KNAPPA & JEWELL | SPRING SPORTS PREVIEWS PAGE 10 145TH YEAR, NO. 197 // WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2018 ONE DOLLAR Civil War re-enactment gets new home First time in 28 years it will not be held at Fort Stevens By JACK HEFFERNAN The Daily Astorian Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian An artillery unit on the Union side participates in a Civil War re-enact- ment at Fort Stevens last year. Port might settle the Riverwalk Inn lawsuit Port director to negotiate proposal By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian The Port of Astoria is moving toward a settlement with Param Hotel Corp. regarding the Astoria River- walk Inn. The Port Commission on Tuesday authorized Port Executive Director Jim Knight to negotiate a settlement proposal. “I think we should be able to get to some form of a settlement … I’d imagine within 60 to 90 days,” Knight said. Bill Hunsinger, the strongest critic of Knight on the Port Commission, was the lone “no” in the 4-1 vote, calling for a couple of com- missioners to be in the negotiations. “We already Jim Knight went through this thing one time, when we only had one guy negotiate,” Hunsinger said. Param is planning to take over operation of the Riverwalk Inn in November after prevailing over the Port in court late last year. The Port appealed the decision, and the case has been placed in the appel- late court’s settlement conference program. Astoria Hospitality Ventures, run by William Orr and Chester Tra- bucco, has a lease to operate the hotel through October. Clatsop County Cir- cuit Court Judge Dawn McIntosh had ruled the Port is obligated to lease Param the hotel for two years, begin- ning in November, with a five-year lease-extension option. The Port Commission had voted for such a takeover in 2015 before negotiations with Param fell apart and the company sued for breach of contract and fraud. A jury later See PORT, Page 3A The largest Civil War re-enact- ment in the Pacific Northwest will remain in Clatsop County, but not at Fort Stevens State Park, its longtime home. The Northwest Civil War Coun- cil inked a deal Saturday with the county Fair & Expo to hold the event on Labor Day weekend at the fairgrounds. Organizers announced in Febru- ary that, after 27 years, the re-enact- ment would no longer be held at Fort Stevens. They said newly imposed camping fees from the state Parks and Recreation Department would increase operating costs by roughly 65 percent. While the re-enactors spoke with a private property owner near Albany, they were hoping to keep the event nearby. John Lewis, the fair’s main- tenance supervisor, contacted the council days after it announced the departure. “After 28 years, we have a lot of people planning their vacations on coming to that area,” said Earl Bishop, the council’s chairman. “They were willing to work with us and make us feel wanted.” The contract with the fairgrounds will include the same fees as those charged by the state park in 2017, Lewis said. “We’re always looking for events out here. We have a large enough facility to handle an event that size. It just seemed like a good opportunity for both of us.” Bishop admitted the fairgrounds will not have the same historical appeal as Fort Stevens, which was built during the Civil War. Some of See CIVIL War, Page 3A ELECTION FORUM | COUNTY COMMISSION & STATE HOUSE Commission candidates discuss range of topics Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Candidates for Clatsop County commissioner prepare to answer questions during a forum at Astoria High School. Eight candidates vying for three seats on board By JACK HEFFERNAN The Daily Astorian At a forum that covered a range of Clatsop County issues, a few seemed to be a priority for candidates and spectators alike: job cre- ation, emergency preparedness, a November jail bond, housing and the environment. Eight candidates for three seats on the county Board of Commissioners in the May election gathered Tuesday night for a forum at Astoria High School sponsored by the American Association of University Women and The Daily Astorian. Candidates to replace Commissioner Lisa Clement in District 3 are Peter Roscoe — a former restaurateur and Astoria city councilor — Doug Thompson — a property manager and also a former Astoria city councilor — and Pamela Wev — an Astoria land use plan- ning consultant. Roscoe touted his experience and an endorsement from former Astoria Mayor Wil- lis Van Dusen in his case for the position. A large chunk of his experience involves work- ing with natural resources. “What I would like to see is further uti- lization of our natural resources, alternative energy. We have a river here that would cre- ate a tremendous amount of energy,” he said. Thompson, who recently stepped down as chairman of the Clatsop County Democratic Central Committee, tagged climate change as the top issue he would address as a commis- sioner. He added that he opposes any fossil fuel development on the Columbia River. See COUNTY, Page 7A State House candidates appeal to voters Several compete to replace Boone By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian The five hopefuls to replace state Rep. Deborah Boone in state House District 32 pitched themselves to voters Tuesday in a candidate forum at Astoria High School. Three Democrats are running in the May primary, including Tillamook County Com- missioner Tim Josi and political newcomers John Orr and Tiffiny Mitchell. Josi, who served in the state House from 1991 to 1998 and the last 20 years on the Til- lamook County Commission, has come out as the early front-runner with the broadest name recognition and biggest campaign cof- fer. He touted his experience and how he has been reacquainting himself with people in the district. Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Candidates prepare to answer questions from the audience in Astoria. See HOUSE, Page 7A