The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, December 22, 2017, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    Astor Elementary
Letters to Santa
Dear Santa,
I would like an art kit for Christmas. I
would love if it had paint, pencils, colerd
pecils, crayons, stamps, oh and by the
way I want the to be a briefcase, and a
how to draw evrything book. Sincerely,
Dear Santa,
I want a nerfgun for Christmas or a ps4.
Or a tou t-rx for Christmas.
Love Josephr
Dear Santa,
I would whish if I coulb have a tablet for
Christmas. And I whish if I could also
have a Ipod. I love you santa!
Love, Sophia
Dear Santa,
Can I have a electric guitar and a drum
and as box. I hope you have a nice Christ-
mas and I want a ipod. Mary Christmas.
Love Sharnae
Dear Santa,
I would like to have a ipod. Because my
sister has a phone and my brother ahs a
T.V. in his room, and I don’t, and I would
like a hutchunnl. I hope you like are cook-
ies. Love Lilian I also hope you get sleep
on Christmas night
Dear Santa,
I like how you bring toys to kids that are
good kids like me yesterday I helped my
mom clean dishes. From, Alexys
Dear Santa,
I would like to have a xbox one for Christ-
mas because I don’t have one and a math
books for Christmas to and I want a some
books to read to. Love, Dominick
Dear Santa,
This is a wish list I want a little live pet
and a hug and a chuokeecheese crad. And
a new remote control car. And I want a
sketch pad. And some clothes.
Love. Katelynn
Dear Santa,
I want the newist ipad and Legos and re-
mote control robot Harry Potter set of
books and one more thing I want a happy
family the end. Love Collin
Dear Santa,
I like that you bring joy to children and
what I want for Chistmas is a Nintendo
swich with super Mario odyssely. Love,
Dear Santa,
I wud like a narf gun and a big rc car and
a bike and a stuffed animals and a big
stuffed animal and a guad. Thank you
Santa. Love Tucker
Dear Santa,
I want a vetch phone and a guitar and a
airplane and a Binoer with pokemone
cards. The last thing I want is a Elf toy.
Love, Kiara
Dear Santa,
I’mcurious about your work shop. It is the
color and the shape of it, But for Christ-
mas I want a 2018 colindr. A note pad for
chrimas. Love, Gracie
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. I want nerf gun
pleas. You are graet person on Christmas.
I hope you have a gratt chritmas Love,
Dear Stant
I would like a ps4 a dirtbike pokemen and
phone ps3 ps and ps3 and a Lego sit. Nick
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a twin blaster
nerf Gun. And also a cool circuit from abd a new laptop and a trapo-
line. Form Astoria
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is lol surprise
pupes and a nuther hatchmal twins
chucke doll. Stifiny doll. Love Kendra
Dear Santa,
Oll I want for Christmas is that all av the
pepol in the world. Spand Christmas wif
thar famle. Love Viola
Dear Santa,
I wish you a good Christmas I hope I get
toys this year because I’ve be’n good this
year so hear is anote for you on Christ-
mas. From: Elizabeth
Dear Santa claws,
Dear Santa I hope you have a grate
Christmas and Christmas eve too and I
hope you have a wonderfull Christmas
eve and Christmas in the north pole.
From Cali
Dear Santaclus,
I want u PS4 minecraft gam please San-
taclus. I want u PS4 robot gom and rpbot
Toys please. Frum tommy to Santaclus
Dear Santa,
I would like a bike and thirty dollars me
and my mom will try to make good cook-
ies and I would even like a game for a xbox
360. Anthony
Dear Santa,
Can you get me a dirt bike. And can you
git me a minecraft.
Frum Tru
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a alsome chismas evry
Year. What I want for Chismas is a key-
bord that plays music. I also want Wifi. I
hope you get everything you need for
Chismas. Love Bela
Dear Santa,
For Christmas can you get me minecraft
lego sets the end Nether the villge and the
city camping set a city rescue boat set a
Halo lego set please santa hope you have
a good christmas I was good. Parker
y s
Me tma
is ppy
H ar
4 • Letters to Santa 2017 •
34747 HWY 101 BUS. • ASTORIA
503-325- 0 4 1 1
Dear Santa,
100 pack of pokemon card, go kart 3.
Hope you a nice day. Frome Logan
Dear Santa,
I have a picture for you. Ther you hie
Santa Wut are you doing to day please
write bak to me oe and for Christmas I
want a folder. Thankyou Frume Evelyn