4 // COASTWEEKEND.COM ARTIST BECOMES HIS TRUEST SELF • Italian-born Oscar de’Masi opens Astoria studio and gallery COURTESY OSCAR DE’MASI Oscar de’Masi’s ‘Out of the Storm.’ • By KATHERINE LACAZE FOR COAST WEEKEND W hen Oscar de’Masi was 15, his fa- ther moved their family from Italy to New York City. The relocation was traumatic enough to curtail de’Masi’s artistry for nearly four and a half decades. It wasn’t until four years ago that de’Masi, who recently opened a studio and gallery at 395 11th St. in Astoria, felt ready to re-embrace his passion for oil painting. “If I wasn’t happy, or at least content, I wouldn’t be able to paint,” de’Masi, 62, said. From the time he was an 8-year-old student at a Catholic school in Naples until he was 15, de’Masi pro- duced oil paintings with varied subject matter. Because the school exhibited and sold the works at art shows, Continued on Page 14