8A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2018 604 Apartments Astoria, 222 Alameda. 1 bedroom $750+deposit. Hot water included. No pets/smoking. References. 503-680-4210 643 Business Sales Opportunities 504 Homes for Sale PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “Any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1(800)669-9777. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1(800)927-9275. Reach the entire North Oregon and Southwest Washington coasts with our classified package options! Call 503-325-3211 for more information. 504 Homes for Sale 3-bed, 1 1/2-bath remodeled New roof, wiring, counters & appliances. 24’x34’ garage $249,000 Warrenton (503)440-3587 House For Sale By Owner Beautiful house with a million dollar view. Equipped with solar panels. Price Reduced: $475,000 Call (503)440-8918 604 Apartments NOW AVAILABLE Hurry in!!! 2 & 3 bedroom AFFORDABLE apartments in secluded Hammond location. Income restrictions apply, background screening required. Bring photo ID to tour. Parkview Commons 421 NW Ridge Road 503-861-6031 WE DELIVER! Please leave a light on or install motion detector lights to make your carrier’s job easier. Thanks! THE DAILY ASTORIAN BUDGE T AD $ P lace yo u r ad to d ay | w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m Dining Table for Sale All wood table measures 36 inches square, or with 2 ex- tensions 48 inches rectangle (approximate). Price is $110, includes 2 chairs and is paint- ed in the distressed-aged style, nice and in good condi- tion. Call (503)739-3098 SALON STATION FOR RENT/LEASE. Premarq Centre Warrenton. $500 per month,includes all utilities WI-FI. (503)807-4205. Full-Time Employment Family Health Center, is looking for a exp FT Med. receptionist. Send resume to jobs@cfamhc.org Ocean Park, WA. Part-time Maintenance Tech needed for apartment complex. DOE Call for more information 503-741-5111 Peace Learning Center has an opening for a Preschool Teacher. Apply in person between 8am and 4pm. 591 12th Street Astoria, Oregon Full-Time Employment Fernhill Holly Farms is now hiring a full or part-time truck driver. Call Conrad or Liz to apply. Astoria, OR. 503-325-6604 conrad@fernhillhollyfarms. com Point Adams Packing Company is hiring all phases of whiting production, including cold storage & maintenance. Starting $13/hr Apply at 482 Fleet Street in Hammond Monday-Friday 8am-1pm Looking for a new place to live? The classified ads offer a complete section of homes, apartments, and mobile homes to fit your needs. Check daily for new listings! DOLLAR GENERAL GEARHART Hiring now for sales associates. Part time and full time leads. ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. Contact Torry Mayfield 615-840-2733 Sell your children’s outgrown clothes and toys with a classified ad in the Daily Astorian. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! CROSSWORD Englund Marine and Industrial is seeking a Sport Tackle Retail Sales Person to join our Astoria team. Must have sports tackle/marine product knowledge and excellent customer service skills. Visit our website at https://www.englundmarine. com/pages/employment.html for more details. Send resume to hr@englundmarine.com 651 Help Wanted Full-Time Employment Local Astoria area day shift class A pickup and delivery Truck Driver. $ 17.00 an hour to start + union benefits. Monday-Friday. Apply in person @ 2190 Marine Dr. Astoria Or. 97103 or call 503 233 4607 ext 1 Astoria, Oregon. 503-233-4607 justinhenry@tpfreight.net 651 Help Wanted WORLDMARK LONG BEACH HOUSEKEEPERS New Cleaning Process: Pair with a partner for quicker & easier work! Apply at careers.wyndham destinations.com or 420 Sid Snyder Drive 360-642-2101 651 Help Wanted Go to dollargeneral.com/careers To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 651 Help Wanted Needed: Motivated enthusiastic person to join our hardwood floor team. Learn a new trade. No experience necessary. $13/hr depending on experience. Send resume or inquiries: jjfloor@msn.com or call 503-791-6070 The City of Cannon Beach is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Utility Worker I. This position may assist all divisions of Public Works with a wide variety of tasks such as general maintenance and daily needs. Excellent benefit package. Visit ci.cannon-beach. or.us/jobs for full details. Wanted: Full or part-time cook. Year round work. Pay commensurate to experience. Call Berry Patch-Westport 7:30am-8am Or drop by resume Warren House Pub in Cannon Beach is now hiring kitchen staff • Competitive wages • Health and other benefits • Bonuses Apply or get app at 3301 S Hemlock Cannon Beach or send resume to Full-Time Employment Fort George seeking experienced Class A CDL Driver; competitive wages/benefits. More info at fortgeorgebrewery.com/jobs. Warrenton, OR. 503-325-7468 zack@fortgeorgebrewery. com The City of Astoria is now accepting applications for the full-time position of Parks & Recreation Director. Pay range is $81,126-98,609 annually with excellent benefits. To apply and obtain further information, please go to the City’s application website at https://astoria.applicant- pool.com/jobs/. If you need assistance, please contact HR at hr@astoria.or.us. APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 27, 2018. Columbia Memorial Hospital is seeking exceptional candidates for the following positions and more: Full Time, Part Time and Intermittent Opportunities available Enhanced Visitation program Part-time position at Hope House, providing visitation support and parenting skills coaching to parents with children in foster care. Training provided in activities that build attachment and parenting skills. Bachelor’s Degree required or equivalent combination of education and experience. 17.5 hours/week. Background check required. For more information sredburn@lcsnw.org BUSY ASTORIA HOTEL NOW HIRING FOR HOUSEKEEPING FRONT DESK CLERK YEAR-ROUND POSITIONS Competitive Wage Bonus Program No Phone Calls Please Apply in Person 204 West Marine Drive Astoria or email to sales@astoriahie.com CLATSOP COUNTY FAIR & EXPO Administrative Coordinator $3,444.47 - $4,186.61 Seeking one Code Compliance Specialist to interpret and enforce county land development, solid waste, and nuisance control ordinances; process violations, conduct investigations, and instruct applicants with development requests or compliance. Seeking a full time Fairgrounds Administrative Coordinator to provide event coordination, operations support, and administrative assistance to the Operations Manager, also serve as Fair Board recording secretary. Requires bachelors in planning, urban studies, or equivalent training and experience. Visit www.co.clatsop.or.us/jobs for detailed requirements and how to apply. Applications due August 24, 2018. EOE/AA Immediate Openings Full-Time Brake/Alignment Techs Min. 2 yrs. verifiable experience View and apply for opportunities at www.columbiamemorial.org. Generous benefits Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K, Vacation, Sick Pay, Profit Share Uniforms provided CMH is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to the development of an inclusive, multicultural community. Minimum HS graduate or equivalent plus 3 years relevant experience and training in clerical, administrative support, customer service, website and social media management, accounting functions. Visit www.co.clatsop.or.us/jobs for detailed requirements and how to apply. Applications due August 23, 2018. EOE/AA McCall Tire Center • Medical Assistant (MA) • Registered Nurse • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) • Telemetry Technician • Radiologic Technologist – CT • Mammographer • Social Worker • Customer Care Representative Sales & Service Techs Experience preferred but not required Starting wage DOE Part-Time Employment DENTAL ASSISTANT Fun progressive dental office seeking a part time dental assistant. We offer a friendly work atmosphere with competitive pay. Experience in the dental assisting field is preferred, with x-ray certification minimum. Apply in person 1167 SE Marlin Ave Warrenton Please send or bring resume to: Leinassar Dental Excellence 1414 Marine Drive, Astoria Or 97103, or call 503-325-0310 ask for Susan or Carrie. Classified Ads work hard for you! www.DailyAstorian.com w eekend GAR A GE SAL E S w w w .d ailyasto rian .co m Astoria Gearhart Seaside Comic Books, China Dish Set, DVDs, Books, Women’s Clothing, Yard Equipment, Barbie Dolls OUR YEARLY “BLACK DOORS” GS 38054 Labiske Lane FRIDAY 08/10 SATURDAY 08/11 10AM-4PM Household/Estate Sale Gated condo 1000 N Holiday #105 Seaside 503-522-8785 (gate help) YARD SALE August 10th-11th 9am-4pm ERROR AND CANCELLATIONS Please read your ad on the first day. If you see an error, The Daily Astorian will gladly re-run your ad correctly. We accept responsibility for the first incorrect insertion, and then only to the extent of a corrected insertion or refund of the price paid. To cancel or correct an ad, call 503-325-3211 or 1-800-781-3211 360 Garage Sales 2499 PINE RIDGE DRIVE SHAMROCK PINES, GEARHART BEAUTIFUL NEW TABLE LINENS, COPPER COOKWARE, BALINESE GARDEN ART, DECOR, TEAK. NO TOYS, TOOLS OR CHILDREN’S ITEMS. CASH ONLY SALE. ALL SALES FINAL. Hammond warrenhousepub@gmail.com Adult Basic Skills Coordinator: Full-time, partially grant-funded position. View job description and apply on-line at our web site www.clatsopcc.edu. Applications must be submitted by 5 PM on August 16, 2018. Call the Office of Human Resources at Clatsop Community College (503)338-2406 if application assistance is needed. AA/EOE CLATSOP COUNTY CODE COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST $4,185.71 - $5,087.77 Sneak peak Thursday 2-4 Friday - Saturday 10-4 Everything MUST go! Medical supplies/equipment, some furniture, kitchen items, tons of craft items, collectibles, women’s clothes, shoe & jewelry, 2002 Saturn, too much to list. Condo must be emptied out. SHOP LOCAL! Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Daily Astorian. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. Tolovana MOVING SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8/10 & 8/11 9am-4pm Lots of great stuff! Household items & decor, furniture, books, tools, jewelry & more! Right across the street from the Pelican Pub. 1380 S. Hemlock Cannon Beach HAVE an extra room to rent? A classified ad will find a tenant fast. CALL 503-325-3211 1060 Russell Drive Hammond (Near Military Cemetery) Fri & Sat 9-2 Sun 10-2 Estate Sale Two story house and garage full of antiques, vintage, unique, & unusual items, furniture, HH, copper, linens, books, jewelry, Dept. 56, some tools & fishing, new clothes, shoes, purses, Way too much to list. K&C SUDOKU Muriel’s Garage Sale Lots of stuff & baskets! Some furniture! Friday-Saturday 10am-6pm 144 Braillier Road LET one of our friendly advisors help you word your classfied ad. Call 503-325-3211