The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, January 15, 2018, Page 6A, Image 6

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A grandma gets shut out
Dear Annie: I am a 68-year- ing them the “space” they need
old widow with two grown chil- that I think I will either mail him
dren, both married, both living the gifts before the baby out-
nearby. I dearly love babies and grows them or return them to my
baby-sit as much as possible. My friends.
He is upset that I have some
son and wife had my first grand-
son over the summer. My son mild memory problems, mainly
called me the morning after
to invite me to see him, so I
and not realizing it. I
did for a few minutes. Then,
have been to a doctor
a few weeks later and a few
for this and am tak-
ing medication for
weeks after that, my son
it. My friends say the
invited me to their home
medication seems to
to see the baby again. So
be helping. I think
I went. When I didn’t see
this problem could
the baby for several weeks,
also apply to my not
I texted my daughter-in-
realizing I had previ-
law to ask whether I could Annie
Syndicate Inc.
ously texted him the
see the baby but got no
same thing.
response. I knew she would
What can I do about my son
be going back to work soon, so
I asked again. No response. The and wife? Everybody I know
next thing I knew, my son told seems to really love me. I had
me to leave them alone -- that many invitations to Thanksgiv-
they wanted their privacy. I cried ing dinner and Christmas get-to-
and cried but don’t know what gethers. I am so sad! I have
happened. He told me to not text wanted a grandchild for years. --
New Grandma
or call.
This happened around
Dear New Grandma: I’d
Thanksgiving, when, for the time encourage you to get a second
ever, we didn’t spend the holiday opinion on your memory prob-
together. Tonight I texted him lems. (And no, your friends’
and asked him to pick up three opinions don’t count.) Investi-
gifts my friends sent. He was gate the issue from every angle,
so ticked off that I wasn’t giv- because it sounds pretty serious
from what you’ve described --
not remembering recent conver-
sations you’ve had or text mes-
sages you’ve sent. Ask your
son to accompany you to a doc-
tor’s visit so your physician can
explain the situation to him. If
your son understands that this is
a medical condition and outside
your control, he should be more
sympathetic when you repeat
yourself or are confused. It will
be impossible to help take care
of your grandkids if you’re not
first and foremost taking care of
Dear Annie: This is in
response to “Weird, Stupid or
Selfish?” -- who keeps having to
hide decorative candy from her
husband because he eats it. I had
the same problem with my hus-
band. Our three fun-loving teen-
age daughters decided to put
some doggy candy in a beauti-
ful crystal dish. Needless to say,
it was irresistible to their father.
It tasted so bad he had to try two!
That sure slowed down the emp-
tying of the candy dishes. -- Carol
Dear Carol: Now why didn’t
I think of that? Please tell your
daughters that they take first
place at creative problem-solving
this week.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). As those skilled in
the art of marketing know well, there are many
ways to position a single product. What you
present today will seem exciting, fresh and new,
not because it is, but because you are the one
presenting it.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you can figure out
how to settle in to this moment and be fine with all
that’s going on inside of it, you’ll be instantly free
to manage external circumstances in a way you
couldn’t when you were fighting with reality.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). As for plan A, that
was so long ago, when you wanted to be a rock
star/space traveler/teacher/fireman ... and maybe
some of that worked out, but the alphabet is really
long, so just relax and pick another letter.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Certain friends
are more possessive than others. They see your
attention as an all-or-nothing proposition. But it’s
not! You’ve a gracious way of spreading it around.
If they give you half a chance, you’ll prove that
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Great orators move
people, change lives, rally nations to war and
bring souls to God. Passion, vision and a strong
voice are all the equipment needed — the same
equipment you have today. What do you want to
do with it?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You already know
what could go wrong. It has before! But it won’t
again if you use what you’ve learned to anticipate
those instances and devise a plan for handling
them before they happen.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When you’re groggy
in the morning or tired after a long day your will-
power will be depleted. Make it easy for yourself
to succeed by anticipating your needs in those
crucial moments and setting yourself up for the
best outcome.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Complaining is
fine for some situations, but you like to show up
with solutions instead. If you don’t have a solution
you won’t even bother rocking the boat, because
there’s so much else to focus on that’s going right
for you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your word
choices will matter. They could be the difference
between closing the deal and not. You won’t use
euphemism or hyperbole: You’ll use the specific
right word to describe how you feel and what
you’ll do.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). This will be an
upbeat and extremely productive day for you.
Keep track of what’s working and what you like,
too, so you’ll remember to do more of it even
when you’re in a different kind of mood.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When you
improve yourself through reading you’ll acquire
rather easily what others had to learn the hard
way. Of course, you have to apply what you read
or it won’t stick. Do this as soon as possible.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It’s said that laugh-
ter is the best medicine, though medicine has
gotten to be such a dicey proposition that laughter
might not appreciate the comparison. Anyway,
you’re on a quest to get more natural joy flowing
through your life.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. 16). You’ll build
up stores of the good things: love, knowledge and
wisdom, as well as practical supplies, savings
and funds marked for fun. It’s not always easy.
You’ll sweat and stress some as you get more or-
ganized and create structures that can keep this
whole thing moving along in the right direction.
Viva abundance! Scorpio and Virgo adore you.
Your lucky numbers are: 8, 10, 39, 1 and 7.