4 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Sherlock Holmes (Frank Jagodnik), right, and his trusty assistant, Doctor Watson (David Sweeney) GEORGE VETTER PHOTO/ CANNON-BEACH.NET ‘Baskerville,’ a melodramatic take on Sherlock Holmes, opens June 22 at Coaster Theatre By KATHERINE LACAZE FOR COAST WEEKEND S ir Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved crime-solving duo, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson, will get a melodramatic makeover at the Coaster Theatre Playhouse this summer in “Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery,” opening Friday, June 22, and running through Saturday, Sept. 1. “The whole play itself is a valentine to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s text, but also to theater itself, because there are a lot of theatrical devices audiences normally don’t see in modern theater,” said Director Jenni Tronier, who loves “a good murder-mystery” and directed Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Nile” in 2015. “There is a lot of suspension of disbelief required on the part of the audience.” In writing the script, American play- wright Ken Ludwig closely followed Doyle’s original work, “The Hound of the Baskervilles.” What is needed to transform this literary classic — brim- ming with action, adventure and dozens of interesting characters — into a stage production are theatrical, sometimes farcical devices: absurd props, breaking the fourth wall, quick changes into new costumes both on and offstage, and plenty of sound and light cues. The show’s small cast of Coaster Theatre veterans includes Frank Jagod- nik as Sherlock Holmes, David Swee- ney as Doctor Watson, Slab Slabinski as Actor One, Ryan Hull as Actor Two and Emily Dante as Actress One. Under the guidance of Tronier, they have been given vastly different tasks: Jagodnik and Sweeney must breathe new life and distinction into a famous duo already portrayed a dozen times Continued on Page 14