6A FEATURES TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE He has two on a string Dear Annie: I have known 18 years. Because I had four kids to “Jeffrey” for six years. For four of raise, I didn’t have time for dating. those years, we were just friends, (They are grown now. They all went and for the past two years, we’ve to college and are working.) dated on and off. At first, we dated What should I do? Every- for six straight months. He started one we hung around is saying to to slowly stop calling and texting, just be patient and give him time because he loves me. — and then he stopped com- DEAR ing around. Then, all of a Dazed and Confused sudden, he moved in with Dear Dazed and Con- ANNIE fused: He was sacrific- another woman. After a ing “his own happiness” month, he started contact- ing me again. for you by returning to the Long story short, for other woman? This man is the past two years, he’s such a master of spin he been going back and forth should go to Washington. between the other woman But he did (unintention- Lane ally) get one thing right: and me. He apologizes to Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. You’ll be much better off me every time and tells me without him in your life. he thought the grass was greener on the other side. I always It’s time to cut him out of it once and fall for it. Recently, he moved in for all. Block his number, his social with me for a month, but when the media and any other potential mode other woman started texting him, of contact. Don’t bother having a he went back to her. He called and “closure” conversation, as he’d just said he had gone back because he use that as an opportunity to weasel didn’t want to see me unhappy and his way back into your heart. If this sounds impossible to didn’t want to bring that trouble to my home, saying he had sacrificed you right now, I recommend giv- ing therapy a shot. Sometimes his own happiness for me. I’m trying to let go, but it’s so we need professional guidance to hard. I think of Jeffrey all day long. find our inner strength — and I He’s tall, dark, handsome and charm- promise you that you are stronger ing. I’m probably hooked because I than you realize. Don’t let anyone hadn’t been in a relationship in over make you forget that. THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 2018 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. Dear Annie: I am a profes- sional hairdresser in Virginia and have been for 26 years. I’d like to respond to the letter from “Need- ing a Change,” who was wonder- ing how to “break up with” her longtime hairstylist. I am occa- sionally asked about how to leave a stylist or make a change. It is a tough situation. Having some- one do your hair is very intimate. Of course a relationship of sorts develops. But a professional hair- dresser knows that ultimately, it is a business relationship. You are contracting this person’s services. If you weren’t happy with any other service, you’d say so or sim- ply take your business elsewhere. “Feelings” shouldn’t make any- one stay with a stylist who’s doing a lousy job. Also, as a stylist, I real- ize that I am not the best stylist for everyone, and ultimately, I’d rather you see someone who provides you with a service that you love. My ego isn’t nearly so important to me as the client’s happiness. And any stylist who considers himself or herself a true professional will tell you the same thing. — Kevin M. Dear Kevin: You sound like a true professional indeed. Lucky is the lady (or gentleman) who sits in your chair. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Creation takes time; destruction can happen in an instant. You may think long and hard about how to take your life to the next level. Reality will quickly shoot down some (not all!) of those ideas, but don’t let that stop you. approach the next time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Happiness and simplicity will be linked up today. The minute you feel that things are involving too many elements or getting too complicated, busy, messy, fast or expensive ... stop. Start over. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Two people will try to tell or sell you the exact same thing, and you’ll much prefer one to the other. Why? It boils down to style. Tone is a part of this. Go where the resonance is, and don’t look back. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s not just that one solution doesn’t work for everyone; it’s that one solution doesn’t even work for anyone all of the time. Each moment and circumstance is different. Stay sensitive and awake and you’ll do great. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). People want you to go one way or another, so they psychically lean on you, trying to get you to sway in that direction. Be strong. Go where you want to go. Don’t be guilted. Tell others to stay in their lane. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Disillusionment is the thing that happens when you find out that what you thought was real involves a manipu- lation of perception. Knowing that tricks abound is a necessary step in understanding the nature of reality. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your life could be much like yesterday, or it could be something very different. The choice is yours. A new start won’t require a big effort, merely a mental shift that happens once you claim this as “day one.” LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The habit of trying to get things in order to be happy is an addiction, and it should be broken. You really don’t need anything else. The expansion of your spirit is the happiness, also the work, also the prize. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). After careful consideration and planning, the best plan may be no plan. It’s one of those rare days when all you need is your openness and a belief that the best will happen. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re a wonderful self-editor. You know that it brings you luck, love, relationships and more. Unfortunately, those who don’t self-edit are prone to say too much, confuse people, and make them afraid to FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You hate to overpay for a thing that will disappear in a mo- ment. To forgo perishables in favor of a lasting memento will be your action — also a metaphor for other choices you’ll make in the near future. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When people want something, but they’re not saying it, you can feel that. It will seem to have an actual weight. Encourage others to unburden them- selves from the weight. Make it OK for them to speak up and say what they want. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. 2). You’ve made a discovery, and you’ll keep expanding in knowledge and skill with it. This is social in nature, having to do with transmuting the abundant love lavished on you this year into an effective, creative and powerful force for good in the world. Your way of organizing life and work is totally brilliant. Scorpio and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 46, 23, 1 and 28.