6A FEATURES My toxic family members Dear Annie: I am a 50-year- and tell me so. They have made old married woman with two chil- fun of my hair color, my makeup, dren. I am far from perfect, but I my weight, the fact that my house do feel I am a decent person. My is clean — you name it! To them, issue is my sister and my mom. I any part of my life or personality have spent most of my adult life is fair game for attack. trying to please both of them. I They once took my son walk on eggshells every when he was small and DEAR time we have a family drove him around and function, because I never grilled him because they ANNIE know what I’ve done that thought he was being they will be upset about. abused. He had fallen The latest blowup was and hit his face on a because I suggested a dif- bleacher at the pool. My ferent Christmas game. I mom was there and saw was yelled at by my sis- the whole thing hap- pen but pretended not ter in front of my parents Lane to know. I worked for and grandma, and they Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. Child Protective Ser- all sat there and let her rip vices at the time and was me to shreds. I think they humiliated. But thank goodness, are afraid of her, too. One year, she screamed at my son and I were interviewed, me because I couldn’t pick up a so we could prove nothing bad birthday cake for another fam- had happened. ily member because I had to be What do I do? I make myself out of town for a few hours. That sick trying to please these two. same week, my mom screamed at I make myself sick thinking I me for a half-hour while I was at should cut the ties. Any sugges- work, all because I couldn’t make tions? Talking to them doesn’t this relative’s birthday supper. I work. — Sick of Them Dear Sick of Them: You’re plan and organize family birth- days, get-togethers, etc., but my making yourself sick; you can mom and sister come late, pick also make yourself better. Stop fights and make me feel terrible. trying to please your mom and They don’t like my friends sister. In fact, stop trying to please THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2018 TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. anyone. Act out of integrity and with love and respect for your- self. Take a break from seeing or communicating with your rel- atives for a while. Think of it as a detox. Then, with a more clear- headed perspective, decide what level of relationship you can have with them while still protecting yourself. You may indeed need to cut ties, or you may just need to limit the frequency and duration of visits. As you seem to have internalized a lot of guilt, con- sider enlisting the help of a ther- apist for constructing and placing boundaries. Dear Annie: I had a friend who went through a tough breakup last year, and I was there for her every day. This year, I find myself going through some- thing similar, but she’s too busy with her new boyfriend to answer the phone when I call, I guess. Why is it that so many people want your companionship during rocky periods but can’t be there for you when you’re in need? — Bitter Dear Bitter: The hard times are great for showing you who your real friends are. This woman is not one of them. Don’t be bit- ter. Do find better friends. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Aesthetic choices are never really correct or incorrect. There’s not one right way things should appear. So work on such matters using the sensibility that best represents your attractions, preferences and delight. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you demand a little more of your conversations, you’ll get a lot of fun, insight and creative inspiration out of them. But you have to be willing to focus on the other person, staying alert to the openings that lead a little deeper. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Ambition can be an energizing force, but it can also be the thief of contentment. There’s a balance to be struck today so that you may swing into the future while holding firmly to the handles of satisfaction with the present. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You are emotion- ally invested in something that would otherwise be a very clinical process. Rather ordinary daily happenings will present a magic opportunity for you to feel and make other people feel. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). The subject line is the trickiest part of email. Your point, in and of itself, may not be juicy enough to get someone to open and read on. That sums up all communi- cation today. To get heard will require thought and pizazz. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your version of a good result may not match up with another person’s. Chances are, your standards are higher or just very different. Therefore it will be important to make your expectations known up front. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You can’t assume that people know what you’re all about. This is true even for people who, by now, really should. FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE You’ll have to fill in the blanks today by giving lots of context. This is a chance for fun and self-discovery. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ve seen it time and again. Frustration and anger at others is really anger with the self. It’s easier to see when you’re not the one who is mad. Either way, you’ll grow from today’s realization. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Start the story from the beginning, and take your time in the telling. People will be really interested in you today and will want the chance to be fully entertained by you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Practice your charm with strangers. It will be easier than using it with people you know, because there’s no build-up of expectation and you won’t be worried about forgetting a name or some key piece of information. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). “Well, actually,” they say when they are about to point out how wrong the other person is. This is annoying, at best, and can be downright combative, so try to ignore it when you hear it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Keep building your way forward, trying new things, introducing unlikely elements and basically taking an exper- imental approach to life. You might feel childish and foolish before you ultimately feel victorious. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 18). Your influence will grow through this solar return. People will accept your help, act on your advice and become successful in ways that benefit themselves and you, too. There’s a breakthrough in March, and the opportunities get challenging and magical. Invest in April. Your creativity will shine. How gratifying! Libra and Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 40, 1, 28 and 31.