2A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2018 Ronald Joe Perdue Reino Antero Vedenoja Astoria Aug. 11, 1958 — Aug. 19, 2018 Astoria April 15, 1935 — Aug. 23, 2018 Hazel; his sister, LeEllen; and brothers, Ray and Jerry. He is also survived by his “one and only, only one” wife, Susan; son, James Per- due and his wife, Brandi; son, Jason Perdue and his wife, Dany; daughter, Danielle Per- due and her significant other, James. He leaves behind five granddaughters, Josephine Rose Perdue Posey, Lily Marie Perdue, Kaylee Ann Perdue, Grace May Perdue and Riley Eliza- beth Rae Nice. They were the twinkle in his eyes. His father, Raymond, preceded him in death. At Ron’s request, there will be a “Cele- bration of Life” and potluck at 89642 Logan Road, in Astoria, Oregon, on Sept. 8 at noon. Anyone wishing to share memories is invited to do so. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made in Ron’s name to Lower Columbia Hospice, 2111 Exchange St., Asto- ria, OR., 97103. Funeral arrangements are being handled by Hughes-Ransom Mortuaries and Crema- tory, Astoria. Visit the online memorial tribute to write a comment or sign the guest book at www.hughes-ransom.com, or share with oth- ers on fb.me/hughesransommortuary Ron Joe Perdue was born in Astoria, Ore- gon, on Aug. 11, 1958, to Raymond and Hazel Perdue (Mobley). He was a Clatsop County resident his entire life. Ron graduated from Warrenton High School in 1976. He married Susan Turnbull in April 1977, and they had three children. Ron worked most of his adult life at the Warren- ton Sawmill. He enjoyed spending time with his fam- ily, camping and riding anything equipped with a motor. He especially favored quads, UTV’s and motorcycles. Ron had quite a gift for teaching others how to ride, and his pas- sion for this pastime gave confidence to any- one willing to learn. He wanted everyone else to share in his enthusiasm for riding. In addition to his love of life and his family, Ron was perhaps best known for his unfiltered sense of humor. Ron lived in the Lewis and Clark area of Astoria at the time of his death, and enjoyed how peaceful it was there. He passed on Aug. 19, 2018, at the age of 60, after a brief battle with cancer. He was surrounded by those he loved. At the time of his passing, he was very concerned about the love of his life. He is survived by his beautiful mother, Reino Antero Vedenoja was born on April ing his family grow and blossom, and tinker- 15, 1935 in Kalajoki, Finland, and was called ing around the house and yard. He was incredi- home to heaven on Aug. 23, 2018, at his home bly proud of his family, and always had a good story to share with anyone who would listen. in Astoria, Oregon. After a long and full life, his final A proud Finn, Reino was born in days were spent exactly as he had a small town much like his future wanted, cared for and surrounded by home on the Oregon Coast. Kala- his wife and large, loving family. joki was a small seaside community Reino is survived by his wife, that was blessed with abundant fish- ing, farming and forest resources. Raili; children, Marju (Vaughn) Jaa- kola, Lasse (Melissa) Vedenoja, Reino grew up on a farm, the young- est child in a large family. Arja (Jeff) Shepard, Eeva Gray, Sari (Dean) Hartman, of Astoria, Ore- Reino met the love of his life, gon, and Eija (Risto) Liias, of Ever- Raili, in Kalajoki, and they were ett, Washington; grandchildren, married on Aug. 29, 1954. Soon after their wedding, Reino was sum- Reino Vedenoja Petri, Sanna (Jason), Kai (Nicki), moned to serve in the Finnish Army, Kimmo (Jennifer), Kirsti, Marko, Katri (Mike), AJ, Jason, Lisa (Neil), where his enterprising spirit led him to become a self-taught barber to earn extra Timo (Hayden), Mika, Markus and Maija (Wyatt); great-grandchildren, Mikko, Raija, money to support his young family. After the Army, Reino worked as an entre- Marissa, Taylor, Gavin, Vivianna, Leo, Ciara, preneur and trucker, mill worker, construction Josh, Grayden, Emelia, Landin and Brayden; worker and metal fabricator — the one thread sister, Elli Rasmus, of Alavieska, Finland; and that ran through his storied working life was his many, many other loved ones from Oregon to incredible work ethic and pride in what he did. Finland. The family wishes to thank Dr. Paul Voeller, In 1971, Reino and Raili and their seven chil- dren immigrated to Astoria, Oregon. With the the neurointensive care unit team at Oregon support of Raili’s brother, Antti, wife, Eila, and Health & Science University, Lower Columbia the Rahkola family, Reino and family planted Hospice, and Columbia Memorial Hospital for new roots and found their place in a commu- the care provided to Reino. nity that reminded them very much of where There will be a private, graveside memorial they grew up. followed by a celebration of Reino’s life at his After the tragic loss of their beloved daugh- home on Erie Avenue on Saturday, Sept. 1, at ter, Maija, in 1982, Reino found redemption 3 p.m.; friends and loved ones are warmly wel- and peace through Jesus Christ. He became a come to join this celebration. In lieu of flowers, leader and elder in the Finnish Free Evangel- the family requests that you support the Astoria ical Church, and was known in the U.S., Can- Rescue Mission or a charity of your choice in ada and Finland for his powerful personal tes- Reino’s loving memory. timony of faith and his rich baritone voice. In “I have fought the good fight, I have finished their home, Reino and Raili hosted church ser- the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in vices and prayer meetings, as well as pastors, store for me the crown of righteousness, which missionaries, evangelists, singers and even an the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to Olympic athlete sharing his path to Christ. In retirement, Reino found great joy in all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Tim- fishing the Columbia River, traveling, watch- othy 4:7-8 Hood to Coast chairman replaced after snubbing women’s teams By BRENNA VISSER The Daily Astorian Hood to Coast founder and chairman Bob Foote has been replaced after not recog- nizing the top women’s teams during the awards ceremony for the relay on Saturday in Seaside. Foote and Hubber, and is a decision Foote “100 percent supports.” “What’s not being said is that Bob has suggested this for years, that she take over,” Floyd said. “Felicia agreed, and has decided now is the time for her to chart our future as an organization.” Organizers announced Foote’s daughter, Felicia Hubber, the race director since 2006, as the new chair- woman. Hubber will also continue as race director. Chief operating offi- cer Dan Floyd said the deci- sion was the result of a con- versation between himself, FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR ASTORIA TONIGHT WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 65 55 53 ALMANAC Times of clouds and sun Intervals of clouds and sun New Salem 55/80 Newport 50/62 Sep 9 Coos Bay 53/64 Full Sep 16 La Grande 45/87 Baker 40/86 Burns 35/85 Lakeview 36/83 Ashland 57/90 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2018 Tonight's Sky: The Milky Way arcs high overhead, from Cassiopeia in the north, through the Summer Triangle overhead, to Sagittarius in the south. Source: Jim Todd, OMSI TOMORROW'S TIDES Astoria / Port Docks Time 9:53 a.m. 10:19 p.m. Low -0.1 ft. 0.8 ft. Hi 76 79 66 89 68 81 90 87 68 70 Today Lo 40 47 51 53 54 42 55 52 50 52 W pc pc s pc s s pc pc s s Hi 86 85 60 81 64 84 90 81 62 63 Wed. Lo 43 45 50 54 57 43 54 54 51 54 W s pc pc pc pc s s pc pc pc City Olympia Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem Seaside Spokane Springfi eld Vancouver Yakima Hi 82 81 87 92 88 72 75 89 86 81 Today Lo 48 54 57 55 55 53 52 53 54 49 W pc pc pc pc pc s pc pc pc pc Hi 70 90 78 84 80 65 79 84 78 85 Wed. Lo 53 58 59 56 56 57 52 53 57 50 W pc pc pc s pc pc pc pc pc s TOMORROW'S NATIONAL WEATHER NATIONAL CITIES Today Hi Lo 91 73 96 77 93 70 75 52 83 57 92 74 98 72 56 44 88 78 91 75 90 62 100 77 82 67 92 76 88 77 94 75 88 79 92 78 94 69 95 77 95 78 76 56 70 58 81 56 95 79 REGIONAL CITIES City Baker City Bend Brookings Eugene Ilwaco Klamath Falls Medford Newberg Newport North Bend W pc s c pc t s s c c s t s pc pc pc pc t pc s pc s s pc pc s Wed. Hi Lo 88 72 98 77 75 60 89 58 75 55 83 61 99 74 57 44 88 77 84 63 78 60 100 80 83 67 90 75 88 78 90 73 88 78 94 78 88 71 95 78 84 68 86 65 72 60 71 57 95 78 Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. W t s sh s s t pc c pc t s s pc t t t pc s pc pc pc s pc s s APPLIANCE AND HOME FURNISHINGS 529 SE MARLIN, WARRENTON 503-861-0929 IN YE TSOP C LA NTY C OU tion Astoria responded to the scene. A rescue swimmer from the helicopter secured the woman in a stokes litter on deck before she was hoisted from the ship. After the helicopter arrived back at the air station, she was taken by ambulance to Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria. a woman was putting a child inside. The woman jumped inside the car to avoid the collision. Nelson, who police suspect consumed drugs prior to the accident, was taken to Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria. • At 1:14 p.m. Friday, Dennis Charles Tresham, 66, of Astoria, was arrested by Astoria police on Alameda Avenue and Floral Street and charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants. A car Tresham was allegedly driving went over an embank- ment and rolled 20 feet before coming to a stop in an upside down position. Tresham’s blood alcohol content was 0.13 percent. PUBLIC MEETINGS TUESDAY Clatsop County Human Services Advisory Council, 4 to 5:30 p.m., 800 Exchange St., Room 430. Clatsop Care Health District Board, 5 p.m., Clatsop Care Health and Rehabilitation, 646 16th St. Astoria Library Board, 5:30 p.m., Library Flag Room, 450 10th St. Warrenton City Commission, 6 p.m., City Hall, 225 S. Main Ave. Astoria Planning Commis- sion, 6:30 p.m., City Hall, 1095 Duane St. Estimated jackpot: $31,000 Monday’s Megabucks: 3-4-22- 25-28-48 Estimated jackpot: $6.3 million Estimated jackpot: $100,000 Monday’s Keno: 04-09-10-11- 12-15-22-26-27-42-47-50-55- 57-58-60-65-67-75-79 Monday’s Lotto: 05-23-24-31- 39-40 Estimated jackpot: $2.1 million Monday’s Match 4: 01-08-11-12 THURSDAY Clatsop County Recreational Lands Planning and Advisory Committee, 1 to 3 p.m., fourth floor, 800 Exchange St. WASHINGTON Monday’s Daily Game: 2-0-5 Monday’s Hit 5: 15-17-20-32-34 OBITUARY POLICY PACKAGE DEALS Mattresses, Furniture & More! DUII • At 8:40 p.m. Friday, Terry Diane Nelson, 67, of Astoria, was arrested by Asto- ria police and charged with driving under the influence of intoxicants, reckless driv- ing, reckless endangerment and second-degree criminal mischief. Nelson allegedly crashed into a parked car as OREGON Monday’s Pick 4: 1 p.m.: 5-1-5-5 4 p.m.: 2-9-6-4 7 p.m.: 6-2-1-6 10 p.m.: 1-0-7-4 Monday’s Lucky Lines: 02-08- 09-14-20-23-25-31 APPLIANCE 3 A 0 RS Oscar Dyson-class fisher- ies research vessel based in Newport — contacted the Coast Guard at 10:23 p.m. The caller reported that the woman sat down on the deck due to dizziness, suffered a seizure and temporarily lost consciousness. An MH-60 Jayhawk heli- copter crew from Air Sta- LOTTERIES Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow fl urries, sn-snow, i-ice. Over The Daily Astorian ON THE RECORD Ontario 47/87 Klamath Falls 42/84 Woman rescued after seizure on NOAA ship off Grays Harbor A 32-year-old woman was hoisted Sunday from a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion vessel about 40 miles northwest of Grays Harbor, Washington. The crew onboard Bell M. Shimada — a 196-foot Roseburg 55/84 Brookings 49/59 Sep 24 John Day 48/89 Bend 47/85 Medford 55/90 UNDER THE SKY High 7.7 ft. 7.8 ft. Prineville 45/88 Lebanon 54/83 Eugene 53/81 First Pendleton 54/90 The Dalles 54/85 Portland 57/78 Sunset tonight ........................... 8:02 p.m. Sunrise Wednesday .................... 6:32 a.m. Moonrise today .......................... 9:23 p.m. Moonset today ............................ 8:35 a.m. City Atlanta Boston Chicago Denver Des Moines Detroit El Paso Fairbanks Honolulu Indianapolis Kansas City Las Vegas Los Angeles Memphis Miami Nashville New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Philadelphia St. Louis Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle Washington, DC 65 53 Tillamook 51/68 SUN AND MOON Time 3:33 a.m. 4:05 p.m. 64 51 Shown is tomorrow's weather. Temperatures are tonight's lows and tomorrow's highs. ASTORIA 53/65 Precipitation Monday ............................................ 0.00" Month to date ................................... 0.51" Normal month to date ....................... 0.94" Year to date .................................... 36.25" Normal year to date ........................ 37.88" Sep 2 Times of clouds and sun SATURDAY REGIONAL WEATHER Astoria through Monday. Temperatures High/low ....................................... 71°/55° Normal high/low ........................... 69°/52° Record high ............................ 88° in 1894 Record low ............................. 43° in 1955 Last 65 53 Low clouds followed by some sun Partly cloudy this evening; cloudy late FRIDAY HOURS OPEN: MON-FRI 8-6 * SATURDAY * SUNDAY 10-4 We Service What We Sell The Daily Astorian publishes paid obituaries. The obituary can include a small photo and, for veterans, a flag symbol at no charge. The deadline for all obituaries is 9 a.m. the business day prior. Obituaries may be edited for spelling, proper punctuation and style. Death notices and upcoming services will be published at no charge. Notices must be submitted by 9 a.m. the day of publication. Obituaries and notices may be submitted online at www.dailyastorian.com/forms/obits, by email at ewilson@dailyastorian.com, placed via the funeral home or in person at The Daily Astorian office, 949 Exchange St. in Astoria. For more information, call 503-325-3211, ext. 257. The Daily Astorian Established July 1, 1873 (USPS 035-000) Published daily, except Saturday and Sunday, by EO Media Group, 949 Exchange St., PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103 Telephone 503- 325-3211, 800-781-3211 or Fax 503-325-6573. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Astorian, PO Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103-0210 www.dailyastorian.com MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper. 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