The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, April 16, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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Never celebrated
Dear Annie: I’ve been want- us whose birthdays get lost in the
ing to write to you about this for Christmas holidays. How wonder-
a while. About one-twelfth of peo- ful it must be to have a celebration
ple have December birthdays. in which you are the guest of honor.
Mine is in the second week of
I am grateful for so much in my
life, but it sure would be nice to at
When I was a child, my birth- least once have a celebration just
day celebration would get
for me, which most others
lost amid all the holiday
get. — December Baby
events. It’d get mashed
together with some big
Baby: First, to anyone
get-together or sometimes
reading this and thinking
be pretty much forgotten.
that birthdays aren’t a big
There was no event just to
deal, don’t be so quick to
celebrate me.
judge. I bet you like to
I don’t think my birth-
feel special on your birth-
day. Most everyone does.
day should have been
any less celebrated than Annie
Syndicate Inc.
Baby,” you’ve already
my parents’ and siblings’
thought up a great solu-
birthdays, but it was.
Some people’s birthdays are even tion: to observe your birthday on
closer to the 25th than mine, and your half-birthday. Are you wait-
ing for your family and friends to
they probably had it worse.
I realize I’m writing this to develop mind reading capabili-
you in late March, but if I wrote ties? Tell them your idea! Or just
to you in December and you chose start planning your party for mid-
to publish and respond in Decem- June and let everyone know. You’ll
ber, most likely nothing would most likely have a blast.
change, even if some agreed with
And lastly, this is neither here
my viewpoint, because they’d be nor there, but seeing as you men-
tioned it, I wanted to look into it:
too busy at that point.
I’ve thought several times that It turns out that statistically speak-
maybe family and friends could ing, December is actually the least
plan something like a biannual common birth month. Less than
birthday celebration for those of one-twelfth of the population was
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
born in December. So you’re more
special than you realized.
Dear Annie: I am writ-
ing in response to “Birthday
There’s the golden rule: Do
unto others as you’d like others to
do unto you. Then there’s the plat-
inum rule: Do unto others as oth-
ers would like done unto them.
They’re not always the same.
Maybe her husband, like me,
is an introvert and he puts up
with her big parties and plans but
really would prefer a much quieter
birthday, with little to no fanfare.
Many people, possibly includ-
ing “Birthday Non-Celebrations,”
just assume that what they want is
what everybody would want. That
is so not true!
It’s possible he’s doing the
same thing: giving her the birth-
day he’d like to get, which is
almost nothing at all.
It doesn’t sound as if they com-
municate much. She never says he
seems to really like or appreciate
the big shindigs she puts together
for him. — Mel H.
Dear Mel H.: I love that you
shared the “platinum rule.” I think
you can often pick up on what
someone would like through con-
text clues.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). When relation-
ships go through changes, both people in the
relationship are a part of that. The very nature
of relationships is co-involvement. Today the
blame and credit are likely to be misplaced. It’s
something to think over.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). When the social
impetus to be with the group plays against
the fact that there’s apparently nothing in the
situation for you, boredom ensues. But there
is something here for you. You’ll have to dig
deeper for it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Want to find out
everything? All you have to do is ask, “How are
you?” and the whole story comes out. Share
your story, too, otherwise it’s not as fun (or as
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Passion isn’t
necessary for achievement, but it often leads
to it. The passionate person usually gets there
sooner, too, because passion is fast-burning
fuel. Today you’ll be propelled by your passion.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re the star of
someone’s thoughts today. And while you’re not
quite the person they think you are (you’re so
much deeper than their limited knowledge of
you), you might have fun trying on the role.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A secret is
supposed to be something hidden or unknown.
And yet, secrets are told and sold every day,
in books and on billboards, in texts and on
television. That’s why your ability to really keep
a secret is so remarkable and rare.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You want to
explore, but there’s plenty to do right where you
are. How can you justify traipsing around the
world (or the internet) with your current load
of responsibility? Set a timer. A few minutes of
novelty is all you need to refresh your outlook.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Whatever “it” is today,
it will require hard work. Hard work isn’t always
heavy lifting, sweat or hours of toil. Hard work
is efficiently getting it done, even if “it” is mostly
just thinking something through.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re not getting
the response you desire. It’s not something
you’re entitled to; rather, it’s a puzzle to solve.
An experimental approach will work well for
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The question of
the day is an existential one that can be taken
many different ways and directed to yourself
or to others: “Who do you think you are?” The
answer will change by the minute.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Like a good
murder mystery novel or a Steven Soderbergh
movie, some things are best presented in
jumbled puzzle pieces that you have to put
together yourself. That will be half the fun today.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Sometimes hap-
piness has you cheering. Other times it inspires
quiet reverie. Happiness can move you to
tears, make you dance, write, sing or drive long
distances. Stay flexible so you can recognize
happiness however it shows up.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (April 17). You’ll
experience a sharp uptick in confidence,
self-sufficiency and ambition over the next two
months. You’ll often find yourself in a serious
schedule with big responsibility. So when it’s
time to play, be sure to have fun like it’s your
birthright. The education you get in November
will markedly increase your means. Pisces and
Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are:
20, 5, 49, 30 and 13.