6A FEATURES TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE Problematic relationship Dear Annie: Last fall, my friend ting less frequently. Last week, she “Olive” and her boyfriend of five texted me that she and John were years, “John,” broke up. Of course, I back together. She’d moved back in wasn’t happy to see her going through to his place already and everything. the tough emotions that come with any Annie, I’m so frustrated by this breakup, but man, I sure was happy news, but I’m not sure what to do. I’m to see that guy out of the picture. He supposed to see Olive next weekend was a jerk. He cheated on her (provided she doesn’t flake). DEAR multiple times and hardly let I don’t want to give her a her see her friends. The rare hard time, but I also don’t ANNIE times she got to see any of want to pretend I think it’s her friends, John would text fine she’s back with John. Whenever he cheated on her her after an hour (some- times less), saying it was in the past, she would tell me things such as, “All men getting late and she should cheat. They can’t help it.” It come home. He would even seems obvious she’s just try- come pick her up sometimes Lane ing to rationalize his behav- if she didn’t respond. Any- Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. way, I was practically doing ior. I don’t want to nod along when she says that stuff, but Snoopy dances when they ended things in November, and our I don’t want to get into an argument with her about it, either. How can I mutual friends felt the same way. For about six months afterward, help her see things clearly? — Want- Olive was way more social than she ing to Be a Good Friend had been. She spent more time with Dear Wanting to Be a Good friends and started taking a class at the Friend: Olive and John’s relationship local community college. In short, she sounds unhealthy at best and abu- seemed to be living her best life. She sive at worst. I completely understand even started seeing another guy about your frustration, but try your best to three months ago. He was incredibly be patient. If this is an abusive rela- tionship, then it’s important for her to sweet and head over heels for her. I think you can guess by now know she’s got a friend standing by to where this letter is headed. About a offer support when she finally is ready month ago, Olive started flaking on to leave. You might try inviting her to our plans at the last minute and tex- more group outings instead of making THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. one-on-one plans. That way, you won’t be too put out if she cancels, and she’ll know she’s still part of the group. For more information on helping friends in abusive relationships, visit http://www.thehotline.org. Click the “Get Help” tab, and view the page “Help for Friends and Family.” Dear Annie: You recently pub- lished two letters from office workers who asked for assistance in approach- ing a co-worker with objectionable body odors. Your suggestions were valid, and the admonition to shower before work was good, but that may not be enough. Body odor isn’t always caused by a lack of hygiene. Some medications, some medical conditions, cigarette smoking and what a person eats can contribute. In college, I had a roommate who exuded very objection- able smells almost immediately after a shower and deodorant application. He was a smoker, but the stale smell of cigarettes was not the odor emit- ted. So your advice should have sug- gested looking for some internal con- dition that could be the root cause of the problem. — G.S. Dear G.S.: You make a great point. Diabetes, kidney and liver dysfunc- tion, and rare genetic disorders can also cause body odor. If good hygiene practices aren’t getting at the source, it’s best to talk with your doctor. ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s minor things that happen today — subtle, even. Your inter- pretation of events will influence your destiny (and mood!) more than the events themselves. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Certain people have proven to be so much trouble for you that you know to avoid them completely. As for the unknown trouble sources — it’s just a sense you get, and today an extremely accurate one. Heed your own warning. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have an excellent rapport with a lot of different kinds of people. But what you have with one person is much more. It’s a deep and lasting connection, made possible by your intimate understanding of this person’s pain and joy. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You may be in line for a certain product, but it’s not the product you’re after, not really. You want the experience — the dance of this. You want the story this quest is sure to give you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You wonder if the right sort of partnership could lift your life to a new place. What would the relationship have to be? What would you ask of the other person? There may be a way to embody these things yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The saying goes: “You get out what you put in.” That’s not entirely true. If you wanted the same thing you put in, you’d just keep it. As for the trades you’re currently making, some no longer seem fair or worth it. Change it up. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). If a tourist came into your life right now, that person would see some parts of it as romantic, fascinating and fun and other parts as uncomfortable and in need of a lift. What do you see with your FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE “tourist” eyes? SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Most people wait for holidays and breaks to spend time with the ones they love, but you don’t have to. You can create the moments; steal them. You’ll be in- spired to make up your own meaningful events. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Believing is a funny thing. You sometimes believe in things you know aren’t real because it’s more inter- esting that way, or because everyone is doing it, or because what the belief encompasses is more real than reality. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There are a number of things that are far more contagious than head colds: manners of thought, emotion- al expressions, luck, attitudes, sayings, skills, abilities, viewpoints. ... You’ll be in the mix and picking up plenty. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You want clarity, productivity, high energy and success. Well, you want at least three of those things anyway, and there’s one you’re not so sure of. If you can convince yourself, the impediments will fall away. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). For a discipline to make a difference in your life it must be constant in nature. Repetition is the only way a practice can become ingrained as second nature and adopted as character. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (May 25). You are learning to use your emotions (both positive and negative) for what they can give the world. Joy is a contagion. Anger is motivation. What you used to envy others for, you now embody. This new relationship to your feelings will translate into improved relationships and very successful projects. Libra and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 9, 20, 33 and 14.