AUGUST 2, 2018 // 7 A large, supercharged Artists and makers: Join studio collective music fest in Nehalem ASTORIA — Local startup Astoria Makers is seeking creative individuals, makers and small-business entrepre- neurs to join the upcoming studio collective located in the Van Dusen building on Duane and 10th streets. The collective will now focus entirely on artist-run spaces, some to include open-studio hours and edu- cational classes. There are a variety of spaces available for rent, in- cluding small, medium and large-size private studios, a 1,000-square-foot suite of small studios/rooms and a 650-square-foot retail-ready space with a private bath- room. While all spaces will be individually leased and operated, Astoria Makers hopes to foster the spirit of artist collaboration, part- nerships, tool-sharing and cross-programming among the tenants. Members of the collective will have access to a communal kitchen, lounge area, bathrooms and a com- munity room to be used for additional teaching space, Art Walk events and artist-run events and openings. In addition, collective artists will be featured on the Astoria Makers web page with a link to their own business site if desired. Astoria Makers antici- pates the next set of rentals coming online Saturday, Sept. 1, through Satur- day, Sept. 15, with more spaces ready through the fall. Interested parties can contact Steff Eiter at steff@ for rent- al information. To learn more, visit, Insta- gram@astoriamakers, or “like” amakers. PHOTOS COURTESY ASTORIA MAKERS Hannah Phelps-Goodman works hard on restoring the space for welcoming tenants. NEHALEM — The fourth annual Electric Fences music festival takes place noon to midnight Saturday, Aug. 4, at Lunasea Gardens in Nehalem. Held at a 12-acre, par- tially forested farm on the North Fork of the Nehalem River, the event will feature performers from Oregon, Washington, Tennessee and Texas. A dozen acts are set to take the hillside stage. The afternoon includes Pacific Northwest honky-tonkers Countryside Ride and the garage punk quartet Bad Shadows, featuring members of Fences’ alumni Roselit Bone. A Lone Star lineup starts off the evening with cosmic country outfit The Lonesome Heroes, followed by the atmospheric folk of Little Mazarn. This year’s featured headliners are Calvin John- son as the pseudonymous Selector Dub Narcotic, and underground country-scene cornerstone Leo Rondeau, closing out Electric Fences with an intimate acoustic set. Other acts: Thee Last Go ’Round, Mouth Painter, Hey Lover and Book of Colors, all from Portland; Dowsing, of Port Townsend, Wash.; and Jean Wranglers, of Aus- tin, Texas. Electric Fences is open Hey Lover to all ages. Tickets are $20 for general admission, $30 for general admission with overnight camping passes, and can be purchased at the festival or in advance on the Electric Fences website. The music festival was founded in 2015 as an auton- omous DIY event, rejecting the necessity of sponsorships and operating under the idea that a smaller, less restric- tive model of the traditional music festival would create a more memorable and endur- ing experience for audiences and performers. Visit electricfencesfest. com for more information. Countryside Ride RSVP for Hoffman Garden Party by Aug. 4 A sample studio space. MANZANITA — Time is running out to RSVP for the Hoffman Garden Party, an upcoming benefit for the Hoffman Center for the Arts taking place mid-August. The deadline to sign up for the gathering that celebrates art, creativity and community is Aug. 4. The Garden Party takes place 5 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18. Festivities begin with sparkling beverages, hors d’oeuvres and music. Enjoy Italian wines and a light summer dinner created by Julie Barker of Buttercup. Participate in live bidding on five exceptional art-filled experiences from Italy to Hawaii to Neahkahnie. Auctioneer Susan Tone will preside. Tickets are $100. Order online at, or call 503-368-3846. Wear garden party attire with gravel-friendly footwear. Can’t attend? Consider making a gift in lieu of your attendance at hoffmanarts. org.