4A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2018 editor@dailyastorian.com KARI BORGEN Publisher JIM VAN NOSTRAND Editor Founded in 1873 JEREMY FELDMAN Circulation Manager DEBRA BLOOM Business Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN Production Manager CARL EARL Systems Manager OUR VIEW Abortion is a woman’s choice T his week, instead of quietly marking the 45th anniversary of the passing of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, citi- zens around our nation are gearing up to fight to protect it. President Trump’s flip-flop from supporting to opposing legal abortions took place some while ago, although he still would allow early termina- tions in cases of rape and incest. His emotionally charged pronouncements Friday to demand changes in the law were a thinly veiled attempt to solidify his crumbling political base. His decision to embrace the belief that the federal government knows what is best for any American woman making this difficult choice is simply disturbing. The revival of the clashing rhetoric — over a battle that was set- tled long ago — is simply a political distraction just when his administra- tion is under fire from all sides. Abortion long has been a core issue of his vice president, Mike Pence, who brought many hardline evangelicals on board to win the 2016 GOP campaign with his emotionally charged rhetoric against legal abortions and homosex- ual rights. The key word in any abortion dis- cussion is “legal.” Women who want to have an abortion will have the oper- ation regardless of the law. The ques- tion is whether this simple medi- cal procedure is performed in safe, hygienic conditions by trained profes- sionals or in considerably less healthy circumstances which pose a danger to the women’s lives and long-term health. Roe v. Wade was supposed to settle the matter. Both sides presented argu- ments in a Texas case that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The battle was fought. And the bat- tle was won. In 1973, justices voted AP Photo/Andrew Harnik Anti-abortion activists rally Friday on the National Mall during the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais President Donald Trump addresses the March of Life participants from the Rose Garden of the White House. 7-2 in favor of a ruling that over- turned state bans and legalized abor- tion throughout the nation. They did so on privacy grounds, saying govern- ment intervention in a woman’s medi- cal treatment was an unwarranted and improper intervention in her right to choose what happens to her body. About 7 in 10 Americans (69 per- cent) oppose overturning Roe V. Wade, according to the Pew Research Center. About 3 in 10 (28 percent) would like to see it overturned. That split of pub- lic opinion has held relatively steady in recent decades. Abortion opponents have worked hard to impose obstacles to women following through on their own choices. In states around the nation, such groups have enlisted compliant leg- islators to pass laws that deliberately make it very difficult for a woman to obtain a legal abortion. Legislation has been introduced to restrict abor- tion to circumstances of rape, or where the woman’s life is in danger. All these strategies seek to chip away at a wom- an’s natural right to determine whether and when she bears a child. Roadblocks like waiting peri- ods, mandatory counseling and other restrictions reveal a concerted effort. In recent years, states have sought to insist that clinic doctors have creden- tials from their local hospitals and require clinics to make expensive mod- ifications to their facilities. These latter two requirements were introduced in a Texas law in 2013, but struck down by subsequent court rulings. Trump’s speech Friday has already been dissected for its mistruths. The false comparisons with other nations were easy to reveal, just like so many of our chief executive’s other dubious statements. We simply do not need this. This country has enough problems with environmental threats, overwhelming debt, crumbling infrastructure, hunger, poverty and crime without revisiting a fight won long ago. One person summed up the issue back in 1999. It remains a statement with which we totally agree. “I want to see the abortion issue removed from politics. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.” The speaker was Donald Trump. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Vote ‘no’ on Measure 101 on’t be misled by those slick TV ads say- ing to vote “yes” on Measure 101 — which is a health care sales tax that is bla- tantly unfair to the working middle class, schools and colleges. If this tax is voted in, it will tax citizens’ health care premiums. It will suck $25 million from Oregon school districts. Moreover, approximately 11,700 Ore- gon college students who buy their own health care will pay more for tuition, because the colleges themselves will be levied a tax (which they will pass onto the students) for the mandated student health care. Medicaid providers will be taxed as well, potentially reducing payments to doctors and nurses who already work at cost to help Ore- gon’s neediest citizens. Guess who is exempt from this tax if it passes? Large corporations, unions, and the insurance companies. I suspect those flashy ads are being paid for by them. The Oregon Legislature had three other alternatives to fund health care without rais- ing taxes on health care services, but chose Measure 101. Why? My guess is that any sur- plus health care tax funds will be placed in the general fund, which they have total discretion to spend on whatever they wish — all on the backs of hardworking citizens. Vote “no” on Measure 101. MARY ANN BRANDON Warrenton D City should require apartments above Astoria Co-op he Astoria Planning Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall. Asto- ria Co-op’s new store is missing an opportu- nity that the city would be remiss, if allowed. Astoria needs more affordable housing for our workforce and enough land correctly zoned to provide such (“Clatsop County led northwest Oregon in population growth,” The Daily Asto- rian, Jan. 16). Some in our city government favor sell- ing our parks to provide places for more hous- ing stock. In fact the city recently hired our past wonderful planner, Rosemary Johnson, to eval- uate the sale of four of our parks. Selling parks is totally the opposite of what the 2016 park T public survey revealed (page 43, Astoria Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan). The city should require apartments above the co-op, which our city zoning and height limits would allow in this area. Their man- ager even stated that their employees need such housing. The new store uses most of a parcel that is currently zoned for multifamily units. If the city approves this project — as proposed — on land zoned for multi-family units, you can hold them, and even the co-op partially responsible when we read that our parks are being sold. GEORGE (MICK) HAGUE Co-op member/owner Astoria Walmart was right to close Sam’s Club stores am not a fan of Walmart, but, I’ve noticed that local and national news sources, in their anti-Trump campaign, only give half of the story on Walmart. Walmart, the retail box store, when given a tax break, gave raises and bonuses to many workers. Sam’s Club, also owned by Walmart, has been failing, so they had to close 10 percent of them and lay off, as any sane business does. DICK DARBY Astoria I President is planning brighter future for Trumpville did a basic compare and contrast with The Daily Astorian’s Jan. 19 page one headline, “North Coast reflects on Trump,” and the opin- ion article, “Governor’s PERS solutions are modest at best.” The main thrust of the front page article concerns the 41 percent of Clatsop County vot- ers (Trumpville) who supported the president. It would be an interesting follow-up article to look into the opinions of the 59 percent of those on the outskirts of Trumpville. How many of these “outsiders” have 401Ks, 403Bs or Public Employees Retirement Sys- tem (PERS) accounts? Have these 59 percen- ters checked their investment portfolios lately? Compare the president’s approach to Oregon’s governor and her “modest at best” way of han- I LETTERS WELCOME Letters should be exclusive to The Daily Astorian. Letters should be fewer than 250 words and must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. You will be contacted to confirm authorship. All letters are subject to editing for space, grammar, and, on occasion, fac- tual accuracy. Only two letters per writer are allowed each month. Letters written in response to other letter writers should address the issue at hand and, rather than mentioning the dling the biggest financial problem facing all Oregonians — PERS. President Trump passed a tax cut that has provided bonuses for millions of workers and incentives for businesses to re-invest in Amer- ica. Apple has indicated it will pay $38 billion in taxes to bring hundreds of billions back to the U.S. economy. I mention Apple by name as it’s listed as PERS’ largest stock holding, with 2,970,029 shares valued on June 30 for $427,743,577 (Oregon PERS Comprehensive Annual Finan- cial Report, page 93). Does the governor have any interest in that “modest” concept of nearly half a billion dollars? Can the governor entice writer by name, should refer to the head- line and date the letter was published. Discourse should be civil and people should be referred to in a respectful manner. Letters in poor taste will not be printed. Send via email to editor@dailyas- torian.com, online at dailyastorian. com/submit_letters, in person at 949 Exchange St. in Astoria or 1555 North Roosevelt in Seaside, or mail to Letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103. business activity in the same manner President Trump has shown to be fruitful? Many, if not all, of Clatsop County’s retir- ees, both present and future, have seen a boost in their retirement funds due to tax reform by the president. It seems Mr. Trump’s adminis- tration is planning for a brighter future for resi- dents of Trumpville. I just wonder what the 59 percenters will think when they have a choice between the governor’s “modest at best” economic scheme, and President Trump’s researched-based, results-proven economic plan. MATT JANES Jeffers Gardens