8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM COA S T W E E K E N D C A L E N DA R Saturday, July 28 Friday, July 27 Finnish Folk Festival 10 a.m., Grays River Valley School Com- plex, 793 State Route 4, Naselle, Wash. The Finnish-American Folk Festival celebrates Finn- ish-American culture with exhibits, activities, music and food. √ Thursday, July 26 DON Speaker 2:30 p.m., Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave., Seaside. Daughters of Norway present Nancy Bartley who will give a talk on “Per- sistence, Courage: Surviving the Winter War of 1944,” speaker event open to the public. Book Presentation 7 p.m., Seaside Public Library, 1131 Broad- way, Seaside, 503-738-6742. Join Deborah Baldwin for a presentation of her book “Tillamook Rock Lighthouse.” “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “The Musical of Musicals: The Mu- sical!” is an entertaining parody of musicals. “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Asto- ria, 503-325-6104, $10 to $20. “Shanghaied in Astoria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Hollywood-style musicals with local culture. BELOW: Julian Thomas and Raul Espericueta act out a scene from the iconic play ‘Shanghaied in Astoria.’ Book Signing 1 p.m., Cannon Beach Book Company, 130 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1301. Debra Baldwin, author of “Tillamook Rock Lighthouse” will be signing her book. √ Artist Reception 5 p.m., Columbia Pacific Heritage Museum, 115 Lake St., Ilwaco, Wash., 360-642-3446. David Campiche and Eric Wie- gardt will be featured at a reception exhibiting their work in “Form and Fluidity.” “Beauty” 7 p.m., Fort Columbia Theater, Fort Columbia State Park, off Hwy. 101, Chinook, Wash., 360-836-4448. “Beauty & the Beast” is a visually-engaging mu- sical production; ticket prices vary. √ “It’s Broadway Baby” 7 p.m., Barn Community Playhouse, 1204 Ivy Ave., Tillamook, 503- COLIN MURPHEY PHOTO √ 842-6305, $10 to $15. “It’s Broadway Baby…& More!” delivers a night of Broadway’s greatest hits. “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104, $10. “Shanghaied in Astoria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Holly- wood-style musicals with local culture. “Baskerville” 7:30 p.m., Coast- er Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “Baskerville: A Sher- lock Holmes Mystery” is a whimsical spin on a classic Holmes mystery. √ Film Screening 7:30 p.m., Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503-368-3846, $5. Filmmaker Kelley Baker will be in atten- dance to discuss his films and answer questions after the showing of a set of short films. Tall Ships 2 p.m., 17th Street Dock & Port of Astoria, 10 Pier 1, Astoria, 800- 200-5239, $42 to $69. Be part of a battle sail on the Hawaiian Chieftain; or evening sail (6 p.m., $42 to $49). Coast Weekend editor suggested events Birdwatching 7 a.m., Stanley Marsh Habitat Reserve, Seaside, 503-738-9126. Join Mike Patterson for an early morning birdwatching walk at Stanley Marsh; registra- tion required. kid’s activities and a beer garden. “Beauty” 7 p.m., Fort Columbia Theater, Fort Columbia State Park, off Hwy. 101, Chinook, Wash., 360-836-4448. “Beauty & the Beast” is a visu- ally-engaging musical production; ticket prices vary. NPR Rodeo Breakfast 7 a.m., Peninsula Saddle Club, 6407 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360-642-7301. Start the day with the famous cowboy break- fast in the clubhouse. √ Manzanita Beach Race 8 a.m., Laneda Ave. beach access, Man- zanita, 503-368-4595, $18 to $36. This annual walk/run is a scenic run from the sandy beach to the cliffs of Neahkahnie Mountain to Nehalem Bay Jetty; all levels welcome, registration required. Finnish Folk Festival 10 a.m., Grays River Valley School Com- plex, 793 State Route 4, Naselle, Wash. The Finnish-American Folk Festival celebrates Finnish-American culture with exhibits, activities, music and food. Studios Tour 10 a.m., mul- tiple locations throughout Astoria. Artists open their studios to the general public for a free, self-guided tour; maps available at √ Book Reading 7 p.m., Cloud & Leaf Bookstore, 148 Laneda Ave., Manzanita, 503- 368-2665. Join Anna Brones for a reading of her new book “Hello, Bicycle.” √ FILE PHOTO Magic Show 1 p.m., Cannon Beach Library, 131 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503-436-1391. Join magician Brett Willyard at his annual magic show, free and fun for the whole family. Studio 11, RiverSea Gallery, Imogen Gallery and Maiden Astoria. Tall Ships 11 a.m., 17th Street Dock & Port of Astoria, 10 Pier 1, Astoria, 800- 200-5239, $42 to $79. Choose a morning or afternoon (2 p.m.) bat- tle sale; or evening sail (6 p.m., $42 to $49). Tournament Fundraiser Noon, Big O Sa- loon, 89523 Hwy. 202, Astoria, 503- √ 325-8270. The annual fundraiser honors the Ashlee Martens art scholarship awarded to an Astoria High School student pursuing a college art degree. NPR Rodeo 1 p.m., Rodeo Grounds, 6403 Sandridge Road, Long Beach, Wash., 360- 642-7301, $5 to $10. Northwest Professional Rodeo features top cowboys and cowgirls competing in individual and team events; in- cludes vendor booths, “It’s Broadway Baby” 7 p.m., Barn Communi- ty Playhouse, 1204 Ivy Ave., Tillamook, 503- 842-6305, $10 to $15. “It’s Broadway Baby…& More!” delivers a night of Broadway’s greatest hits. “Shanghaied” 7 p.m., ASOC Playhouse, 129 Bond St., Astoria, 503-325-6104, $10 to $20. “Shanghaied in As- toria” mixes vaudeville, soap opera and Holly- wood-style musicals with local culture. “The Musical” 7:30 p.m., Coaster Theatre, 108 Hemlock St., Cannon Beach, 503- 436-1242, $20 to $25, rated PG. “The Musical of Musicals: The Musi- cal!” is an entertaining parody of musicals. √ Buying an RV, boat, or motorcycle? Want to refinance one you already have? Wauna Credit Union It’s Summer Fun Time! Check out our special offer for a spectacular summer!