8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Actors needed for two short plays ILWACO, WASH. — Auditions for The Pen- insula Players’ fall production of “Black Comedy” and “The Son Also Rises” — two short plays — will be held 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 14 and 15, at the River The River City Playhouse in Ilwaco, Wash., is home to the Peninsula Players. City Playhouse, 127 Lake Street S.E. in Ilwaco, Wash. For more information, contact Andy Tauber at andytauber@gmail.com or 360- 823-7037. PATRICK WEBB PHOTO COURTESY KATHERINE LACAZE The Clatsop Children’s Theater Company rehearse ‘Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars.” Youth theater group stages ‘Sherlock Holmes’ CANNON BEACH — Join the Clatsop Children’s Theater Company as they bring to life the story of “Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars” at the Coaster Theatre Playhouse in Cannon Beach. The company of young actors, sponsored by Jeremy Mills State Farm and the Sun- set Empire Park & Recreation District, will perform the play at 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, Aug. 11 and 12, 18 and 19. Sherlock Holmes is miss- ing, and the streets of London are awash with crime. Who will save the day? The Baker Street Irregulars, a gang of street kids hired by Sherlock himself to help solve cases! Now they must band together to not only prove Sherlock is still alive but find the mayor’s missing daughter, untangle a murder mystery from their own past and face the masked criminal master- mind behind it all — a bandit who just may be the brilliant, evil Moriarty, the man who may have killed Sherlock himself! Can a group of orphans, pickpockets, inventors and artists rescue the people of London? The game is afoot! This production, adapt- ed by Eric Coble from the graphic novels by Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood, is also sponsored by the Inn at Sea- side and River Inn at Seaside, and made possible through a grant from the Clatsop Coun- ty Cultural Coalition. Events are free and open to the public. Donations to support the children’s theater are welcome. During intermission, refreshments will be available for purchase. There will also be drawings for prizes donated by local businesses. For more information, con- tact director Katherine Lacaze at 503-741-5668 or katherine. lacaze@yahoo.com. Are you an artist? Need a studio? ASTORIA — Astoria Visual Arts seeks appli- cations from local artists interested in working in a rent-free studio from Saturday, Sept. 1, through Monday, Dec. 31. The deadline for applications is midnight, Sunday, Aug. 12. The notifications of selection will go out no later than Monday, Aug. 20. The two successful candidates will each be provided with a studio space located on the Co- lumbia River in the As- toria Downtown Historic District free of charge for a four-month residency period. The AVA a-i-r Program is designed to encourage the creative, intellectual and professional growth of local artists. Residency finalists are chosen on the basis of merit by an inde- pendent selection panel of working artists and arts patrons. People who have applied in the past are encouraged to reapply with an updated portfolio and statement reflecting updates and changes. AVA was founded in 1989 as a nonprofit membership organization to enhance, strengthen and promote the arts in the Greater Astoria Area. AVA a-i-r is supported by membership dues and contributions from sup- porters of Astoria Visual Arts, and by the gener- osity of Astoria Coffee House & Bistro. For more information about AVA a-i-r and how to apply, visit astoriavisu- alarts.org/ava-a-i-r.html.