The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 17, 2018, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 2B, Image 10

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Trail’s End Art Associaton names Best of Show winner
The Daily Astorian
GEARHART — Over 100 artists
using a variety of media entered the
68th annual Trail’s End Art Association
judged show.
A reception and awards ceremony
on Aug. 4 named Kathy Sampsel as
both First Prize Winner in Photography
and Best of Show winner. Her winning
photo, “Haleakala, Rare and Sacred,” is
printed on metal.
The work of all of the artists is on dis-
play at the Trail’s End Art Center, 656 A
St., from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday
through Sunday through Aug. 31.
For information, call 503-717-9458
or go to
Kathy Sampsel is both First Prize
Winner in Photography and Best
of Show winner at the 68th annual
Trail’s End Art Association judged
show for her photo, ‘Haleakala,
Rare and Sacred.’
Trail’s End Art Association
Community HU sing
SEASIDE — A Seaside Com-
munity Eckankar HU Sing takes
place at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Sea-
side Public Library, 1131 Broad-
way. Regardless of one’s beliefs
or religion, anyone can sing HU
(pronounced hue), an ancient
name for God; it is for the spir-
itual upliftment of those who
come, and is not directed to any
other purpose. For information,
call Seann Valen at 503-717-5485,
email or go
Cannon Beach Community
Beach Community Church, 132 E.
Washington St., holds an Even-
song service at 6 p.m. the first and
third Sunday of the month. All are
Evensong features Wes Warh-
mund (guitar, flute and clarinet)
and meditative songs, Psalms,
readings, candlelight and time for
quiet reflection.
For information, call the church
at 503-436-1222.
Knappa Assembly of God
KNAPPA — Knappa Assembly
of God, 41767 Old U.S. Highway
30, is holding a vacation Bible
school, Camp Turned Around,
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Monday
through Aug. 24 for children ages
5 to 12.
There is no cost, and the event
is open to all. For information, call
St. Mary, Star of the Sea
Catholic Church
St. Mary, Star of the Sea Cath-
olic Church, 1465 Grand Ave. in
Astoria, and St. Francis de Sales
Mission, 867 Fifth Ave. in Ham-
mond, have a guest priest this
weekend, Rev. Fredy Ocun, Apos-
tle of Jesus, from the Providence
St. Vincent Medical Center.
The Pastoral Council has
announced its members: Renae
Bly, Barb Gaiidosh, Karen Leahy,
Greg Riehl, Mariela and Oscar
Rios and Salvador Rodriguez.
Members of the parish’s Build-
ing and Grounds Committee are
Richard Elder, Dan Ewald, Jose
Goicochea, Joe Herman, Ralph
Mansfield, Pat Patrick and Paul
The Finance Council commit-
tee members are Ron Brown, Paul
Radu, Monica Steele, Ed Steve
and Mike Wallis.
They are all volunteers who
help support and serve the parish.
The St. Vincent de Paul Food
Bank, located behind St. Mary’s
on 15th Street, needs Top Ramen,
flour, sugar, honey and toothpaste.
The food bank is open from 1 to
3 p.m. Tuesdays and from 10 a.m.
to noon Fridays and Saturdays.
For information, call 503 325-
2007 or email stvdp.astoria@
Astoria Church of Christ
The Astoria Church of Christ,
692 12th St., hosts the third in a
series of guest speakers at the
10:30 a.m. Sunday service, with
Don Hindsley of Long Beach,
Washington, speaking about “Liv-
ing Powerfully,” from John 14:23.
All are welcome. Bible study is
offered at 9:45 a.m.
First Lutheran
Lutheran Church is holding a Sun-
set Beach Service and Picnic at 6
p.m. Saturday. All are welcome.
Guests may drive on the beach
or take advantage of the shuttle
service from the parking lot at the
beach entrance.
Chairs or blankets are encour-
aged. Food and fellowship follow
the service.
4-H — Looking for 4-H leaders.
For information, call Sandra Carl-
son at the Oregon State University
Extension at 503-325-8573.
also needed for weekly litter patrols
in the neighborhood. To volunteer,
American Red Cross — Needs
registration volunteers (donor am-
bassadors) in Clatsop County to
provide customer service and en-
hance the blood donor experience.
For information, call Angela Basurt-
to at 503-528-5430.
Chamber of Commerce — 111 W.
Marine Drive. Volunteers needed at
the chamber and for events. For in-
formation, call 503-325-6311.
Angels for Sara Senior Dog
Sanctuary — Needs volunteers to
help care for elderly dogs who are
unable to stay with their owners.
Anyone interested in fundraising,
yard maintenance, spending quality
time with the dogs or fostering a se-
nior dog, short or long term, contact
Jacque Pressly at angelsforsara@ or call 503-325-2772.
Astoria Column — 1 Coxcomb
Drive. Volunteers needed to wel-
come visitors, provide information
and answer questions about the As-
toria Column and the city of Astoria.
For information, call the Friends of
the Astoria Column Visitor Center at
Astoria Riverfront Trolley As-
sociation — 111 W. Marine Drive.
Needs conductors/motormen to
operate trolley and narrate points
of interest. One or more three-hour
shifts per month. For information,
call the 503-325-6311.
Astoria Senior Center — 1111
Exchange St. To volunteer, call Lar-
ry Miller at 503-325-3231.
Astoria Veteran Van Drivers
— Volunteer drivers needed for the
Disabled American Veterans van
for one or more trips per month.
The van leaves Astoria at 7 a.m.
for the Portland Veterans Admin-
istration Hospital and returns in
the early afternoon. To volunteer,
contact Dick Lang, Astoria DAV
van coordinator, at 503-298-8757
or Drivers
receive free breakfast and lunch
vouchers for the hospital canteen
on every trip.
Astoria Warming Center —
1076 Franklin Ave. Winter overnight
emergency shelter for homeless
persons needs volunteers for three-
hour shifts from evening through
the night to help with welcoming
guests, serving dinner, cleaning
the kitchen, monitoring the sleep-
ing area overnight, and closing the
shelter in the morning. Volunteers
Camp Kiwanilong — A large
variety of volunteer opportunities
are available. For information, call
503-861-2933 or go to campkiwan-
Cannon Beach Academy
— 3781 S. Hemlock St., Cannon
Beach. Volunteers needed for
breakfast or lunch preparation and
cleanup, reading groups, math
groups, lunch/recess duty and
housekeeping. Shifts are 1.25
hours or longer. For information,
call 503-298-5245.
Cannon Beach Library —131
North Hemlock, Cannon Beach.
Volunteers needed for a variety of
tasks and time commitments, in-
cluding alphabetizing bookshelves,
covering books, doing minor build-
ing maintenance, helping with a
speakers’ series, and participating
in annual book sales and other
events. For information email info@ or call 503-
Caring Adults Developing
Youth (CADY) Mentoring Pro-
gram — 800 Exchange St., second
floor. Needs mentors for youths
ages 10 to 17 at risk of school fail-
ure. Time commitment: one year,
about eight hours per month. For
information, contact Laura Parker
at 503-325-8601 or lparker@co.
Clatsop Animal Assistance
Inc. — Needs volunteers who have
a strong commitment to work on
behalf of the Clatsop County Animal
Shelter’s dogs and cats. For infor-
mation, email
or call 503-861-0737.
Clatsop Care Center — Vol-
unteers needed daily for all three
meals to provide one-on-one as-
sistance to dining dependent resi-
dents. Volunteers must participate
in a 16-hour training program. For
information, contact Mandy Brench-
ley at 503-325-0313, ext. 209.
Clatsop County Animal Shel-
ter — Animal care volunteers age
16 and older needed for one 3-hour
shift per week. Pick up an applica-
tion at 1315 S.E. 19th St., Warren-
ton. For information, or to schedule
orientation, call Leslie Atkinson at
Columbia River Maritime Mu-
seum — 1792 Marine Drive. Vol-
unteer opportunities for those with
an interest in maritime history. For
information, call the volunteer coor-
dinator weekdays at 503-325-2323.
Clatsop Community Action
Regional Food Bank — Volun-
teers needed to help hand out
fruits and vegetables at the weekly
produce pantries for two hours on
Thursdays, from April to October,
in Seaside and Warrenton. Ware-
house attendants are needed for
food packing or processing, picking
orders for agencies, light janitorial
and housekeeping, or lawn and
grounds maintenance. Three to
four-hour shifts are available Mon-
day through Friday. To volunteer,
call 503-861-3663.
Columbia Senior Diners —
1111 Exchange St., Astoria Senior
Center. Volunteers needed week-
days to serve tables and for kitchen
help. To volunteer, call 503-325-
Clatsop Community College
Outreach Literacy — Needs
volunteer literacy tutors to work
with adults, native and non-native
speakers. Training available. For
information, call 503-338-2557.
Clatsop County Public Works
— 1101 Olney Ave. Adopt-A-Road
volunteers needed to remove litter
two times (minimum) per year for
two years. Safety equipment and
supplies provided. Volunteers must
receive safety orientation. For infor-
mation, call 503-325-8631.
Clatsop Cruise Hosts — Look-
ing for volunteers to meet and greet
cruise ship passengers and crew,
provide information and answer
questions about the Clatsop County
area. Ships arrive in the spring and
fall, about 20 ships each year. Work
all the ships or part of them. For in-
formation, go to clatsopcruisehosts.
Coast Community Radio —
Volunteers needed for a variety
of opportunities and time commit-
ments including weekday front
desk, music library digital conver-
sion, graphic and sign making,
booths at farmers markets and
special events, landscaping, and
mailing parties. For information,
email or call
Columbia Memorial Hospital
— Needs volunteers to provide
assistance to patients, visitors and
hospital staff. Training provided. For
information, go to columbiamemori- To schedule an interview,
call 503-325-4321.
Community Emergency Re-
sponse Team — CERT volunteers
needed for community events and
disaster response with local police,
fire and emergency medical service
agencies. Training includes fire
safety, first aid, traffic and crowd
control, communications, damage
survey, disaster planning and civic
events within city limits. For infor-
mation, contact CERT coordinator
Kenny Hansen at khansen@as- or leave a voicemail at
Friends of Seaside Library
— 1131 Broadway, Seaside. Volun-
teers needed to staff the fundraising
store. For information, call 503-738-
6742 or stop by the library.
Haystack Rock Awareness
Program — Needs volunteers
for general office assistance and
to assist lead interpreters on the
beach with signage, ropes and set
up during low tides and talking to
visitors about the rock and the local
flora and fauna. Must pass a basic
background test. Children are al-
ways welcome; must be supervised
by a parent. For information, contact
Lisa Habecker at 503-436-8064 or
Knappa Rural Fire Protection
District — Needs volunteer fire-
fighters. Training provided. For in-
formation, contact any of the active
personnel or call Chief Paul Olheis-
er at 503-458-6610.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
— Certified ombudsman volunteers
advocate for the rights, care and
dignity of the elderly and disabled
living in licensed long-term care
facilities. Many residents have no
one to watch out or speak up for
when things go wrong. Volunteer
Ombudsmen talk to the residents,
investigate complaints, and work to
resolve problems. Flexible sched-
ule, four hours a week, mileage re-
imbursement available. Training is
provided. For information, call 800-
522-2602 or go to
Lunch Buddy Mentoring Pro-
gram — Adults needed to mentor
elementary and middle school stu-
dents once a week during lunch.
For information, call (219) 331-6427
or go to
NorthWest Senior & Disability
Services — Needs dishwashers
and volunteers to serve and clean
up weekdays at a meal site, and
drivers for Meals on Wheels. For
information, contact Candy Foster
at 503-738-9323.
Providence Seaside Hospi-
tal — Needs volunteer drivers for
Community Connections, a free
program that transports people
to services and appointments re-
lated to health and well-being in
the Portland-Metro area. Mileage
reimbursement available. For infor-
mation, call 503-717-7171 or email
Providence Seaside Hospi-
tal — Needs volunteers who enjoy
meeting, interacting with and help-
ing people. Opportunities are avail-
able in the hospital gift shop, café,
and as greeters and for spiritual in-
tegration. For information, call 503-
717-7171 or email Alana.Kujala@
River Song Foundation —
Looking for people to assist with
Trap/Neuter/Release/Feed (TNRF),
especially in the Seaside and Knap-
pa/Svensen areas. TNRF involves
setting and/or monitoring traps,
and daily feeding of cats and main-
tenance of any shelters, and is a
proven, science-based method that
along with spay/neuter programs is
the only effective and humane way
of ending cat homelessness and
suffering. Call 503-861-2003 for in-
formation and to volunteer.
Seaside American Legion
Veterans’ Assistance & Rehabili-
tation — Volunteers needed to help
knit/crochet items for hospitalized
vets and cut coupons for military
families. Donations of fabric/yarn
especially welcome. Group meets
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. second Tues-
day of the month at 1315 Broadway,
Seaside. For information, call 503-
738-5111 and leave a message for
Marilyn Faulkner.
Seaside Downtown Develop-
ment Association — Volunteers
needed to help with local events
happening throughout the year. For
information, call Sarah Dailey at
503-717-1914 or email director@
Seaside Museum and Histor-
ical Society — Volunteers needed
to help as docents, maintaining
and creating exhibits, and various
events throughout the year. Small
and large projects available. Any
amount of time will be greatly ap-
preciated. Call the museum at 503-
738-7065 or email seasidemuse-
Start Making a Reader Today
— Needs volunteers to read to stu-
dents one-on-one for one hour a
week at local elementary schools.
To volunteer, call 503-391-8423 or
go to
Svensen Congregate Meal
Site — Wickiup Grange Hall, 92683
Svensen Market Road. To volun-
teer, or for information, call Debbie
Dunaway at 503-791-7298 or 503-
Titanic Lifeboat Academy —
Help care for animals and assist
with sustainable living projects;
minimum commitment of four hours
per week requested. Some training
provided. For information, contact
Caren Black at 503-325-6886.
Tri-City Spay and Neuter
Thrift Store — 600 Broadway, Sea-
side. Needs volunteers interested
in improving the welfare of animals.
For information, call 503-738-7040.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary —
Uniformed civilian volunteer branch
provides boating education cours-
es, vessel inspections to public; of-
fers chance to learn new skills and
qualifications. No former military or
boating experience needed. Meet-
ings 7 p.m. first Wednesday of the
month. For information, call Della
Wilson at 360-244-7062 or email at
Warrenton Senior Lunch Pro-
gram — Warrenton Community
Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Volun-
teers needed to help with Meals
on Wheels and in the dining room
Mondays or Thursdays. For infor-
mation, contact Barb Balensifer at
Wildlife Rehab Center of the
North Coast — Needs volunteers
to help rehabilitate orphaned and
injured wildlife. For information, call
503-338-0331 or go to coastwildlife.
org .