9A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2018 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted 651 Help Wanted 801 Timber/Lumber 807 Fuel, Heating & Firewood LASER PRINT & COPY NOTICE TO CONSUMERS Oregon Firewood Law requires advertisements quote a price and also express quantity in units of a cord or fractional part of a cord. Ads must also identify the species of wood and whether the wood is unseasoned (green) or dry. NOW HIRING PERMANENT FULL-TIME SEASIDE Center Manager/Trainee M-F, 40+ hours. Manage the operations of a largely self-contained copy/print center. Knowledge of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Acrobat. Graphic design skills with a creative eye. Minimum 1 year customer service experience. Monthly performance bonuses, paid holiday policy. Customer Service/ Production Assistant Tue-Sat, 38.5 hours. Assist customers with self-serve copiers & computers, write print orders, operate copiers and bindery equipment. Minimum 6 months customer service experience. Paid holiday policy. 507 S. Roosevelt Dr. #5 503-738-4102 Community Action Team - Head Start is Hiring ARE YOU HARDWORKING, HONEST, AND LOOKING FOR A GREAT OPPORTUNITY? If you have some knowledge of cars and desire to learn, we are looking for techs & potential trainees. Medical/Dental/Vision Bonuses on production Call TJ’s Auto Repair 503-861-2886 Call Tim 503-440-8282 Make a Social Impact working at Tongue Point Job Corps Center! Working at our beautiful campus isn’t just an ordinary job, it’s an opportunity to do great work, and love the work you do! ------------------------------------- Career Counselor MCMENAMINS GEARHART HOTEL AND SAND TRAP PUB is NOW HIRING for all positions! Current openings include, Line Cooks, Dishwashers, Servers, Host/Foodrunner, Bartenders, Entry Level Management, Housekeepers and more! Line cooks and housekeepers receive a hiring bonus after 90 days What we need from you: Previous experience is preferred, but we are willing to train! A love of working in a busy, customer service-oriented environment; Seasonal and Long term positions are available. Interested in a career in the hospitality industry? We offer opportunities for advancement as well as an excellent benefit package to eligible employees, including vision, medical, chiropractic, dental and so much more! Apply online 24/7 at mcmenamins.com OR stop by and fill out an application. EOE. Security Officer Bus Driver Residential Advisor Full-time opportunities with an excellent benefit package! ------------------------------------- Cafeteria Attendant Part-time, Sat-Tues. 2pm-7pm ------------------------------------- On-Call RA Working as needed evenings, nights & weekends. ------------------------------------- For job descriptions and to apply: www.mtc.jobs All applications are processed online. For more information call 503-338-4961 Management & Training Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minority/Female/ Disability/Veteran MTC Values Diversity! Tongue Point Job Corp Center is a drug-free and tobacco-free workplace. Full-Time Employment Local Astoria area day shift class A pickup and delivery Truck Driver. $ 17.00 an hour to start + union benefits. Monday-Friday. Apply in person @ 2190 Marine Dr. Astoria Or. 97103 or call 503 233 4607 ext 1 Astoria, Oregon. 503-233-4607 justinhenry@tpfreight.net Visit www.nworheadstart.org for more information. McMenamins Sand Trap Pub is NOW HIRING: Sales and Catering Manager! We are local, family-owned and operated, with 50+ locations in Oregon & Washington (and growing!). We emphasize community, art, history, music, food, drink, and fun. McMenamins has both seasonal, as well as long-term, career opportunities! Responsibilities include managing all aspects of planning events at the Sand Trap including menu planning, billing and event set up. This is a great management opportunity, at our historic hotel property located in Gearhart, OR. Qualified candidates will have previous related experience, stellar organization skills, a high level of professionalism, as well as an open and flexible schedule including weekends and holidays. We offer excellent benefits including vision, med, chiro, dental and so much more! Please apply online 24/7 at mcmenamins.com. Mail your complete cover letterand resume to: McMenamins attn: HR 430 N. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217 or fax to: (503) 221-8749. Please no phone calls or emails to individual locations!!! EOE GOLF GAME gone to pot? Sell those old clubs with a classified ad. Y OU R GU ID E TO LOCAL PROF E SSIONAL S Affordable Rates BIGBY’S TREE SERVICE ISA CERTIFIED ARBORISTS •Pruning •Removal •Stump Grinding •Excavator/Brush Rake •Vegetation Management (503)791-0767 bigbystreeservice.com CCB#158562 ARBOR CARE TREE SPECIALISTS ISA Certified Arborists ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Comprehensive Service, Pruning/Removal, Stump Grinding/Hazard Evaluations (503)791-0853 www.arborcarenw.com CCB#171855 WA#ARBORCI909RW Care for Your Trees Boat Repair ••OUTBOARD REPAIR•• Clatsop Power Equipment 34912 Hwy 101 Bus, Astoria 1-800-220-0792 or 503-325-0792 Construction Design Jack Coffey Construction •New•Repair•Remodel •Drywall•Concrete•Decks •Licensed•Bonded•Insured (503)325-7406 * CCB#55284 Construction Design Spady Construction Repair or Improvements No Job Too Small Home or yard (503)739-1550 CCB#201303 bid3446@gmail.com Handyman Services Haul Away! If it needs to go, call me! Moving/Attics/Basements/ Odd Jobs. Senior Citizen & Veteran Discount. John (503)470-9180 North Coast Handyman & Woodworking, LLC (503) 440-5758 Facebook: northcoasthw Interior remodeling, siding, windows, decks, rot specialist. Licensed, bonded, & insured. CCB#215908 Lawn & Garden Bellos Landscape Maintenance & House Services Retaining walls*Moss Removal*Storm cleanups*Hedging*Dumping Service*Brush Clearing*Weeding*One-time cleanups & year round maintenance*Bark Pressure washing*Fences Deck Repairs*Painting Driveway Grading Free Estimates Call Jose (503)741-1582 SUDOKU We have excellent employee benefits which include: medical, dental, vision,long and short term disability, life insurance, retirement plan and education benefits. Position open until filled. EOE. BUSIN ESS D IRE CTORY Arborist We are looking to hire a Disabilities Specialist and an Early Childhood Education Instructional Coach to provide training, consultation and technical assistance with staff. Lawn & Garden Diego’s Lawn Care LLC *Trimming*Aerating*Bark Dust* Weeding*Hauling & A Lot More! Call For A Free Estimate! (503)791-0190 diegoo3482@gmail.com •JIM’S LAWN CARE• •Brush Clearing•Lawns•Shrubs •Hauling•Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 •Free Estimates Professional Services Terry Marshall Bookkeeping Service (503)298-0750 •Payables •Receivables •Payroll •Quarterly Reporting Advertisers who want quick results use classified ads consistently. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! Vegetation Management Bigby’s Tree Service •Excavator mounted Flail Mower•Brush Raking•Brush Hogging•Lot Clearing•Scotch Broom Removal •Chipping •Invasive Species Removal•Levey/Dike Mowing •Low Impact Logging. (503)791-0767 bigbys tree service.com Affordable rates. CCB#158562 BUYING: Sawlog alder, maple, ash, oak Land and timber Timber deeds Cash advances 860 Appliances FOR SALE! Randy Bartelt Washington/Canada 360-739-6681 Upright Frigidaire Freezer, Works very well. $75-OBO Alan Brunstad Oregon 360-561-8511 21-qt All Amerian Pressure Canner. $40. Ron Hurn Washington 360-640-8057 Free, Loveseat. In Fine condition Ken Jones Washington/Oregon 360-520-6491 (360)244-1032 Customer Service and Inside Sales Representative info@cascadehardwood.com Join a team focused on creating an excellent customer experience in a professional office environment. If You Live In Seaside or Cannon Beach DIAL Go. Do. Our customer service / inside sales reps work together to meet customer’s needs by answering inquiries and providing solutions in person, by phone and email, plus actively solicit sales of advertising and products through calls and emails. 503-325-3211 coastweekend.com Brian Karnes Washington 253-208-9120 To be considered for this position, you’ll need to have the ability to manage your time wisely, embrace our proprietary software programs, speak and write well, and truly enjoy helping our valued customers and advertisers. Both a full-time and a part-time (24 hours/week) position are available. These positions are located at The Daily Astorian in Astoria, Ore. but serve the customers of EO Media Group throughout the region. Pre-employment background check required. Individual and team sales incentives available. Benefits include Paid Time Off (PTO), insurances (full time only) and a 401(k)/Roth 401(k) retirement plan. Send resume and letter of interest indicating your preference for full-time or part time work to EO Media Group, PO Box 2048, Salem, OR 97308-2048 or e-mail hr@eomediagroup.com. 652 Work Wanted • JIM’S LAWN CARE• Brush Clearing, Lawns Shrubs, Hauling Gutter & Storm-Cleanup (503)325-2445 Free estimates Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor’s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website www.hirelicensed contractors.com NOTICE: Oregon Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise landscape contract- ing services be licensed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This 4-digit number assures the business has a bond, insurance and an asso- ciated individual contractor who has fulfilled the testing and experience require- ments for licensure. For your protection call (503)378-5909 or use our web site: www.lcb. state.or.us to check license status before contracting with the business. Persons doing landscape maintenance do not require a LCB license. 664 Services IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about a Business or School Advertised, we advise you to call: The Consumer Hotline in Salem at (503)378-4320, 9AM-1PM, Monday-Friday or in Portland at (503)229-5576 *ATTENTION READERS * Readers respond to mail/ phone order ads at their own risk. If in doubt about a particular offer, check with the Better Business Bureau or U.S. Postal Service before sending any money. The Daily Astorian ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR MAIL ORDER ADVERTISERS. 667 Loans & Financing NOTICE TO CONSUMERS The Federal Trade Commission prohibits telemarketers from asking for or receiving payment before they deliver credit repair services, advance fee loans and credit, and recovery services. If you are asked to render payment before receiving any of the preceding services, please contact the Federal Trade Commission at: 1-877-382-4357 cascadehardwood.com F OR A Daily Astorian Classified Ad In a hurry? Placing a classified ad is fast and easy! Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad order today! Have you seen our FEATURED ADS? Only viewable on our website, www.dailyastorian.com. Call 503-325-3211 for more information! 101 Legal Notices 101 Legal Notices AB6937 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CANNON BEACH CITY COUNCIL The Cannon Beach City Council will hold a public hearing on Tues- day, September 4, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at Cannon Beach City Hall, 163 East Gower Street, Cannon Beach, regarding the following: ZO 18-02, City of Cannon Beach request for Zoning Ordinance text amendments regarding long-term rental housing. The proposed amendments include zoning ordinance text amend- ments regarding multi- family housing. The request will be reviewed against the criteria of the Municipal Code, Section 17.86.070.A, Amendments, Criteria. Ordinance 18-07 is available for inspection at the Cannon Beach City Hall located at 163 East Gower Street, Cannon Beach. A copy of the ordinance is also available for purchase at a nominal fee to cover the cost of reproducing the document. For additional information concerning this ordinance, you may call the (city) Planning Department at (503) 436-8040. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearings and express their views. Statements will be accepted in writing or orally at the hearing. Correspondence should be mailed to the Cannon Beach City Council, ATTN: Planning Department, P.O. Box 368, Cannon Beach, OR 97110 or via email at planning@ci.cannon-beach.or.us. Staff reports are available for inspection at no cost or may be obtained at a reasonable cost seven days prior to the hearing. Contact Alisha Gregory at City Hall (503) 436-8054 or agregory@ ci.cannon-beach.or.us for further information. The City Council reserves the right to continue the hearing to an- other date and time. If the hearing is continued, no further public notice will be provided. The hearings are accessible to the dis- abled. Contact City Manager, the ADA Compliance Coordinator, at (503) 436-8050, if you need any special accommodations to attend or to participate in the meeting. TTY (503) 436-8097. Posted/Mailed: August 15, 2018 Published: August 16th, 2018 AB6921 CITY OF ASTORIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Astoria City Council will hold public hearings on Thurs- day, August 23, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 1095 Duane Street, Astoria. The purpose of the hearings are to consider the following requests: 1. Appeal 18-03 by Sam Mullen on behalf of Hollander Hospitali- ty of the Design Review Committee decision to deny the request DR18-01 to construct a 29,782 square foot four story hotel at 1 2nd street (Map T8N R9W Section 7DA, Tax Lots 11800 & 11900; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 1, McClure; and Map T8N R9W Section 7DB, Tax Lots 1300, 1400, 1501, 1700; Unplatted lots fronting on Block 1, Hinman’s Astoria) in the C-3 Zone (General Commercial), Bridge Vista Overlay Zone (BVO), Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO), and CRESO Zone. The Appellant claims the following items are applicable to the appeal request: 1) Design standards for on-land development including height requirements 2) Guidelines for ad- ditions to buildings 3) Applicability of the Riverfront Vision Plan 4) Design Standards for scale, massing, and material 5) Applicability of guidelines related to designs sensitivity to the site 6) Exterior wall treatment standards 7) Incompatibility additions or building al- terations 8) Applicability of standards relating to roof form and ma- terials 9) Window designs 10) Siding and wall treatment standards 11) Awning guidelines 12) Applicability of Articles 2, 3, 7 and 8. 2. Appeal 18-04 by Sam Mullen on behalf of Hollander Hospital- ity of the Historic Landmarks Commission decision to deny New Construction request NC18-01 to construct a 29,782 square foot four story hotel at 1 2nd street (Map T8N R9W Section 7DA, Tax Lots 11800 & 11900; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 1, McClure; and Map T8N R9W Section 7DB, Tax Lots 1300, 1400, 1501, 1700; Unplat- ted lots fronting on Block 1, Hinman’s Astoria) in the C-3 Zone (General Commercial), Bridge Vista Overlay Zone (BVO), Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO), and CRESO Zone. The Appellant claims the following items are applicable to the appeal request: 1) The applicability of article 6 concerning design and orientation 2) The applicability of articles 2 and 3 to the proposal, 3) The applicability of the Comprehensive Plan. For information, call or write the Community Development Depart- ment, 1095 Duane St., Astoria OR 97103, phone 503-338-5183. The location of the hearing is accessible to the handicapped. An interpreter for the hearing impaired may be requested under the terms of ORS 192.630 by contacting the Community Development Department at 503-338-5183 48 hours prior to the meeting. The Astoria Planning Commission reserves the right to modify the proposal or to continue the hearing to another date and time. If the hearing is continued, no further public notice will be provided. THE CITY OF ASTORIA Tiffany Taylor, Administrative Assistant Published: August 16th, 2018