The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 09, 2018, Page 7, Image 17

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    AUGUST 9, 2018 // 7
Free Regatta
concert boasts
100-plus musicians
ASTORIA — More than 100 musi-
cians from Oregon and Washington
will come together to celebrate the
Astoria Regatta in a free, fami-
ly-oriented concert 7 p.m. Saturday,
Aug. 11.
Astoria’s Columbia River Sym-
phony and Vancouver’s Beacock
Music Concert Band combine their
talents to present a “Summer Pops”
show as part of the Astoria Regat-
ta’s weekend celebrations.
The concert will be in the Asto-
ria High School Auditorium, 1001
W. Marine Drive. The concert is
free, but donations will be accept-
ed. Each ensemble will perform
selections separately for the first
half of the concert before joining
together after intermission.
The program will feature se-
lections from popular Hollywood
films, musicals and classics such
as “The Lord of the Rings,” “Star
Wars,” “Jurassic World,” “Some-
where in Time,” “Wonder Woman,”
Glenn Miller tunes and much more.
This concert marks the fifth
time the two ensembles have come
together in the last six years. The
groups’ directors are identical twin
The 70-member Columbia
River Symphony is composed
of adults and youth from local
schools. Led by Conductor Cory
Pederson, and now in its 10th year,
the Columbia River Symphony is
a community-based, all-volunteer,
nonprofit performing arts group.
The symphony welcomes new
members and is open to any-
one who plays a string or wind
instrument or percussion. For
more information about joining
the symphony or information
about upcoming concerts, visit or call
Cary Pederson’s Beacock
Music Concert Band is a 30-plus
member ensemble, part of the New
Horizons music program operating
across the nation.
The Columbia River Symphony preforms at
Clatsop Community College.
Liberty Theatre’s Classical
Series enters second year
ASTORIA — The Liberty
Theatre is proud to present
its second year of classical
performances and school
Please join us in welcom-
ing the following ensembles:
• 7 p.m Sept. 22, 2018:
Portland Chamber Orchestra
• 7 p.m Jan. 13, 2019:
Quartetto Gelato
• 7 p.m Feb. 23, 2019:
BodyVox Dance
• 7 p.m March 7, 2019:
Trio Solisti
• 7 p.m April 26, 2019:
Clarinetist David Shifrin,
with Cary Lewis
• 7 p.m May 4, 2019: So-
prano Deborah Mayer, with
Cary Lewis
The first season present-
ed seven workshops within
Astoria and Warrenton high
schools, reaching more than
100 students. Thanks to
foundations, corporations
and donors, the Liberty is
planning to reach many
more area schools during the
2018-19 season.
Along with this educa-
tional outreach, we have
chosen performers from
around the country that we
Portland Chamber Orchestra.
know you will enjoy.
The season opener with
Portland Chamber Orchestra
and Music Director Yaa-
cov Bergman is titled “The
Eight Seasons.” Works will
include Antonio Vivaldi,’s
“The Four Seasons” and
Astor Piazzolla’s “The Four
Seasons of Buenos Aires.”
The Portland Chamber
Orchestra, one of America’s
oldest chamber orches-
tras, was founded in 1947
by Finnish composer and
conductor Boris Sirpo,
who came to Portland after
leaving his war-torn native
country, and the orchestra
was initially composed en-
tirely of his music students
at Lewis and Clark
Tickets are available at or in our
Box Office, 2 to 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday through Satur-
day. Single tickets and sea-
son packages are available.
Tickets for reserved seating
are $20, $30 and $40.
The Liberty Theatre is
located at 1203 Commercial
Songster Lauren Sheehan
sings at dinner concert
MANZANITA — The Lauren
Sheehan Duo will perform
a dinner concert at Bread
& Ocean in Manzanita on
Thursday, Aug. 9. Dinner
starts at 6 p.m., the music
at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $40 for
both dinner and two hours
of Sheehan’s music. Dinner
includes a salad, an entrée,
two sides and dessert.
Entrée choices: fresh
wild-caught sockeye salm-
on baked in parchment,
stuffed chicken breast
or vegetarian lasagna.
Russ Carlisle, a virtuoso
harmonica player, joins
Sheehan for an evening
of vintage American roots
music, including country
This will be an evening
of tasty sound to compli-
ment a lovely dinner.
Contact George Reddish
for a reservation: 503-368-
5823 (restaurant) or 503-
801-6804 (cell).
Lauren Sheehan
Bread & Ocean is locat-
ed at 154 Laneda Ave.