The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 30, 2018, Page 4A, Image 4

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Gary Henley | Sports Reporter
tops Seaside
in playoff
The Daily Astorian
SEASIDE — Two teams that
may meet again down the road
squared off Tuesday night in Sea-
side, where the Gulls hosted New-
port in a nonleague boys soccer
And the Cubs returned to Broad-
way Field and got the best of Sea-
side once again, 1-0.
Ranked No. 1 in the state enter-
ing the playoffs last year, the Gulls
suffered an upset loss to Newport
in a quarterfinal game at Broad-
way Field, as Newport won 2-1 on
a late score, with just 10 players on
the field.
In Tuesday’s rematch, the Cubs
scored on a free kick with 15 min-
utes remaining, and held off the
Gulls for the shutout win.
“It was a great game,” said
Seaside coach John Chapman. “I
thought we had a slight advantage
in the first half, and they (the Cubs)
made some adjustments in the sec-
ond half, which was 50-50. It really
could have gone either way.”
Newport’s goal on the free kick
“was a beautiful shot,” Chapman
said, “into the top corner of the
net. I don’t think there’s a keeper
around who could have saved that
As it was, Seaside goalkeeper
Samson Sibony still had a good
night in goal, as the senior looks to
secure the starting job for the Gulls.
Seaside continues a tough non-
league schedule tonight at Junc-
tion City, followed by contests in
the coming weeks against Scap-
poose, Oregon Episcopal and Cat-
lin Gabel, before the Gulls begin
league play Sept. 20 vs. Astoria.
While the boys were battling in
Seaside, the Newport girls soccer
team defeated Seaside, 2-0, at New-
port. In other girls soccer action,
Banks and Estacada tied, 2-2.
Knappa sweeps
Clatskanie, again
The Daily Astorian
KNAPPA — For the second
time in four days, the Knappa vol-
leyball team scored a sweep over
Clatskanie, this time in a non-
league match at Knappa.
The Loggers — who defeated
the Tigers in a best two-of-three
meeting at the Warrenton tourna-
ment last Saturday — cruised past
Clatskanie in three games Tues-
day night, 25-17, 25-9, 25-17.
“Good serving and ball control
was our key focus tonight,” said
Knappa coach Jeff Kaul.
Kourtney Tischer served five
straight points to give the Loggers
an early lead in Game 1, while
Aiko Miller was at the service line
when Knappa built a 15-2 lead in
the second game. Knappa led 14-5
in Game 3.
“While the serving was key,
it was our hitting in the front row
that caused most of the excite-
ment,” Kaul said. “Most of our
front row got some really nice
kills tonight, and we had a few
good hits from our back row also.”
Tischer and Miller were a
combined 35-for-40 serving, with
eight aces.
Tischer logged 13 assists for
the night, with Sophia Carlson
and Hannah Dietrichs collecting
five kills apiece.
Vicki Ramvick and Taylin
Regier sparked the defense with
big blocks at the net.
Knappa plays at Yamhill-Carl-
ton in a nonleague match tonight.
Volleyball — Astoria at Estacada,
6 p.m.; Seaside at Clatskanie, 6 p.m.;
Knappa at Yamhill-Carlton, 6 p.m.; Jew-
ell at Willamette Valley Christian, 6 p.m.
Girls soccer — Rainier at Astoria,
3:30 p.m. (CMH Field); Junction City at
Seaside, 7:30 p.m.
Boys soccer — Estacada at Astoria,
5:15 p.m. (Warrenton soccer complex);
Seaside at Junction City, 4:30 p.m.
Football — Astoria at Scappoose, 7
p.m.; Henley at Seaside, 7 p.m.; Grant
Union at Knappa, 7 p.m.; Warrenton at
Yamhill-Carlton, 7 p.m.; Ilwaco at Verno-
nia, 7 p.m.
Photos by Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian
Kelsey Fausett takes on an opponent at the net for the Astoria Fishermen.
The Daily Astorian
he Astoria volleyball team made a
successful season debut Wednesday
night at the Brick House, as the Lady
Fishermen scored a four-game win over
Catlin Gabel.
Astoria built a quick two-game lead
over the Eagles, on their way to the victory,
25-13, 25-20, 19-25, 25-18.
“I thought we played well for our first
match,” said Astoria coach Jessie Todd.
“We played in the jamboree (at Banks) last
week, but the first official match is always a
little different.
“There’s usually some nerves, and this
was at home, so that creates a little more
excitement,” she said. “But I thought our
girls handled everything well, and chan-
neled that nervousness. The vibe on the
floor was really positive.”
Junior Kajsa Jackson and sophomore
Halle Helmersen had seven kills apiece to
lead the offensive attack, while Jackson
had eight blocks at the net, and Helmersen
served up four aces.
“Kajsa has really taken ownership at
the net,” Todd said. “That’s her domain.
She has started to look comfortable there,
and is moving really well, anticipating the
Julia Norris spikes for Astoria.
Kes Sandstrom added six kills, while
Hailey O’Brien and Kelsey Fausett com-
bined for 40 digs.
Setters Julia Norris and Taja-Rae Tuim-
ato “both made good decisions, and moved
the ball really well,” Todd said.
In other volleyball action Wednesday,
the Stayton Eagles managed to outlast Sea-
side in five games, 25-9, 25-19, 19-25,
18-25, 15-7.
US and Sounders
striker Dempsey
retires from soccer
Associated Press
Astoria’s Jordan Poyer, left, one of six team captains for the Buffalo Bills last Saturday in a
preseason game vs. Cincinnati.
The Daily Astorian
With a week-and-a-half to go before the regular season starts, Jordan Poyer’s 2018 season is shaping up nicely.
Despite playing just half the game Saturday against Cincinnati, Poyer led the Bills with a game-high six tack-
les. Poyer also served as one of six team captains for the Bills, who finish the preseason tonight at Chicago.
SEATTLE — All Clint
Dempsey ever wanted to do was
score goals and go fishing.
He’ll have plenty of time to
do the latter after deciding his
goal-scoring days are over.
In true Dempsey fashion, he’s
stepping away from soccer on his
own terms, with minimal fanfare
on his own part but amid a swell of
appreciation for what he’s meant to
the American game.
“It’s a little bit of a sad day
because we won’t get to see him
play, but at the same time you can
also use this day as a celebration
for some of the great things he has
accomplished in his career,” Seattle
Sounders coach Brian Schmetzer
Dempsey announced Wednes-
day that he’s retiring at age 35 after
15 years of playing profession-
ally. He was mostly a sub with the
Sounders this summer, and that,
combined with age and injury,
prompted him to decide now was
the time to walk away even with
two months left in the MLS regu-
lar season.