR. 503-738-9468 info@sea- side-tradewinds.com Application and job details are available online at www.warrentonschools.com or contact (503) 861-2281. Warrenton-Hammond School District Warrenton Grade School seeks an Educational Assistant. Position is part-time (six hours per day) with paid holidays, sick leave and personal leave. Application and job details are available online at www.warrentonschools.com or contact (503) 861-2281. Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff • Competitive wages • Health and other benefits • Bonuses Apply or get app at 3301 S Hemlock Cannon Beach or send resume to Now Hiring Waitstaff Apply at Pig ‘N Pancake 146 West Bond, Astoria Your paper has not arrived by 5:30 pm Monday through Friday • Your paper is damaged • You have a problem with a news rack • You are going on vacation • You have questions about your subscription Commission Employment Route Delivery Driver need- ed for our Astoria Depot. Provides superior customer service through proactively managing all route respon- sibilities. Apply online at careers.alsco.com Astoria, Oregon. 503-283-2233 TTishendorf@alsco.com BUSY ASTORIA HOTEL NOW HIRING FOR HOUSEKEEPING FRONT DESK CLERK YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS We’re your newspaper CROSSWORD Astoria Gearhart Surfside Artist’s Sale; Old photos, old advertising, and objects of interest Garage Sale GARAGE SALE Collectibles, Old clock, WWII Medal, Golf Clubs Aug.1 & Sept.1 9am-3pm 35211 J Place (Follow Signs @Oysterville Road & “I”) Sat. Sept. 1 10 - 5 346 Alameda, Astoria Competitive Wage Bonus Program No Phone Calls Please Apply in Person 204 West Marine Drive Astoria or email to sales@astoriahie.com Friday - Saturday 9-4 Sunday 10-2 1110 McCormick Gardens rd, Gearhart Astoria Garage Sale 613 39th St via Franklin Bridge Fri 8/31 + Sat 9/1 9-4 Collectables, boat & trlr stuff, lots of charts, depth sounder, VHF, bos’n chair, new gages, new OMC prop 15”, Honda prop 15” CR, Pwr supply, Subaru wgn cover MOVE OUT BLOW OUT! Warrenton Quality sofas, antique buffets, armoires, oak desk, oriental rugs, king & queen beds, chairs, ottoman, lamps, artwork, household items, and more! 3 Family Sale! No earlies please! Fri - Sun Aug 31st - Sept 2nd 9am - 4pm Too much to list! 88762 Teal Rd. Gearhart Fast-acting classified ads are the ideal way to find buyers for those items you’re selling. Call 503-325-3211 and try one today! Yard Sale Sat, Sun, Mon 9/1 - 9/3 9am-4pm Gearhart - Pacific Way, Across from school 849 14th St. Sat - Sun 9 - 2 HUGE SALE even a foosball table & WAY MORE! Please call if: • w eekend GAR A GE SAL E S Furnishings, books, artwork, garage and hobby room items, and much more! 8 am - 6 pm or leave a message anytime or e-mail us: circulation@dailyastorian.com You would like to order home delivery Classified Ads work hard for you! HUGE MOVING SALE 503-325-32 11 • or (503)738-5591 The District is an EOE. Contact Ed 206-618-6251 Part-Time Employment Janitorial/Housekeeper PM hrs./Send RESUME Attn. JEANNE: Park Medical 2120 Exchange St. Suite 200 Astoria, OR. 503-325- 5360 Customer Service Hotline www.seaside.k12.or.us/employ- ment w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m warrenhousepub@gmail.com The Daily Astorian ASSISTANT COOK Great work environment and EXCELLENT benefits! Visit our employment page for a complete list and to apply: 475 Niagara Ave. all weekend 9-4 Madison Ave Blocksale 4 Houses 1307-1370 Madison-Astoria Antiques, old safe, Jewelry, Furniture, craft supplies, & more. 1 block west of Pioneer Cemetery on the dead end. Sat. Sept 1st Sun. Sept. 2 9AM-4PM SHOP SALE! 40116 Riverview Astoria on Hwy 30 Fri. 1-5, Sat 9-3, Sun. 10-3 Yard Sale Misc, vintage, books, push lawn mower, storage bins 9-1 Sat. 9/1 936 14th Long Beach GARAGE SALE Friday-Saturday-Sunday Aug.31-Sept.1-Sept.2 9am-3pm Furniture-Dishes-Pictures Jigsaw Puzzles-Purses-Cat Tree-Clothing-Electric Fireplace Books-Small Appliances Baby Stuff-Lots Misc. (Free Stuff on Sunday) Full-Time Employment Fort George seeking experienced Class A CDL Driver; competitive wages/benefits. More info at fortgeorgebrewery.com/jobs. Warrenton, OR. 503-325-7468 zack@fortgeorgebrewery. com Records, books, clothing, tools, art, more. 733 Alameda Ave in Astoria Yard/Garage Sale Sat 9/1 - Sun 9/2 9am - 1pm 1692 SE 2nd St, Astoria Men/ women’s plus clothing No furniture Cannon Beach WORLDMARK LONG BEACH MOVING SALE Sold oceanfront home now... HOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISOR Everything Must Go: Beds, Night Stands, Dining Set, Sideboard, Couches, Chairs, Tables, Rugs, Accessories, Beach Stuff, Free Stuff. TOP BRANDS: Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Ethan Allen. Supervisory Experience Preferred. Competitive Wage. Apply at careers.wyndham destinations.com or 420 Sid Snyder Drive 360-642-2101 Now Hiring! Ocean Beach Hospital RN, Relief Charge – Full Time Nights CNA, Hospital – Half Time Days LPN, CMA, or CNA, Ilwaco Clinic – Full Time Physical Therapist – Full Time Days Certified OR Tech, Surgery – Half Time Housekeeper – Half Time More info: oceanbeachhospital.com Contact HR: employment@ oceanbeachhospital.com 360-642-6315 Fri 30th - Sat 1st 10 - 4 90253 Hawkins Rd Cullaby Lake NO EARLY SALES PLEASE! FIND IT, TELL IT, SELL IT! Classified ads! 503-325-3211 Annual Multi-family Garage Sale Lots of treasures for everyone! Household, lawn mower, motorcycle, mini bike Friday 8/31 - Saturday 9/1 8am-3pm 165 SE King Ave DOWNSIZING Too much to store. Moved from house to townhouse and need to make room in my smaller space and garage. Includes furniture, rugs, and lawnmowers. All have been well cared for and are in very good to like-new condition. 313 Sid Snyder Dr.S.E.LB This weekend near the intersection of Main Street and Alternate Highway 101 in Warrenton. Monthly Flea Market Long Beach Grange on Sandridge Road Saturday-Sunday 9am-4pm both days Estate Sale Warrenton Pacific Grange Fri, Sat, Sun 10-4 Tools-Power, hand, yard, hardware, license plates, custom birdhouses, primitives, fishing gear, ammo, camping, DVDs, books, jewelry, coins, Western leather toys, glassware, fruit-jars, clothing, glass floats, aprons/pot-holders, several $1 tables. Everyday treasures! 2 new vendors! Labor day specials! Classic fine furniture, tables, chairs, exquisite secretary desk, Persian rugs, fancy ceramics, Royal Copenhagen, Hungarian, Asian, European art and lots of linens, spiffy clothing, Kilts, candles and lots of household. And a hardwood antique Shoji folding screen. Ocean Park Rain or shine! Everything has to go! MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 8/31-9/1-9/2 Friday-Saturday-Sunday 9am-4pm 22908 V Street (off 226 Follow signs, Klipsan area) Entertainment Center Dining Table w/4-Chairs Loveseat—Recliner—Bowflex Treadclimber—Dishwasher Glass Coffee & End Tables Helmets—Harley Clothes & Boots—School Desk Jewelry—Kitchen Household Goods—Tools Harley Luggage Rack GOOD BARGAINS CASH ONLY! Lots of Harley clothes & leathers, hot wheels, kitchen stuff, furniture, and garage stuff. Boat and trailer, fishing stuff. Yard sale Saturday September 1 8:30 - 3:30 Something for everyone! Lot of baby clothes & furni- ture, toys, too much to list! Priced to sell. Seaside ALL MUST BE SOLD! Sat - Sun Opens at 9am 1100 NW Warrenton Dr #330 ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 Estate Sale At the Gearhart Plaza 395 HWY 101 Saturday 10-4 Cash only! No earlies! Fri, Sat, Sun 10 - 6 225 SW 7th Across from the Warrenton Grade School Tools, electronics, and clothing. Sept 1st 12:00-4:00, Sept 2nd 11:00-2:00 (No Early Birds) 8/31 - 9/2 9am - 4pm 1216 S. Pacific, Cannon Beach. 1226 Ave A Seaside SUDOKU Yard Sale - Misc Items 33669 Westshore Ln Cullaby Lake, Warrenton Friday 9 to 3 - Saturday 9 to 3