The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, August 09, 2018, Page 6, Image 16

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Sou’wester presents Heart Hunters, Matthew Fountain
Heart Hunters (aka Brianna Blackbird and Drew de Man).
Sou’wester Lodge invites
the public to two upcoming
shows: Heart Hunters at 8
p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, and
Matthew Fountain at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 15.
Heart Hunters play songs
of love and loss, spiritual
yearning and social justice
— potent tunes picked out
on old guitars and upright
bass, doused with pedal
steel, sparkling with har-
mony. They’ve opened for
Birds of Chicago, Gaelynn
Lea and Richard Buckner.
Heart Hunters’ Brianna
Blackbird and Drew de Man
met while studying music
therapy in Portland. They
soon began writing songs
together and recording. The
duo played cafes, bars and
clubs along the West Coast
Matthew Fountain.
and brought their music to
homeless shelters, youth
detention centers, prisons
and rehab facilities.
Drew has shared stages
with such artists as Iron &
Wine, Calexico and Ale-
jandro Escobedo. He spent
some years playing in Fast
Rattler with Brendan Phil-
lips, son of the late U. Utah
Phillips, to whom the band
pays tribute.
Brianna’s songs are po-
litical, spiritual, often pretty
dark, borrowing equally
from Celtic, 1990s alterna-
tive and songwriters like
Kate Wolf, Patty Griffin and
Neil Young.
Fountain was born on the
Gulf coast of Mississippi
into a family of Dixieland
jazz musicians. After picking
up a guitar at age 9 and play-
ing in metal bands through
his early teens, Fountain
spent his 20s focused on
screenwriting before moving
out west in 2008 to recon-
nect with his musical roots
and start a band in Portland.
The Lodge is located
at 3728 J Place, Seaview,
Wash. All Sou’wester shows
are free and open to the
Adams & Costello meet the world
Hillstomp’s frantic blues fills Cannon Beach park
comes Julie Adams and
Michael Costello — the mu-
sical duo Adams & Costello
— and their full band to the
stage at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug
16, in celebration of their
upcoming album release.
A singer-songwriter guitar
duo based in Cannon Beach,
Adams & Costello have
created their third album
together, “Adams & Costel-
lo Meet the World,” set for
release this month.
The album is their first
soul-rock full-band sound,
packed with love, loss, angst,
humanity and songs reflect-
ing these troubled times.
Adams & Costello’s
“Meet the World” is an 11-
song album, with six songs
written by Costello, five by
Adams. They collaborated
with Evan Jiroudek, whose
skillful percussion drives
the sound, along with Wes
Wahrmund on bass.
The album was a year in
the making, from conception
CANNON BEACH — Hillstomp brings their
frantic, furious, foot-stomping blues to
Cannon Beach for a free concert in the
park 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12. The
park is located behind the Chamber of
Commerce at Spruce and Second streets.
Formed in 2001, the Portland-based
duo — featuring Henry Hill Kammerer
(guitar/vocals) and John “Lord Buckets”
Johnson (percussion) — are known as
much for their invigorating live perfor-
mances as their ramshackle aesthetic,
which includes pounding on buckets,
trash can lids and BBQs for percussion.
In 2005 the Willamette Week named
Hillstomp’s “The Woman That Ended
The World” its Album of the Year. Three
records and more than a decade later, the
group’s momentum and energy remain as
vital as ever.
“Hillstomp has managed to remain
not only relevant, but exciting, thanks
to their always electrifying live perfor-
mances,” declared the Portland Mercury.
Blending blues traditions from North
Mississippi to the hills of Appalachia,
Hillstomp employs handpicked banjo and
searing electric slide guitar with thump-
ing, danceable drums and passionate vo-
cals. Alongside original tunes, they cover
renowned artists like R.L. Burnside and
Michael Costello, center, and Julie Adams, right, perform with
Wes Wahrmund, left.
to completion. The songwrit-
ing evolved over time and
was largely inspired by real
Many different sounds
and emotions are explored
on “Meet the World,” from
hard-rocking songs like
“Judgment Day” to bitter-
sweet, heart-wrenching, soul-
grooves like “Don’t Let Me
Go” and “Tenderly.” Some
local flavor makes it into the
album on the song “On the
Big River.”
For the record-release
debut concert, the duo will be
joined on stage by Wahr-
mund on bass and Jiroudek
on percussion for a special
live show and performance
of the album.
Doors open at 7:30 p.m.
The cover is $8. The band’s
CDs will be for sale, and
there will be a full bar.
KALA is located at 1017
Marine Drive in Astoria.
Hillstomp, a Portland-based duo.
Mississippi Fred McDowell.
The concert begins with a brief
opening act (to be announced). Attendees
are encouraged to bring blankets, low-
backed chairs and fully-stocked picnic
The concert is produced by the Tolo-
vana Arts Colony and made possible by
a Community Grant from the City of
Cannon Beach.
For more information, visit tolova-, email tolovanaartscolo- or call 541-215-4445.