22 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Author Gerry Frank signs books at Sunday Market Crossword Answers C A P N A C A I I T A L Y R A D I O S E R E N A S L A M Y A C H T E T H E R A T A R I G A G S A P O P M A R E A R T C E N T E R L S A T E M E R G E W E N T E A C H Y T R A Y E L A M A T E G A T E E T E S T R A T O I R O N G R A N I O S T I N T A G I N S T Y C A T S A M H D L I E A G I N R R A G E N A O R E S T V D S H E F R A A Z L I T E R M O R T A T H O S H Y I L F L I A B A L S E S S L I M E J U I C E O R A P U P I S S H E A H T O N T U A A R M U E S N O E N E L A T C I O X S T E S H T E T L N O B E L T S A A R I S S L S E N S O B U T G O O D F R A N C E U R G E T A S G O S T F U L A P P R E N T E D I A G R E E O L L A D U E T E P E E A P M C R A R I P U L L E E B B A A B N L C A L A N A R A Y A R S B A I M C A L O A N S S I E G E A D E L E H U R L S D R I P S S N S FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Member FINRA/SIPC ASTORIA — Gerry Frank, the author of “Gerry Frank’s Oregon,” will be at the Asto- ria Sunday Market, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 12. He will be selling and signing copies of the book’s fourth edition, released in May. He will also sign copies of “Where to Find It, Buy It and Eat It in New York,” a bestseller published in 1983. The new edition of “Gerry Frank’s Oregon” has been updated with dozens of new listings. The entries are Frank’s recommendations for the best places to eat, sleep, play and relax in our great state. Find the best seafood shacks on the coast. Learn about a remote cattle ranch where you can dig for your own thundereggs (our state rock). From trendy bistros to historic lighthouses, from gleaming new hotels to log cabin hideouts, from county fairs and festivals to Willa- mette Valley wineries, brew pubs and unique retail stores — each place and activity he suggests (more than 700 de- scriptive reviews!) is worthy of your time and money. No region of Oregon has been overlooked. Growing up in a “de- partment store” family with roots in Oregon long before Mark Hedeen Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Registered Representative Registered Representative Stocks Bonds Mutual Funds Retirement Accounts FDIC Insured CDS Financial Planning Annuities #1 12TH STREET, SUITE 7 · ASTORIA, OR 503.325.0677 Securities offered through R aymond J ames F inancial s eRvices , i nc . Investment Advisory Services are offered through R aymond J ames F inancial s eRvices a dvisoRs , i nc . COURTESY GERRY FRANK The cover of ‘Gerry Frank’s Or- egon,’ fourth edition. Maintain the Grange! There’s dinner and dancing in it for you ASTORIA — You are invited to help “maintain the grange” 3 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at the Netel Grange. Drop in and enjoy a vegetarian dinner prepared by Joe Daire and his friends from the Blue Scorch- er Bakery & Cafe featuring Jamey Hendricks it was a state, Frank devel- oped a certain savvy for retail salesmanship. He later spent a good part of his life as chief of staff to the late U.S. Sen. Mark Hatfield. Working together for a quarter century, they visited every corner of Oregon’s geography on constituent swings. For more than 30 years, he has been writing for The Oregonian Travel Section. It is these adven- tures and experiences — as well as the recommendations and memories of friends, colleagues and readers — that he drew upon to form the basis of “Gerry Frank’s Oregon.” COURTESY CRAIG HOLT A photo of the old Netel Grange Hall. vegetable lasagna, Scorcher bread and a delightful locally-sourced green salad with freshly harvested veggies. Kids eat for free. There will be a pie auction conducted by Merianne Myers and Linda Perkins. We will then clear the floor of the hall and have a contra dance called by Dave Ambrose with music by The Horsenecks. Dinner will be served throughout the event. Tickets are available at the door. The Grange is located at 90525 Logan Road, Astoria.