4B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2018 CL ASSIF IE D M ARK ETPL A CE P lace classified ad s o n lin e at w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m o r call 503-325-3211 107 Public Notices Occasionally other companies make telemarketing calls off classified ads. These companies are not affiliated with The Daily Astorian and customers are under no obligation to participate. If you would like to contact the attorney general or be put on the do not call list, here are the links to both of them Complaint form link: http://www.doj.state.or.us/ finfraud/ Warrenton-Hammond School Board of Directors Announce Vacancy The Board of Directors of the Warrenton-Hammond School District No. 30 is ac- tively seeking one applicant to serve on the school district’s Board of Directors, Position 4, through June 30, 2019. Any interested citizen, who is a resident of the Warren- ton-Hammond School District for at least one year immedi- ately preceding the appoint- ment, is invited to submit an application. Applications can be downloaded from the Dis- trict’s website, www.warren- tonschools.com, or picked up from the District Office Mon- day through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., 820 SW Cedar Avenue in Warrenton. The deadline for receipt of applications is noon on Tuesday, September 25th. Applicant interviews will be held September 26th. The appointment and first meeting for the selected candidate will be held Wednesday, October 10th. If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL 503-325-3211 F OR A Daily Astorian Classified Ad SPECIALTY SERVICES W E URGE YOU TO PATRONIZE THE LOCAL PROFESSIONALS ADVERTISING IN T HE D AILY A STORIAN S PECIALTY S ERVICES . T O PLACE YOUR S PECIALTY S ERVICES AD , CALL 325-3211. Do you believe in magic? Place an ad in the classifieds and watch the item you sell turn into instant cash! Call 503-325-3211 today! 107 Public Notices 110 Announcements CLOSING-LIQUIDATION SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO WARRENTON-HAMMOND SCHOOL DISTRICT IS SEEKING BUDGET COMMITTEE APPLICANTS The Warrenton-Hammond School District is hereby tak- ing applications for Budget Committee members. The budget committee will have the responsibility for re- viewing the financial program of the district, reviewing the proposed district budget as presented by the superinten- dent and recommending an annual or biennial district bud- get in keeping with the provi- sions of applicable state laws. • Members are appointed by the Board of Directors • Members must live and be registered to vote in the Warrenton-Hammond School District • Members must not be an officer, agent or employee of the Warrenton-Ham- mond School District • Members normally serve a three-year term, but some positions are completing other terms of office and may be shorter in duration. Position 2 Position 6 Three year term Three year term Furniture, clothing, knick knacks, books, entertain- ment, jewelry, tools, textiles, household, pictures, frames. Also huge selection of shelves, display cases, fixtures. House For Sale By Owner Beautiful house with a million dollar view. Equipped with solar panels. Price Reduced: $475,000 Call (503)440-8918 Call 503-338-6318 Sale dates: 8/1 - 9/15 In need of some volunteers! LOST - REWARD Gold Italian S-link bracelet Lost between Seaside and Gearhart Has sentimental value! (503)628-0330 Missing 14 y/o Tabby male cat Skeeter very friendly, smallish, loud meower, no collar missing since Aug 9th Seen last on 5th and Klaskanie If you’ve seen him or know his whereabouts call Linda (503)791-2051 ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. SHOP LOCAL! To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 166 Good Things to Eat Looks & runs great! In Astoria, you haul. 504 Homes for Sale 181 Lost & Found 216 Vans 2003 E250 Ford 3/4 Ton Van, 5.4L (350 Cu In) V8, Auto, A/C, P/S, AM/FM/Cass, 2-Seat, 9’ft Bed, 9 Windows. Burgundy, Good Condition. Mid-Peninsula. $2,000 360-777-3411 301 RVs & Travel Trailers PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “Any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1(800)669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1(800)927-9275. LARGE LEVEL LOT North End of J Place Excellent views of ocean to west, Willapa Hills to east. Lot Cleared/Ready to Build Septic/Water/Power In. $51,900 503-805-8059 113th & Sandridge N. Long Beach, WA CROSSWORD Beautiful brand-new Jayco Jay Flight 25- foot 2017 travel trailer Model 212QBW Purchased in the summer of 2017 and never used. Comfortable, airy, well-de- signed travel trailer with lots of windows, a skylight, elec- tric canopy, air-condition- ing, radio, microwave and all the usual features in this best-selling model. Purchased in anticipation of travel but plans have changed. We literally have not spent a single night in it and it has not left our Ilwaco driveway since being deliv- ered from Portland. PRICE REDUCED FROM $20,000 TO $17,500! 360-642-7116; Please leave msg. Let your pockets “jingle” with extra cash from the Daily Astorian classifieds. warrenhousepub@gmail.com Pacific Crest Physical Therapy Warrenton, OR is hiring a full time receptionist. Skills in computer, appointment scheduling, and medical insurance. Must be a team player, multi-tasker, with attention to detail. Send resume to 25 N Hwy 101, Warrenton, OR 97146 email: billing@pacificcrestpt.com 503-861-3550 HOUSEKEEPING FRONT DESK CLERK YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS Competitive Wage Bonus Program No Phone Calls Please Apply in Person 204 West Marine Drive Astoria or email to sales@astoriahie.com WE DELIVER! Please leave a light on or install motion detector lights to make your carrier’s job easier. Thanks! THE DAILY ASTORIAN Dental Assistant Sterilization Tech Looking for customer service minded, energetic, people person who wants to join a winning team at Seaside Family Dentistry. Mon-Thur Radiology Certificate Required santos@seasidefamilydentistry.com 516 Lots & Acreage Cranguyma Farms Apply or get app at 3301 S Hemlock Cannon Beach or send resume to 651 Help Wanted Full-Time Employment Fort George seeking experienced Class A CDL Driver; competitive wages/benefits. More info at fortgeorgebrewery.com/jobs. Warrenton, OR. 503-325-7468 zack@fortgeorgebrewery. com The Pacific County Resiliency Corps is seeking candidates for the AmeriCorps team to serve directly with youth and build resilience in our community. Placements at Ocean Beach School, the Boys & Girls Club, and Peninsula Active Learners. Full time with benefits, $1,307.86/month stipend with $5,920 educational award. Submit resumes by September 1st. Email resumes to pcya@willapabh.org pacificcountyyouth.org Go. Do. BUDGE T AD $ 100% Natural $2.00 lb. • Competitive wages • Health and other benefits • Bonuses Drop off résumé/references at 2283 N Roosevelt Dr. or email: coastweekend.com Open Daily ‘til 6 pm Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff BUSY ASTORIA HOTEL NOW HIRING FOR U-Pic k Blueberrie s 651 Help Wanted Free Treadmill PENNYWISE THRIFT STORE 723/737A E. Harbor Dr. Warrenton Applications and additional in- formation are available at the school district office located at 820 SW Cedar Ave., Warren- ton. 503-861-2281. Or on the district website at www.warrentonschools.com. Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Daily Astorian. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. 481 Freebies pacificnorthvest@gmail.com 604 Apartments Emerald Heights 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available (503)325-8221 651 Help Wanted Experienced Cook Needed OleBob’s seafood restaurant 151 Howerton Way, Ilwaco, WA Competitive pay Apply in person olebobs.com Full-Time Employment Veterinary Receptionist. Experi- ence required. Fast paced envi- ronment. Friendly, reliable, and self motivated team player. Sea- side, OR. 503-738-8846 info@ seasidepetclinic.com CASH buyers are reading your classified ad. Ap p -solu tely w e ha ve you covered O u r e-Ed ition in n ow a va ila ble 24/7 on a n y d evice everyw here you a re • iPa d • iPhon e • iPod Tou ch •A n droid • K in dle T HE D AILY A STORIAN *All a p p s a re free to d ow n loa d . M u st b e a su b scrib er to view e-Ed ition . Ca ll 800-781-3211 to su b scrib e Going on vacation? Call 503-325-3211 to put a hold on your subscription. P lace yo u r ad to d ay | w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m FREE Single pane. Aluminum frame windows from house remodel. No broken glass. 503-861-0574 CLASSIFIED ADS work hard for you. Try one today! Organic “Yellow Finn” Potatoes 20 lb $25/40 lb $45 Sunset Lake Farm 503 738 3163 Rifle Cabinet @ 14D x 48W x 58T Lockable doors w/ glass $20 (503)791-2073 CROSSWORD