AUGUST 30, 2018 // 13 12 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ON YOUR PHONE COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA R Saturday, Sept. 1 Civil War Reenactment 9 a.m., Clatsop County Fairgrounds, 92937 Wal- luski Loop, Astoria, $5 to $8. Tour military camps and watch demonstrations during the Civil War Reenactment & Living History program. Columbia-Pacific Farmers Market Dance Competition 9 a.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside, all ages. Lewis & Clark Feis is an Irish dance festival of performances and competitions. Noon, Veterans Field at 3rd and Oregon streets, Long Beach, Wash., 360-244- 3921. (Fridays) Thursday, Aug. 30 “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Play- house, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104, $10 to $20. “Shang- haied in Astoria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Hollywood-style musicals with local culture. “Baskerville” 7:30 p.m., Coaster The- atre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” is a whim- sical spin on a classic Holmes mystery. Chinook Arts Festival 10 a.m., at the intersection of Hwy. 101 and Olympia St., Chinook, Wash. An out- door arts and crafts festival featuring glass arts, wood sculpting, metal, oils, watercolors, pottery, photography and jewelry. Manzanita Farmers Market √ 5 p.m., Laneda Ave. and 5th St., Manza- nita, 503-368-3339. (Fridays) Tillamook Farmers’ Market Friend-raiser 10 a.m., Elsie-Vinemaple Fire Department, 42644 Loyd Lane, 503-657-7983. All-volunteer Elsie Fire & Rescue rolls out another Friend Raiser fire- house community yard sale event, concessions also available. 9 a.m., 2nd St. and Laurel Ave., Tilla- mook, 503-842-2146. (Saturdays) Clatskanie Farmers Market 10 a.m., Copes Park, 11 Lillich St., Clats- Fun at the Fort 11 a.m., Fort Stevens State Park, 100 Peter Iredale Road, Hammond, 503-861-2000. Fort Steven’s Fun at the Fort weekend offers games, JR Ranger programs, guided tours, history and food. kanie. (Saturdays) Saturday Market at the Port 10 a.m., Port of Ilwaco, 165 Howerton Ave., Ilwaco, Wash. (Saturdays) COLIN MURPHEY PHOTO The crew of the Contata leave other boats be- hind as they race on the Columbia River. Downtown Rally 5:30 p.m., Astoria Yacht Club, 300 Industry St., Astoria, 503-784-5072. Skippers pro- vide sailing opportunities to the public for a fun, social cruise along the waterfront; $5 boat fee, donations for food accepted. √ Friday, Aug. 31 “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “The Musical of Musicals: The Musi- cal!” is an entertaining parody of musicals. Movie Screening 9 p.m., Fort George Brewery, 1483 Duane St., Astoria, 503-325- 7468, rated PG-13. √ Gearhart ArtWalk 2 p.m., celebrate creative art forms during the monthly Gearhart ArtWalk at partici- pating merchants. √ SummerFest Noon, along Pacific Ave., Long Beach, Seaside Art Walk 5 p.m., celebrate the arts in Seaside at businesses providing original artwork, receptions and demonstrations at the First Saturday Art Walk. Wash. (Saturdays/Sundays) √ Astoria Sunday Market 10 a.m., 12th St. & Marine Drive, Asto- ria, 503-325-1010. (Sundays) “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104, $10 to $20. “Shanghaied in As- toria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Holly- wood-style musicals with local culture. The Vintage Flea 10 a.m., behind Astoria Vintage Hard- ware on the riverwalk, 1162 Marine “Baskerville” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery” is a whimsical spin on a classic Holmes mystery. Drive, Astoria, 503-325-1313. (Sunday) Fort George The- ater presents a free screening of the 1986 movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” concessions available inside. “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Play- house, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104, $10. “Shanghaied in As- toria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Holly- wood-style musicals with local culture. Cannon Beach Farmers Market 1 p.m., Hemlock/Gower streets near City Hall, 163 Gower Ave., Cannon Beach, 503-436-8044. (Tuesdays) COURTESY ICEFIRE GLASSWORKS Seaside Farmers Market 3 p.m., Broadway Middle School park- ing area off Hwy. 101, Seaside, 503-738- 3311. (Wednesdays) ‘Stone Trio’ by Jim Kingwell at Icefire Glassworks, an example of what to find in the shop he owns with his wife, Suzanne Kindland. Icefire Seconds Sale 8:30 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Icefire Glassworks will host its annual weeklong end-of-season sale with nearly 400 near-perfect pieces to choose from. Coast Weekend welcomes comments and contributions from readers. New items for publication consideration must be submitted by 10 a.m. Tuesday, one week and two days before publication. √ √ Coast Weekend editor suggested events Sunday, Sept. 2 Check out the Coast Weekend calendar, and other great content at Monday, Sept. 3 Chinook Arts Festival 10 a.m., at the intersection of Hwy. 101 and Olympia St., Chinook, Wash. An outdoor arts and crafts festival featuring glass arts, wood sculpting, metal, oils, watercolors, pottery, photography and jewelry. Civil War Reenactment 9 a.m., Clatsop County Fairgrounds, 92937 Walluski Loop, Astoria, $5 to $8. Tour military camps and watch demonstrations during the Civil War Reenact- ment & Living History program. Dance Competition 9 a.m., Seaside Convention Cen- ter, 415 First Ave., Seaside, all ages. Feis na Mara is an Irish dance festival of performanc- es and competitions. √ Chinook Arts Festival 10 a.m., at the intersec- tion of Hwy. 101 and Olympia St., Chinook, Wash. An outdoor arts and crafts festival fea- turing glass arts, wood sculpting, metal, oils, watercolors, pottery, photography and jewelry. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glass- works, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503- 436-2359. Choose from a selection of 400 near-perfect pieces at Icefire Glassworks’ annual end-of-season seconds sale. Fun at the Fort 11 a.m., Fort Ste- vens State Park, 100 Peter Iredale Road, Hammond, 503- 861-2000. Fort Steven’s Fun at the Fort weekend offers games, JR Ranger programs, guided tours, history and food. √ “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “The Musical of Musicals: The Musi- cal!” is an entertaining parody of musicals. Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect pieces at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of-season seconds sale. COLIN MURPHEY PHOTO Hundreds of Civil War reenactors take to the battlefield at Fort Stevens State Park in 2017. Civil War Reenactment 9 a.m., Clatsop County Fairgrounds, 92937 Walluski Loop, Astoria, $5 to $8. Tour military camps and watch demonstrations during the Civil War Reenactment & Living History program. √ Tuesday, Sept. 4 Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect pieces at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of- season seconds sale. Ric’s Poetry Mic 7 p.m., WineKraft, 80 10th St., Astoria, 503- 468-0206. Sign up at 6:45 to read poetry or a short story at this monthly poetry open mic. √ Wednesday, Sept. 5 Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect pieces at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of-season seconds sale. Fishnet Talks 11:45 a.m., Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St., Astoria, 503-706-6248. Fishnet: The Gathering of Older Men is a free discussion group providing a free lunch and discussions on enhancing social options for older men; open to the public. Angora Hiking Club 1 p.m., meet at 6th St. parking lot (6th and 7th streets), Marine Drive, Astoria, 503-325-2115. Phuong Van Horn will lead an easy hike to tour the Yeon House. √ ASOC Auditions 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503- 325-6104. Director Karen Bain will hold auditions for ASOC’s night of improv comedy to feature a troupe of actors who can listen, respond and focus; no experi- ence necessary. Labor Day Potluck Noon, Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Exchange St., Astoria, 503-325- 3231. The Astoria Senior Center is having a Labor Day potluck free to members, $5 for guests, bring a dish to share; limited seating, sign up required. √ Thursday, Sept. 6 Icefire Seconds Sale 10 a.m., Icefire Glassworks, 116 Gower, Cannon Beach, 503-436-2359. Choose from a selection of near-perfect pieces at Icefire Glassworks’ end-of-sea- son seconds sale. √ Protect the River 5:30 p.m., Astoria City Hall, 1095 Duane St., Astoria. Oregon Parks & Recreation Department will host a public meeting to discuss the des- ignation and management plan of the Nehalem Scenic Waterway. ASOC Auditions 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104. Director Karen Bain will hold au- ditions for ASOC’s night of improv comedy to feature a troupe of ac- tors who can listen, respond and focus; no experience necessary. Comic Showcase 7:30 p.m., Labor Temple, 934 Duane St., Astoria, 503- 325-0801, no cover, 21+. Enjoy an early evening of PG rated stand-up comedy by local talent. √ Book Launch 7 p.m., Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503- 368-3846. The Hoffman Cen- ter will host a book launch for Mark Smith’s new novel “The Osprey and the Sea Wolf, The Battle of the Atlantic 1942.” COURTESY MARK SCOTT SMITH ‘The Osprey and the Sea Wolf’ cover.