The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 20, 2018, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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Family’s etiquette lacking
Dear Annie: My wife and not be acknowledging or giv-
I have lots of nieces, nephews ing gifts for these events, even
and other distant relatives and if it means offending friends
friends who are graduating and family. — Disappointed
Dear Disappointed: No
from high school, graduating
from college, getting married need to excuse this behav-
or having children. On each ior — it is inexcusable —
but you might bring
occasion, we have
it to the attention of
been sending a very
your relatives, letting
nice card, an enclosed
them know that you
letter and a very gener-
ous amount of money.
were surprised not to
We sometimes get two
hear back from your
nieces and nephews.
the same week, and it
As parents, they may
seems to be never-end-
be unaware of their
ing lately. What we
children’s negligence,
cannot understand is Annie
and perhaps they will
Syndicate Inc.
that to date, we have
use this situation as a
received only one
teaching moment on
thank-you. We are appalled by the importance of good man-
the lack of good manners from ners. This will be especially
today’s children and wonder helpful for those who are
what kind of parenting they’ve entering the corporate world.
had. Sorry, but we cannot Many employers refuse to hire
excuse this type of behavior. an applicant, no matter how
Our generation was brought qualified, if the candidate fails
up differently. From the time to write a thank-you note for
we were children, good man- an interview. There are many
ners were the most important positive results that come from
thing we were taught, and eti- writing thank-you notes, such
quette was the benchmark by as making the world nicer. It
which people perceived oth- really is that simple.
ers. We are sorry to have to do
Dear Annie: This letter is
this, but in the future, we will in response to “Where Is the
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Love?” — who wrote to you
about her 3-year-old grand-
son with autism and the fellow
diners at a restaurant who got
annoyed with him. As some-
one who works with adults
and children with various dis-
abilities, including autism,
I must say we also get com-
ments and stares when we are
out in public. I agree that her
son-in-law handled it the right
way by telling the other din-
ers, “He has autism.” I often
smile and educate the public
when I get comments. It’s our
job to advocate for those who
can’t always speak for them-
selves, so I applaud “Where
Is the Love?” for doing her
best in educating the public,
and I also say, Annie, I would
like to see us as a society just
love one another more and
not judge. — See the World
Dear See the World Dif-
ferently: It is my dream to live
in a more loving and empa-
thetic world, and I’m happy to
hear from people such as you,
whose vision and dedication
are what will bring that world
into being. Thank you for your
work and your positive words.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). The world doesn’t
owe you a debt, but it also shouldn’t steal from
you. When you give yourself what you know
you’ve worked for and deserve, be sure to take
it without guilt or apology. Then celebrate.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You can’t lose! It
might seem as though you’re losing at some
point, but in fact this is exactly the turn of
events that you’ll be most grateful for later. It’s
like this day is custom-made to be perfect for
your growth.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re a unique and
beautiful soul, regardless of whether or not you
think so at any given moment. Your self-esteem
will waver, but no opinion can change who you
are, not even your own.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Societal influence
has a stronghold over you, as it does over most
people. As a result, there are many voices in
your head that aren’t yours and aren’t partic-
ularly helpful to your process, either. Shush
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You built this itiner-
ary from scratch: Kudos to you! But what you
intended to be a steady stream of activity and
joy is now turning out to be more of a hectic
schedule. So cut it back by half. Take it easy.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Honor and love
who you are. When people feel they are
lacking, their behavior reflects greed, impa-
tience and nastiness. That’s why being the best
version of yourself in any given situation starts
with acceptance and wholeness.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Doing the right
thing, again and again, has made you coura-
geous and strong. It relates directly to today’s
challenge. You might have been concerned
about something like this in the past, but now
it’s no big deal to you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Tell your inner
micro-manager to back off. No extra judgment,
assessment or even motivation will be neces-
sary. You already know what you’re doing; now
just do it, automatic-like, without thinking too
much into it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). High implies
low. The self implies other. Life implies death.
And what does love imply? Certainly not hate.
Maybe ownership, apathy or the neglect that
comes from taking people for granted. Fight
against the implication.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Full of
doubts? Don’t worry. It only means that you’re
intelligent — wise, even. You know who’s com-
pletely certain? The fool, the dullard and the
fanatic, to name a few. Still, it’s time to move, so
swallow the doubt and go.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your work is
important, but not all-important. When it’s time
to play, put that work out of your mind and let
yourself feel as free as any child should have a
right to be.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll enjoy the
company of those whose thought processes
are a mystery to you — in particular, the ani-
mals in your life. They have something to teach
you about patience, love and affection.
were meant to lead, and this year brings your
moment — and many “your moments” at that.
Stay ready so you won’t have to get ready. The
generosity, affection and attention you give to
others will be returned with interest. A financial
boost comes because you educate yourself
beyond what’s expected. Leo and Pisces adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 9, 44, 31 and 6.