The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 26, 2018, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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Behind-the-back talk
Dear Annie: I have a prob- the years because these mutual
lem with my friend “Julie” friends have let slip things
that I’m not sure how to han- that she’s told them about our
dle. She’s a really good friend fights. I’ve also put it together
in many ways. She’s always for myself because whenever
there when I’m going through she fights with another friend,
hard stuff. She’s gen-
she tells me all about
erous with food
it. I know that I’m not
and gifts and other
special and that when
thoughtful gestures.
we have fights, she
For instance, last year,
does the same thing.
when she was watch-
Personally, I think
ing my dog while I
it’s wrong to talk neg-
atively about someone
was out of town, she
to a mutual friend, so I
took him to the vet
never want to do that
when he seemed sick,
myself. But I worry
with no hesitation. Annie
Syndicate Inc.
that with everyone just
And one time when
getting one side of the
there was an issue with
my apartment that required me story, people have a skewed
to be out of the unit for a few picture of me. Should I try to
days, Julie let me stay with her correct the record by letting
even though it was on very these friends know my side or
short notice. You get the pic- just be the bigger person and
ture. When we’re on good let it go? — Ears Burning
terms, you couldn’t ask for a
Dear Ears Burning: It’s
better friend.
bad enough when high school-
But whenever we have a ers do this. There’s no excuse
conflict, she does something I for grown adults to be engag-
find frustrating and immature. ing in this sort of gossip mill.
She tells all our mutual friends Rather than dive into the mud
about our disagreement — and yourself by trying to explain
from her own biased perspec- your side of the story to
tive. I’ve picked up on this over friends, rise above and address
the problem at its source. Con-
front Julie. Explain how her
oversharing (to put it nicely)
hurts you. If she continues
talking behind your back after
that, reconsider how close you
want to be with her.
Dear Annie: I understand
and sympathize with “Sleep-
less in Spokane.” My husband
of 36-plus years and I have
successfully slept in separate
bedrooms for over 10 years.
I like your suggestion of twin
beds. I might also suggest that
“Sleepless in Spokane” put a
nightstand between the twin
beds and use a white-noise
machine or even a fan. That is
what I do whenever we have
company or are on vacation
and hubby and I share a bed.
— Been There
Dear Been There: I’m
glad to hear that separate bed-
rooms have worked out for
you and your husband. That
arrangement truly does seem
to do wonders for many cou-
ples these days. The white-
noise machine is an excellent
tip that I should have men-
tioned in my original answer.
Thanks for writing.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Entrances should
come with announcements. Whether you’re
stepping into the room or into someone’s life,
make sure there’s some style to it. Don’t sneak
in. Take this opportunity to make a unique
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Thousands of
stunning selfies cannot a beauty make. There
is no image that can make a person beautiful,
because images are always in the past and be-
ing beautiful is a present state, one that you’ll
easily achieve today.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You shine in even
the most ordinary of situations. Actually, the
ordinary situations of today will be especially
good for this, as you’ll catch people off guard.
Just don’t let it go to your head when they fall
for your charms.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Today’s work will
be a little like stringing beads. As you make
small, continuous improvements, you wind up
with something intricate, lovely, substantial and
humans are wired to learn through imitation.
So when you do something different today, it
will be all the more remarkable.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It is said that
there’s no money in poetry and no poetry in
money, and yet there will be a bit of financial
justice today that plays out in such a way that
challenges this assertion.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You can’t
change the facts of what has happened, but
you can realize the deeper reasons involved,
and this may cause just the change necessary
to allow you to let it go.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Putting
people on pedestals is bad for everyone. For
starters, at some point, the elevated person
is going to have to come down, whether by
fall from grace, gradual decline or purposeful
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll be asked
to weigh in, though it might not be smartest
thing to do. Try asking this magic question
instead: What do you think you should do?
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are strongly
inclined to help another person and want the
best for this person — that’s almost enough to
call it a friendship. Take it the rest of the way by
making this a habit, and a mutual one.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Though it seems
that everything has a price, in today’s case it’s
an emotional price that will matter more than
a dollar amount. It’s not about the money; it’s
about what the money means.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Smiling is the
easiest way to show confidence. And if you’re
not exactly feeling confident, smiling is also a
good way to get there. So is listening carefully.
People will thrive under the nourishment of
your attention.
can relax and be themselves around you, and
that’s why you have so many friends and fun
times over the course of this solar return. You’ll
attract a like-minded partner next month, and
by April you’ll have a whole team. Making mon-
ey will be your specialty, starting with a training
in May. Virgo and Sagittarius adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 5, 30, 44, 2 and 18.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). People, encouraged
to do as they please, will generally imitate oth-
ers — not for a lack of creativity; it’s just that