5C THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2018 Boxer Sophie, 3, is a “lover of people, sweets and anything crunchy,” says Ni- cole Pedersen of Knappa. Steve, 5 months, is a border collie-Lab mix. Destant Jack of Seaside says he “al- ways looks for an excuse to cuddle.” Gracie, 12, Cruiser, 11, and Colt, 9, are Staffordshire terriers from three different rescues. But Paula Vernon of Woodland, Washington, says “They make a great matched set!” Dudley is 11 and a yellow Lab, who lives with Kevin and Heidi Schenk in Long Beach in Vancouver, Washington. Not all who listen are human... Treat your pet to a membership at: Coast Community Radio KMUN KTCB KCPB Membership Drive August 19-25 503.325.0010 info@boastradio.org Membership@boastradio.org Ginny Wright of Cannon Beach says Pika, 8.5, is the “Best companion ever!” Pika is a soft-coated Wheaten terrier. Louie, 2, is a shih tzu living in Astoria with Sarah Barba. Kolby Jack, 2, is a blue merle Australian shepherd striking a pose for Laurie Rober- son of Longview and Ilwaco, Washington. Sophie, 6, is a wire-haired Doxie, and Sadie, 2, is a whippet mix, having fun on the beach with Janelle Hux of Vancouver, Washington. PET DAYCARE Includes indoor climate-controlled Standard Suite. Playtime, potty breaks and adequate rest time is provided throughout the day. Meals/Snacks can be provided if requested. Pit bull Bailey is 2 and lives with Michelle Dill in Long Beach, Washington. Don’t leave your best friend home alone! CALL TODAY to schedule a complimentary visit! 1480 SE 9 TH S TREET , W ARRENTON (503) 861-9817 BAYBREEZE - BOARDING . COM