2 // COASTWEEKEND.COM TV star John O’Hurley brings ‘Standards’ to Coaster Theatre CANNON BEACH — John O’Hur- ley — an actor best known from “Seinfeld,” “Dancing with the Stars” and currently starring in “Chicago” on Broadway — comes to Cannon Beach to perform his one-man show, “A Man with Standards,” at the Coaster Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8. Humorous and poignant, O’Hurley delights his audiences with the colorful stories and songs of his youth, and revisits his unforgettable moments on television. “A Man with Standards” has been praised for O’Hurley’s retrospective of music from the Great American Songbook, and has been nominated by Broad- way World for the Best Show award. O’Hurley is best known as the character J. Peterman on “Seinfeld,” now the No. 1 syndicated show in the world, seen in 85 countries. He won a Screen Actors Guild award for his work. He captured America’s heart with his turn on Season No. 1 of “Dancing with the Stars,” where he officially won the ABC series with the highly contested “Dance Off” and was named one of People Magazine’s “Sex- iest Men Alive.” O’Hurley is now the regular host of NBC Sports’ high- est-rated yearly show, “The National Dog Show presented by Purina,” a 17-year Thanks- giving tradition seen by 30 mil- lion viewers, as well as the Beverly Hills Dog Show airing on Easter Sunday. O’Hurley is also a New York Times bestselling author of three books and a Billboard chart-topping composer/pianist of two albums. For tickets to O’Hurley’s Coaster Theatre show, visit coastertheatre.com or call the theater at 503-436-1242. SHOP JEREMY DANIEL PHOTO John O’Hurley stars as slick lawyer Billy Flynn in Broadway’s production of ‘Chicago.’ Downtown Astoria M ORE Antiques • Nautical Items Glassware • Vintage Decor Last 2018 Market 892 Marine Drive, Astoria ( 503 ) 338-0101 VINTAGE FLEA Sunday, September 2 nd ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! 10am to 4pm On the River Walk West of 12th Street (Behind Vintage Hardware) JULY 12TH THRU SE PT. 1ST 2018 S u n d a y M a t i n e e s @ 2 : 00 P M J u l y 2 2 n d , A u g . 5 t h & 1 9 t h CALL FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL • ALL TICKETS JUST $10! Box Office Opens One Hour Before Show Times • NO LATE SEATING HEATHER JENSON 129 West Bond Str. Uniontown Astoria 971-704-1716 BUY TICKETS ONLINE NOW @WWW.ASOCPLAY.COM hjenson@dailyastorian.com ** EVERY THURS. FRI. & SAT. EVENING** D O O R S O P E N 6 : 00 P M • S H O W T I M E 7 : 00 P M TICKETS $20 FRONT ROW, $15 FOR ADULTS & $10 FOR KIDS UNDER 12 ASOC PLAYHOUSE 1162 Marine Drive THAN JUST ANTIQUES ! 45+ V ENDORS