The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, June 27, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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The baby imposition
Dear Annie: I find myself in an I have other friends who are mothers,
uncomfortable situation with a friend even single mothers, yet I’ve never
who just moved to our town this year experienced such neediness or been
with her husband and baby. Besides asked for constant child care favors.
her two sisters who live here, we’re
I know that I need to put a stop
the only friends they have so far. I to this now so that it doesn’t con-
feel that she’s been taking advantage tinue to delay my work schedule or
of me by asking for constant
ruin our friendship. How do
help with her baby. Her sis-
I explain to her in a polite
ter usually watches him once
but firm manner how I feel
a week but has been tied up
about her repeatedly asking
recently, so my friend asked
for this favor, and how do I
me for help watching him
express that my not want-
ing to do this doesn’t mean
last week for six hours. I
I don’t want to be her friend?
said yes, thinking it would
— Not the Nanny
be a one-time favor. I’m not
Dear Not the Nanny:
a baby person, and although
is the magic word that
this particular baby is very Annie
Syndicate Inc.
will set you free — free from
calm, I can’t get any work
undue obligations, free from
done when he’s awake (as
regret and free from resentment. “As
I’m sure any mother knows).
Yesterday she asked me whether I adorable and calm as your baby is,
would watch him again this week and watching him is interfering with my
the week after for the same amount productivity,” “I’m sorry, but I can’t
of time. I felt stunned that she was keep baby-sitting” or any other polite
asking again so soon. I didn’t know variation of “no” will do just fine.
what to say and would have felt Just be simple, direct and, most of all,
extremely uncomfortable turning her prompt, because the longer you wait
down at that moment, so I said yes to say no the harder it will get. Don’t
once again. However, I’m extremely let fear hold you up. Your friend won’t
frustrated with her because it feels as get angry with you for setting bound-
if she thinks that her time and work aries, and if she does, she wasn’t much
are more important than mine or that of a friend to begin with.
Dear Annie: This is not a question
because I work from home, she can
use me as a free baby-sitting service. but just my take on individuals who use
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
excuses for being rude, being mean or
exhibiting overall bad or even danger-
ous behavior to others or themselves.
I do understand that some people
have certain conditions — e.g., atten-
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder,
bipolar affective disorder and schizo-
phrenia — and some blame their par-
ents for a terrible childhood. I sympa-
thize with those individuals.
But do all those people who are
rude, are mean or exhibit bad behavior
to themselves or others always have
to have some “condition”? I think not!
We all need to take responsibility for
our own actions instead of blaming
whatever or whomever. Maybe if
they couldn’t blame it on something
or somebody, they wouldn’t do it.
Some people are just mean and
rude and show bad behavior because
that’s the way they are, period. —
Tired of Excuses
Dear Tired of Excuses: Though
I don’t know exactly what prompted
your letter, I agree that we should take
ownership of our behavior. By that
same token, though you can’t control
whether another person is rude, you
can control your actions and decide
how or whether to engage with a per-
son. When someone’s rude, consider
it an opportunity to build your char-
acter. Walk away and you’ll be a bet-
ter person than you were.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re in a
daredevilish mood. Your invitation to risk will
come by way of your heart. Extend it and
you’ll likely get hurt at some point, as it goes
with hearts — and it will also be completely
worth it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The social
excitement is like a fire. It might take a sec-
ond to get it started, but once it catches on
it will keep going until all the fuel has been
exhausted. Have fun!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). For you, intu-
ition isn’t an alternate form of intelligence. It’s
always engaged. Today it will be the driver that
has you getting ready to take a turn before you
could possibly see which way the road goes.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Effective
people move on when the project is complet-
ed, knowing that nothing will ever be perfect,
and good enough is good enough. In other
words, get out while the getting is good.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Before you make
a choice, it will feel as though you’re being
weighed down. But once you choose and go,
the universe will be like water, getting out of
your way as you move.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You probably
don’t want to be the one to break the spell with
reality, to point out the problem or to speak the
unpopular opinion. And yet, the responsibility
falls to you. Use a kind voice and all will go
CANCER (June 22-July 22). In real life,
there is no clear first-place winner of any-
thing. Each case is unique. There is no linear
judging system. Such a system can be creat-
ed, just to simplify things and name a winner,
but it will be a forced and false construct.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Be wary of
advice from those who feel that they’ve figured
life out and now know how everybody can
win. It’s a mistaken assumption. There is no
“everybody” when it comes to life paths. The
wins happen on a case-by-case basis.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Don’t bother with
trying to be universally liked; it’s not going
to happen for you or for anyone else, and it
never has in the history of the world. Luckily,
it’s safe for you to go against the flow and to
speak the truth that others don’t share.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). A break from
routine will be an energy-restoring, soul-sat-
isfying luxury, no matter what the break is. As
long as it’s out of your ordinary pattern, and
also out of your alternative pattern to that, it
will revitalize you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The energy has
been low, and the progress has been slow.
Things will pick up after a nice long rest. So if
you needed permission to take one, consider
this your yellow slip.
elastic heart will expand to include more
people. Joy will double up inside your world.
Anger and compassion cannot coexist. As
you become increasingly compassionate,
fewer things frustrate and irritate you. You’ll
get a power surge in September and change
something that’s been bothering you for a
long time. Leo and Sagittarius adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 9, 30, 33, 37 and 42.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll be looking
for ways to increase your talents, powers and
capabilities. Currently, that doesn’t require
learning or adding; rather, it requires pulling
back to assess and organize.