6 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Sing along with North Coast Chorale COURTESY NORTH COAST CHORALE The North Coast Chorale performs at Clatsop Community College’s Performing Arts Center. ASTORIA — Anyone who loves to sing is invited to join the North Coast Chorale. The community chorus’ fall program begins at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, at the Performing Arts Center. This season will include singing with the Cascadia Chamber Opera in their performance of “Tango of the White Gardenia” on Sat- urday, Sept. 29; the annual “Messiah” Sing-Along to raise funds and food for the Clatsop Community Action Regional Food Bank on Sunday, Nov. 25; the NCC Winter concert, which will focus on songs about Mary, Friday through Sunday, Dec 7 through 9; and a trip to Portland for a concert at the Grotto, Festival of Lights. Other opportunities include singing at the Scandinavian Sancta Lucia Festival, caroling on Commercial Street to open the Christmas season and singing with the North Coast Symphonic Band at their holiday concert. Mark your calendars now for performances you don’t want to miss! All voice ranges, and anyone from sixth graders through senior citizens, are welcome. No auditions are required. To join the fun, contact Cheryl Capellen at 503-791-5681, Cindy Van Arsdall at 503-440-3486 or Denise Reed at 503-338- 8403. Or just come on down, get acquainted and start singing with us at the PAC on Tuesday, Sept. 11. Free Concert in the Park features Steve Azar & the King’s Men WARRENTON — The Warren- ton Business Association and the City of Warrenton proudly present the third annual Free Concert in the Park, 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1. Gates open at 2 p.m. This year the WBA hosts Steve Azar & the King’s Men. The concert will take place at Robinson City Park behind City Hall in Warrenton. Special guest Cherish, a local talent just back from Nashville after recording her first single, kicks off the show. Azar, is known for his chart-busting hits, including ‘I Don’t Have to Be Me (’til Monday),” ‘Waiting on Joe” and “Sunshine.” With his new album, “Down at the Liquor Store,” recorded with the par- ticipation of the King’s Men — a group of musicians that have backed BB King, Elvis Presley and other “kings,” Steve will present some of the best music the country has to offer. The WBA summer con- certs have grown in popu- larity and mark the official end of summer. Join us for a COLIN MURPHEY PHOTO The Cannon Beach Chorus in rehearsal. Steve Azar. Cannon Beach Chorus kicks off fall season great afternoon of music and community! The Warrenton Business Association is a panel of nine CANNON BEACH — The Can- non Beach Chorus, under the direction of John Buehler, will begin its fall season for 2018 at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 3, at the Cannon Beach Community Church, 132 E. Washington St. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Chorus has grown to about 55 voices and includes singers from every COURTESY WARRENTON BUSINESS ASSOCIATION members appointed by the City Commission. The asso- ciation promotes and supports businesses in Warrenton. coastal community between Astoria and Oceanside. The fall season concerts, titled “Caroling, Caroling!,” are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, and will include carols by John Rutter, Albert Burt and others by well-known composers. In addition to concert performances, the Chorus awards scholarships to young vocalists and is an advocate for choral music education programs area- wide. Rehearsals are held 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays. New members are always welcome. For more infor- mation, visit cannonbeach- chorus.org or call 503-436- 0378.