The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 16, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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Stepdaughter needs boundaries
Dear Annie: I am married to ing me crazy. I feel it’s disrespect-
a man with two children from ful on her part and on my hus-
a previous marriage. They are band’s part. I don’t think it is fair
adults. My husband is 15 years to me to have a grown woman (54
my senior, and he married early years old) spending so much time
the first time, so long story short, here. It is weighing on me and,
his children are only four and six frankly, on my marriage. I have to
tread lightly because she
years younger than I am.
takes everything person-
The problem is with his
ally, and my husband says
She really doesn’t have
she’s fragile, so everyone
much of a social life and
needs to be nice.
because of that spends
How do I get this to
much of her spare time at
stop? I am ready to leave,
our house. This summer,
honestly. It’s gone on
she has been at our house
for so long I am afraid I
seven days a week. She
should have confronted
had vacation from work Annie
the situation before it got
Syndicate Inc.
for three weeks and spent
to this point, but it’s not
the entire time here. One of
easy to talk to a father
my biggest complaints is the lack about his child. Please help me
of boundaries. She helps herself to sort this out before I explode! —
whatever she wants without ask- Had Enough of the Helicopter
ing, comes in and out, and follows Child
her father around. She generally
Dear Had Enough: You are
arrives here in the early afternoon, wise to tread lightly. It is proba-
when I have just gotten home from bly difficult for your husband to
my first job and have two hours face the fact that his 54-year-old
before going to my second job. daughter does not have a life of
When I get home at 9 p.m. or later, her own and spends almost all of
she is still here! Sometimes she’s her time with her father. Tell your
here when I arrive even when my husband how you feel. All cou-
ples need alone time, and you
husband isn’t home.
I am feeling suffocated, and are not getting any with a room-
the lack of privacy for me is driv- mate, especially one who is still
so tied to her father. Cutting the
cord slowly will benefit your step-
daughter, your husband, you and
ultimately your marriage. The
trick is to communicate with all
parties involved, set the bound-
aries that you know are necessary
and welcome her warmly when
she visits according to the sched-
ule you all agree upon.
Dear Annie: In regard to
the letter about the pronuncia-
tion of the years since 2000, it
didn’t flow off the tongue easily
to say, for example, “twenty oh
two” for 2002, so we started say-
ing “two thousand two.” Come
to think of it, it probably origi-
nated long before the turn of the
century. It may date back to the
book and movie “2001: A Space
Odyssey.” Everyone pronounced
it “two thousand one.” People
just became accustomed to say-
ing it that way, and even though
we have moved on to the teen
years and it is actually easier to
say “twenty eighteen” now, many
people still say it the “thousand”
way. — Baby Boomer
Dear Baby Boomer: I never
considered that Stanley Kubrick
may have something to do with
it, but that’s an interesting theory.
Thanks for writing.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). “Can I talk to
you?” has devolved into being a question that
people dread. Why? Maybe because talk itself
has devolved. The art of conversation is not
entirely lost, though, as you’ll prove today.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). An interesting
benefactor will come into your mix. You’ll grow
from getting to know this person one on one.
Things will progress once you break away
from a group setting.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). New adults
want to be taken seriously, whereas those
who have been adults for a while aren’t so
concerned. This social truth will be behind the
events that unfold today.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There is
power in a person’s vision of you. Those who
can see you for who you really are — and
project an image of a future that you think
would be a good fit for you — are giving you a
priceless gift.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s said that you
can never go back, and that’s true, to a great
extent. You’ll physically put yourself out there
today, but it won’t be the same, so you won’t
really be back; rather, you’ll get current in your
thinking about the past.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Theoretically,
you want to do what’s expected of you, and
yet you also see that it’s sure to lead to no fun
at all. Take risks. Bonds are created over weird
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Today presents a
super productive groove. It all starts with a pep
talk. Get in the mirror and psych yourself up. It
will help you attract the thing of your focus, so
focus on what you want, not what you don’t.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re going to
be and do your best when you’re forced to
associate with others. It doesn’t even matter
who they are or what they are like. Everyone
brings out a different skill in you. Being alone
will bring out nothing.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your head and
heart are in the right place. Take action. You
can’t lose, though you might meet with a de-
layed reward. No worries with that, either. The
rewards will be delayed just enough to make
them sweet for you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve found
something to enjoy about each age you’ve
been so far, though some have been more
challenging than others. Be kind to yourself as
you make adjustments to accommodate the
natural human progression.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). They want
you to fulfill a role you are not well-suited for.
You know yourself better. Trust that. Also, trust
the universe. Your best opportunities might be
strange ones indeed.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Do you have
a psychic gift? Yes. Yes, you do. Who have
you shared it with? “No one” is a perfectly
acceptable answer. Better to be private about
this than to risk revealing yourself to those who
would throw shade.
solar return opens with a mutual-admiration
society. As luck would have it, you’ll be sur-
rounded by people who appreciate your kind
of beauty, intelligence and truth. Your effort in
relationships will pay off. Travel for love. The
extra care you put into this year’s holidays will
be especially well-received. Taurus and Pisces
adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 22,
28 and 31.