The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 27, 2018, Page 5A, Image 5

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Invitations on social media?
Dear Annie: Recently, I missed to be at their event and they know
a large birthday party for a close you don’t use Facebook, they
family member. I was not aware of should reach out to you separately,
the party until several weeks later, whether with a phone call, an
when other family members asked email or — don’t hold your breath
where I was that day. My answer — a good old-fashioned paper
was that I had not been invited and invitation. That said, they may
knew nothing about it. I
not know you don’t use
was then promptly told
Facebook. You do have
an account, after all. One
the invitation had been
option would be to delete
on Facebook. It is as if I
your account so there’s no
am expected to read Face-
book each day instead of
confusion over whether or
the regular mail. I checked
not you’re receiving invi-
tations that way. Another
my Facebook page and
option would be a tech
found no such invitation
solution for this tech
or mention of a party. I
problem: If you use a cal-
really don’t know how to Annie
Syndicate Inc.
endar on your computer,
use Facebook, so the invi-
tation might have been
tablet or smartphone, you
somewhere unseen by me even if should be able to sync your Face-
book account with it so that any
I logged on regularly.
I have missed several invita- events you’re invited to will auto-
tions and events because of this. matically be added to the calendar.
Am I wrong for not checking For what it’s worth, I am with you.
Facebook for such information? Is I don’t think social media should
this the new norm? If it is, then I be the hub of our social lives.
Dear Annie: “News Junkie,”
suppose we can expect to see obit-
uaries posted on Facebook in the who finds himself obsessed and
future — and birth announcements stressed by the 24-hour news
and wedding announcements.
cycle, is not alone. Cable news rat-
What is expected these days? ings are at record highs. The major
— Home Alone
newspapers have the highest read-
Dear Home Alone: If friends ership they’ve had in years. Inves-
and loved ones really want you tigative reporting has never been
more diligent. Most Americans
think the country is on the wrong
track. And most responsible citi-
zens believe that now, more than
ever, is not the time to not be pay-
ing attention.
Your advice to “News Junkie”
is what I try to do myself: take
periodic breaks from the news
cycle to do something soul-restor-
ing. In my case, I take my dog out
every day, weather permitting, to
a nearby nature area where you
can let your dogs run and play
off leash. The only other thing I
would suggest for “News Junkie”
is that he take action of some kind,
such as volunteering for a politi-
cal campaign, a “get out the vote”
effort or a social service organiza-
tion whose mission he respects.
It is a great stress reliever, too,
knowing that you are doing some-
thing, however small, to make the
world a better place than it is right
now. — Kay C.
Dear Kay C.: I’d like to sec-
ond your advice and encourage
“News Junkie” and other over-
whelmed Americans to volunteer.
Though it’s crucial to take peri-
odic breaks from the news cycle
to avoid stress, fatigue and ulti-
mately apathy, it can also be thera-
peutic to take action.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). A glorious day:
The goal of the team will be accomplished
by the team! For today, the victory you claim
together will be just as sweet for you as any
you could claim on your own.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t mind
leading the dance, so to speak. You’re a
smooth leader, after all. Since you know
where you’re going, there will be a certain
ease in taking people there.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The drama is
there for the taking. Anyone who needs a little
extra will find it readily available. And though
you may be tempted, as today’s drama
appears especially juicy, you also have much
better things to do. Productivity will win out.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The hardest
lessons happen when we forget that life is a
classroom. So remember. Learning happens
everywhere when you’re paying attention and
occasionally asking the difficult questions.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Though you may, for
an hour or so, stretch your imagination into in-
teresting places, embellish reality and enjoy a
bit of fantasy, in the end it will be your practical
solution that saves the day.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ve a talent for
giving. The best gifts aren’t material. They’re
the right words at the right time, a manner
of showing up, a smile, a joke. Sensitive and
observant, you naturally gravitate to delivering
what people need.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In the digital world,
it’s pretty easy to get snarled into distractions
and purchases, but it’s also easy not to: Un-
subscribe; block the call; don’t go to the web-
site. Such limits will keep you on task today.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Today’s op-
portunity is stellar in every way. Stepping into
the situation will bring such a warm, inviting,
hopeful feeling that you’ll keep right on step-
ping. Before you know it, you’re immersed in
the culture of this thing ...
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You know
the nonverbal cues that tell you when people
are wanting you to speak and when they
are ready for you to stop. Others are not so
attuned, which is why you’ll need your ad-
vanced social tools to navigate this day.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Being first
may give you a slight advantage, but it also
comes with risk. In today’s dealings, it will
be better to hang back and study the scene
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The people
around you all want different things. Just ask
them! Each one will have a different answer.
Bonus: You’ll discover that you have a purpose
that coincides perfectly with that of another.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There’s a time
to turn your natural magnetism up and a time
to tone it down. Today this mostly will have to
do with the size of the space. When you’re
out in the big world, radiating to fill it will have
definite benefits.
Belonging to the group has been important in
the past, and it will be so again in the future.
But this solar return begins with it individuality.
You take your life in your own hands and
earn the right to later say, “That was all me.”
Intellectual pursuits call you next month. Apply
what you learn to the complexities of the sum-
mer. Leo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 36, 3, 20, 22 and 49.