The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, March 22, 2018, Page 6A, Image 25

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Bad attitude on gratitude
Dear Annie: I’m in my late to shoot off a quick “Thanks for
30s. I’ve read the many letters that!” on your smartphone. —
you’ve printed about how thank- You’re Welcome
you notes have gone the way of
Dear You’re Welcome:
the dodo. I have a different angle Laziness is the enemy of grat-
itude, and reading your letter
on this complaint.
Let me preface this by say- I have to agree that it seems to
ing that I am not per-
have the upper hand in
fect in this realm. It
a big way. Thanks to
took my wife and me
technology, it’s easier
forever to get around
than ever to be self-ab-
sorbed and unappre-
to sending thank-you
ciative of others; to do
notes after our wedding,
whatever’s convenient.
and I think that most of
But the good news
the readers who have
is that gratitude is also
weighed in are expect-
ing too much.
the enemy of laziness.
That said, I am notic- Annie
Fight the good fight by
Syndicate Inc.
ing a trend of giving no
looking for ways to be
thanks at all. When I get
more thankful in your
a gift or someone does a favor own life every day. Perhaps you
for me, I send thanks via email will be a positive influence on
or text (though I realize that a your friends. In the meantime,
handwritten note or a phone I’d stop sending them pres-
call would be better). That’s all ents. Redirect your generous
I expect myself, but some of my energy toward charitable causes
peers don’t even text a thank- or loved ones who will really
you when I give them some- appreciate it.
thing. I find that very annoying.
Dear Annie: Your advice to
I used to chalk up this thank- Granddad’s Girl about speaking
you note issue to laziness, but to him about his driving abili-
I’m beginning to agree with ties fell far short. This man very
your readers who say that grat- likely has early dementia. His
itude is trending down. It’s dis- continued driving is a huge risk
turbing. It takes next to no time to himself and others. His fam-
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). While the bound-
aries you establish may simply be policy to you,
there are some who will experience them as a
personal affront. But as long as you’re respectful,
your boundaries won’t be challenged.
ily needs to insist he see his doc-
tor, accompanied by a family
member, to discuss this. I am a
retired internist, and I often had
to deal with this difficult prob-
lem. This was often scheduled
as a “check up” to avoid alarm-
ing the elderly patient.
Discussion of driving abili-
ties and tests of memory, spatial
orientation, reflexes and exec-
utive functioning can be done
in the office. Almost all states
have laws requiring or allowing
physicians to report impaired or
potentially impaired drivers.
Going beyond having the
DMV test his driving abilities,
which might lead to his license
being revoked, I would encour-
age the family to disable or
remove his car. Simply taking
his keys away is not enough.
This is a very contentious
problem in my experience,
because it means a loss of inde-
pendence, and often, a move to
an assisted living facility or the
home of a family member. —
Retired Oregon Internist
Dear Retired Oregon Inter-
nist: I should have been more
emphatic about the importance
of getting her grandfather a
medical evaluation.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The times are
changing. You’re dipping your foot into the new
normal. It still scares some people, but that’s why
they need you to be strong. Do you. Get to know
as many people as you can. And keep growing.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You can enhance
your life by changing something simple, such
as your diet or something logistical. Take, for
instance, the time you spend getting to and from
places. There’s a way to make the commute
pleasurable or shorter.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). So you made a
wrong turn back there. That’s a rare thing, but
it happens to everyone. Review the mistake
or misperception, because you’re about to get
another chance — and this time you’re likely to
nail it.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Though you can relate to
the lives of others, saying so won’t help. The best
way to support others is through careful, attentive
listening. Make it all about the other person: No
anecdote, advice or interjection will be necessary.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The work will only
feel worthwhile to you if it’s bringing you money,
happiness or the chance to markedly improve
yourself. If you can’t readily see how the endeav-
or fits into one of those categories, bail.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). While trials and
tribulations are an inevitable part of the growth
cycle, they shouldn’t be the norm. Someone who
always seems to be at the heart of drama has
the potential to snarl you into his or her orbit.
Resist. You’ve better things to do.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It doesn’t matter
how many friends you have; you will still always
be better off when you are also your own friend
and champion. Also note: A person who cares
for deeply for you will not side with a person who
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You may
choose to forgive someone now — not because
that person deserves mercy but because you
no longer want to be mentally tied to a piece of
history and therefore need to let it go.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). People seek
your company and attention. The venue, dining
and entertainment aspects don’t matter all that
much, so don’t stress over such details. As long
as it’s not too loud to hear conversation, all will
be well.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Love, peace,
magic, joy — you can have all of that. You’ll have
to give up other things, though. What do you think
they are? For some it’s a false belief, e.g., that
love is about suffering or that drama is better than
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your internal voice
may not make a peep detectable by micro-
phones, but it can be deafeningly loud to you. It
carries to far reaches of your internal universe.
That’s why it’s so important to stay supportive
when talking to yourself.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (March 23). It’s the
wonderful matches that make this solar return
sing — the people who get you, the jobs that
reward you at a deeper level and the lifestyle that
curls supportively and securely around the core
of who you are. Your outstanding work in August
will build up both your reputation and your bank
account. Virgo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 2, 28, 4, 14 and 7.