6B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2018 SENIOR NOTES Clatsop Community Bank offers investors dividends for first time The Daily Astorian SEASIDE — Clatsop Community Bank for the first time will provide its shareholders a dividend. The dividends are worth 5 cents per share and will become payable Aug. 15. “This is the first time we’ve issued a dividend to shareholders,” Joe Schulte, president and CEO of the bank, said in a release. “Strong community support Alzheimer’s Association Or- egon Chapter — Information, re- ferral and counseling services for families and caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other related disorders. For in- formation, call 800-272-3900 (24 hours a day). and the hard work of our talented team have contributed to our consistent prof- itability, and have made this significant milestone possible. The bank celebrated its 10th anni- versary in April. Astoria Alzheimer’s & Oth- er Dementia Family Support Group — 2 to 3:30 p.m. third Monday, Clatsop Care Center, 646 16th St., first floor conference room. Open to all family members of people with dementias. For in- formation, call Rosetta Hurley at 503-325-0313, ext. 216, or email support@clatsopcare.org COMMUNITY NOTES Continued from Page 1B Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. Cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503-325-9693. Warrenton Senior Lunch Pro- gram — noon, Warrenton Commu- nity Center, 170 S.W. Third St. Sug- gested donation of $5 for seniors and $7 for those younger than 60. For information, or to volunteer, call 503-861-3502 Monday or Thursday. Depression and Bipolar Sup- port Alliance — 7 to 9 p.m., Room A, Columbia Memorial Hospital, 2111 Exchange St. Open to all those diagnosed with a mood dis- order, or have a family member or friend diagnosed, or who think they might have depression or bipolar disorder. For information, contact Patricia Fessler at 503-325-8930. Do Nothing Club — 10 a.m. to noon, 24002 U St., Ocean Park, Wash. Men’s group. For informa- tion, call Jack McBride at 360-665- 2721. TUESDAY Senior Lunch — 11:30 a.m., Bob Chisholm Senior Center, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. Suggested do- nation of $3 for those older than 60; $6.75 for those younger than 60. For information, call Suzanne Bja- ranson at 503-861-4202. Warbirds — 8 a.m., Labor Temple Diner, 934 Duane St. All air crew members and maintainers welcome. Stewardship Quilting Group — 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. All are welcome. Donations of material always appreciated. For information, call Janet Kemp at 503-325-4268. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m., 1111 Exchange St. The cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503- 325-9693. Bras2Moms Fitting — 1 to 3 p.m., Columbia Memorial Hospital Family Birthing Center, 2111 Ex- change St. Free nursing bras and/ or tanks to mothers. A $5 donation is requested, not required. For best fit, come for a fitting two weeks after giv- ing birth. Sizes subject to availability. For information, call 503-338-7581. North Coast La Leche League — 5:30 to 7 p.m., Blue Scorcher Bak- ery, 1493 Duane St. Pregnant wom- en, mothers, babies and toddlers welcome. For breastfeeding support, call or text Megan Oien at 503-440- 4942 or Kestrel Gates at 503-453- 3777, or send message on “La Leche League of Astoria” Facebook page. SELF-HELP GROUPS Al-Anon (Astoria) — 7 p.m. Tuesday, Peace Lutheran Church, 565 12th St.; 12 p.m. Wednesday, First United Methodist Church, 1076 Franklin Ave. For informa- tion, call 503-325-1087; 7 p.m. Thursday, Crossroads Community Church, 40618 Old Highway 30, Svensen. For information, call 503- 458-6467. Al-Anon (Tillamook) — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, St. Albans Epis- copal Church, 2102 Sixth St., call 503-842-5094 for information; 9 a.m. Thursday, 6505 Headquarter St., Til- lamook; noon Friday, 5012 Third St., call 503-730-5863 for information. Al-Anon Family Groups in- formation, Oregon Area Al-Anon website. oregonal-anon.org Al-Anon (Clatskanie) — 7 p.m. Monday, Faith Lutheran Church, 1010 N.E. Fifth St., Clatskanie. For information, call 503-728-3351. Alateen (Tillamook) — 4 p.m. Monday, 5012 Third St. For informa- tion, call 503-730-5863. Al-Anon (Nehalem) — 7 p.m. Monday, Riverbend Room, North County Recreation District, 36155 Ninth St. For information, call 503- 368-8255. Alcoholics Anonymous — To find a meeting in Clatsop County, call 971-601-9220, in Tillamook County, call 503-739-4856, or go to aa-oregon.org Al-Anon (Seaside) — 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broadway, call 503- 810-5196 for information. Celebrate Recovery — 6 p.m. Thursday, The Table Church, 852 Broadway, Seaside. Faith-based 12-step program designed to help anyone struggling with hurts, habits and hangups, including drugs and alcohol, anger, co-dependence, do- mestic abuse or sex, food or pornog- raphy addictions. Being religious not required. Free dinner and child care provided. For information, call D.B. Lewis at 503-741-5977. Eating Disorders Anonymous — 1:10 to 2:10 p.m. Wednesdays, River Zen Yoga, 399 31st St. A 12- Step program. For information, call Susan Williams at 510-417-5553. Men’s Sexual Purity Recovery Group — Tuesday nights. Part of the Pure Life Alliance (purelifealli- ance.org) in Portland. For informa- tion, call the confidential voice mail at 503-750-0817 and leave a mes- sage. Narcotics Anonymous — The Northwest Oregon Area of Narcot- ics Anonymous (NWONA) holds meetings in Clatsop County. For full schedule details, as well as upcom- ing special events, call the Helpline at 503-717-3702, or go to nworegon- na.org TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sen- sibly) (Astoria) — 5 p.m. weigh-in, 5:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday, First Lutheran Church, 725 33rd St. For information, call Trisha Hayrynen at 503-298-9058. TOPS (Seaside) — 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. meeting Tuesday, North Coast Family Fellowship Church, 2245 N. Wahanna Road. All are welcome. For information, call 509- 910-0354. TOPS (Warrenton) — 9 to 9:45 a.m. weigh-in, 10 a.m. meeting Wednesday, First Baptist Church, 30 N.E. First St. For information, call Marilyn Barnard 503-861-2918 or Glennys Sherman at 503-338-8214. Clatsop Behavioral Health After Hours Crisis Line — 503- 325-5724. Clatsop Community Ac- tion — 503-325-1400. Respite care services, low-income ener- gy assistance, emergency food assistance, housing information, emergency personal care items. Columbia Senior Diners — 11:30 a.m. weekdays, 1111 Ex- change St., Astoria Senior Center. Cost is $6. For information, or to have a meal delivered, call 503- 325-9693. Exploring New Concepts of Retirement Education (EN- CORE) — 503-338-2408. Pro- vides a wide assortment of educa- tional experiences for individuals older than 50. Elder Friendship Line — 800-971-0016. Available from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; crisis calls taken 24/7. Food Pantries — 503-325- 1400. Clatsop Community Action serves six food pantries in Clat- sop County through the Oregon Food Bank Network. Call for area locations and hours. for family caregivers. National Suicide Preven- tion Lifeline — 800-273 - TALK (8255). A 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service for anyone in a suicidal crisis. TTY users should dial 800-799-4TTY (4889). National Alliance on Mental Illness — 800-950-NAMI (6264) or locally, 503-717-1835. Sepa- rate support groups for people with mental illness and families of those with mental illness are available. Northwest Oregon Housing Authority — 503-861-0119. Rent assistance based on income. NorthWest Senior and Dis- ability Services — 503-861- 4202 or 800-442-8614. Medicaid services, food stamps, informa- tion and assistance, family care- giver support services, Medicare choice assistance, home deliv- ered meals, senior meal sites and senior peer counseling. Oregon Aging and Disabil- ity Resource Connection — 855-ORE-ADRC (673-2372), www.adrcoforegon.org. Informa- tion and services for older adults, people with disabilities, their care- givers and families. Oregon Home Care Com- mission Registry and Referral System — 877-867-0077, https:// www.or-hcc.org. Provides lists of home care workers available to hire. Oregon Law Center — 877- 296-4076. Provides free ser- vices in civil cases to low income people. Partners with Clatsop Community Action (CCA), Com- munity Action Resource Enter- prises Inc. (CARE), and the Bob Chisholm Community Center to provide in-person clinics in Asto- ria, Tillamook and Seaside each month. Grief Support Group, Sea- side — 2 to 4 p.m. first Thursday, Bob Chisholm Community Center, Meeting Room 1, 1225 Avenue A, Seaside. For information, call Lower Columbia Hospice at 503- 338-6230. Partners for Seniors — 503- 717-7174. Serves South Clatsop County seniors with volunteer visits, transportation, light house- keeping, yard work, minor home repairs, daily phone calls. Lifespan Respite — 503- 325-1400. Provides information, referral, training and paid respite Senior Center, Astoria — Astoria Senior Center, 1111 Ex- change St., 503-325-3231. CLASSIFIEDINDEX CLASSIFIEDS NOTICES MARINE Special Notices ............................. 104 Boats for Sale................................. 251 Public Notices ............................... 107 Boating Parts & Accessories ..... 254 Announcements .......................... 110 Boats Wanted ................................ 257 Boat Trailers ................................... 260 PERSONALS Marine Supplies & Equip. .......... 266 Lost & Found ................................. 181 Boat/RV Storage ........................... 269 Personals ........................................ 184 Fund-raisers ................................... 188 RVs & Trailers RVs & Travel Trailers ............ 301-307 AUTOMOTIVE Campers, Utility Trailers .... 310-313 Antiques/Classic Vehicles ......... 201 Automobiles .................................. 204 REAL ESTATE SUVs/Trucks .......................... 207-210 Open Houses ................................. 501 4WD .................................................. 213 For Sale ................................... 504-513 Vans .................................................. 216 Lots & Acreage .............................. 516 ATVs/Motorcycles ........................ 219 Income Property .......................... 519 Truck/Auto Parts .......................... 222 Manufactured Homes ................ 522 Detailing ......................................... 225 Commercial Property ................. 525 Tires & Wheels ............................... 228 Real Estate Wanted ..................... 531 107 Public Notices 110 Announcements Occasionally other companies make telemarketing calls off classified ads. These companies are not affiliated with The Daily Astorian and customers are under no obligation to participate. If you would like to contact the attorney general or be put on the do not call list, here are the links to both of them Complaint form link: http://www.doj.state.or.us/ finfraud/ GARAGE/YARD SALE 110 Announcements CLOSING-LIQUIDATION SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO PENNYWISE THRIFT STORE 723/737A E. Harbor Dr. Warrenton Furniture, clothing, knick knacks, books, entertain- ment, jewelry, tools, textiles, household, pictures, frames. Also huge selection of shelves, display cases, fixtures. Sale dates: 8/1 - 9/15 In need of some volunteers! PETS/LIVESTOCK RENTALS Properties for Rent ............. 601-613 Rooms & Roommates................. 616 Commercial Rental ...................... 619 Vacation Rentals .......................... 622 Storage Space ............................... 628 Wanted to Rent ............................ 634 RV/Mobile Home Space ............ 637 LOTSA C.R.A.P. (Collectible Recycled Antique Products) 503-440-0413 Arts/Crafts, Bath Stuff, Books(TONS), Bottles, Car Stuff, CDs, Christmas Clothes, Lotsa Short Chubby Female Stuff, (Sorry Dear), Dishes, DVDs, Electronics, Furniture, Kitchen Stuff, Luggage, Mirrors, Knick Knacks, Pictures/Frames, Pillows, Records 33-45-78, Rugs, Shoes(How Many Shoes Does One Woman Need)(Still Sorry Dear), TVs, VHS Tapes. SHOP LOCAL! CALL TODAY TO PLACE YOUR AD Fuel, Heating & Firewood ......... 807 Furniture & HH Goods ................ 810 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TV & Electronics ........................... 811 Business Opportunities ............. 643 Antiques & Collectibles ............. 813 Business for Sale .......................... 644 Jewelry ............................................ 814 Arts & Crafts ................................... 816 5033253211 or 800-781-3211 x1231 Email: classifieds@dailyastorian.com Web: www.dailyastorian.com HELP WANTED Help Wanted .................................. 651 APPLIANCES & EQUIP. Work Wanted ................................. 652 Tools & Heavy Equipment ........ 851 Lawn & Garden Equipment ...... 854 SERVICES Appliances ..................................... 860 Childcare/Adult Care .................. 661 Medical Equip. & Supply ........... 866 Services ........................................... 664 Farm Equipment .......................... 923 166 Good Things to Eat U-Pic k 100% Natural Blueberrie s Open Daily ‘til 6 pm $2.00 lb. THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS is 1 p.m. the day before your ad is scheduled to run 201 Antique & Classic Vehicles All classifieds require pre-payment 301 RVs & Travel Trailers 1929 Ford Model “A” Standard Coupe Restored 40 years ago in North Dakota. Runs and drives. 263 Commercial Fishing Boat/Equip Cranguyma Farms Oregon Commercial Salmon Troll Permit 113th & Sandridge N. Long Beach, WA $1500 firm Questions about classified ad costs? Call 503-325-3211 and we will be happy to assist you! Call Roger 503-252-1724 503-705-3079 LISTINGS EVERYDAY i in Th The D Daily il A Astorian t i 504 Homes for Sale 3-bed, 1 1/2-bath remodeled New roof, wiring, counters & appliances. 24’x34’ garage $249,000 Warrenton (503)440-3587 503-440-9481 Elvis is on the property Come in & Get “Used” Check the Business Directory daily to utilize the local professionals advertising in The Daily Astorian. To place an ad in our Business Directory, call 503-325-3211. DANIELLE MISCELLANEOUS August 3rd-15th 8am-3pm 1140 G Street Gearhart WE GETRESULTS Animal Boarding .......................... 701 Feed-Hay-Grain ............................ 704 Pets & Supplies ............................. 710 Horses & Tack ................................ 713 Beautiful brand-new Jayco Jay Flight 25- foot 2017 travel trailer Model 212QBW Purchased in the summer of 2017 and never used. Comfortable, airy, well-de- signed travel trailer with lots of windows, a skylight, elec- tric canopy, air-condition- ing, radio, microwave and all the usual features in this best-selling model. Purchased in anticipation of travel but plans have changed. We literally have not spent a single night in it and it has not left our Il- waco driveway since being delivered from Portland. $17,500. 360-642-7116; Please leave msg. Go. Do. coastweekend.com WE DELIVER! Please leave a light on or install motion detector lights to make your carrier’s job easier. Thanks! THE DAILY ASTORIAN Classified ads work hard so you don’t have to. Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today! Use our classified ads to get results fast! Call 503-325-3211 to place your ad today!