4B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2018 Happy 228 Birthday th US Coast Guard Congratulations Coast Guard Thank You for Your Service! Happy 228 th Birthday Lewis & Clark Timberlands, LLC to the us coast guard 95 HAMBURG AVE. PORT OF ASTORIA • 503-325-4341 Serving Cake at 1 pm on Saturday, August 4th ASTORIA AMERICAN LEGION Clatsop Post 12 1132 Exchange Street • 503-325-5771 Golden Star Happy 228th Birthday to the Coast Guard Thank you for your bravery! Happy Birthday SEMPER PARATUS Always Ready RESTAURANT D OWNTOWN A STORIA 503-325-6260 O P EN 7 D AYS 599 BO N D ST. ASTO R IA UN TIL 1 0 P M 1 block sou th of M cD ona ld’s 400 Industry St, Astoria, OR 97103 • 503) 325-2013 Your local janitorial and paper supply...and much more! I n honor of all who have served or are servIng Thank YOU for your service & patronage! DEL’S O.K. TIRE 2240 Commercial Street Astoria, Oregon 503.325.6362 www.WalterENelson.com Thank you for your service and keeping our waters safe! Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm 35359 Hwy 101 Business (503) 325-2861 • tirefactory.com/astoria PROUD TO OFFER U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVED Vessel Operations Degree, Licensing & Continuing Education for Professional Mariners OREGON’S MARITIME TRAINING COLLEGE 200 N Prom, Seaside 503.738.6211 www.seasideaquarium.com Hampton ‘Caring for our Northwest Communities’ USCG - Thank you for your service! www.clatsopcc.edu/MERTS | 503-325-7962 Clatsop Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution. ADA accessible. For the complete Non-Discrimination and Accomodations statements, please visit https://www.clatsopcc.edu/about-ccc/policies/affirmative-action-gender-equity. Clatsop Community College es una institución de igualdad de oportunidades y de discriminación positiva. Para las declaraciones completas de No-discriminacion y de Ayuda a las personas discapacitadas, por favor visite https://www.clatsopcc.edu/about-ccc/policies/affirmative-action-gender-equity. providence.org/northcoast GRATEFUL FOR OUR COAST GUARD HAPPY 228 TH BIRTHDAY Thank you to the men and women who serve us in the U.S. Coast Guard Hampton Affiliates is a family-owned forest products company, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, employing 1,600 people in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. Our Warrenton sawmill operations provide direct and in-direct family-wage jobs in Clatsop County. Hampton also owns 30,000 acres of sustainably-managed timberland in the county and 120,000 acres total in the Pacific Northwest. WARRENTON DIVISION w w w. h a m p t o n a f f i l i a t e s . c o m Express Healthcare for Busy Lifestyles AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC. 2325 SE Dolphin Ave. Warrenton 503-861-5554 Life happens... That’s why we’re here! IN AN EMERGENCY CALL With Appreciation for your selfless acts... Happy 228th Birthday, US Coast Guard! 911 H our s : M onday -F r i day • 7 a M -7 p M s atur day & s unday • 9 a M -7 pM Keith Klatt, MD Sally Baker, PA-C Mark Tabor, PA-C Kenyon Solecki, PA-C Accepting most Insurance, OHP & Medicare 20% Cash Discount 2120 Exchange Street, Suite 111, Astoria 503-325-0333 www.urgentcarenwastoria.com