3B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2017 Days for Girls has fundraiser for young women in Uganda New 4-H club for kids 5 to 8 years old The Daily Astorian WARRENTON — The Days for Girls Astoria Team is holding an open house and fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the JoAnn Fabric and Craft Store, 180 S.E. Neptune Drive. The team consists of a group of 25 women and girls who sew reusable feminine hygiene kits that are delivered to girls in rural Uganda. The kits provide girls with a way to stay in school; without a way to manage their periods, the girls stay at home. By the time they enter high school, they are aca- demically behind, and end up dropping out of school. Last year, the local group sewed and delivered 350 full- sized kits and 200 mini-kits. The goal this year is to make 500 full-sized kits and raise money at the event for bar soap, underpants, washcloths and a lot of fabric. Donations of woven cotton fabric and flannel fabric are also being accepted. For information, email astoriaor@daysforgirls.org or go to www.daysforgirls.org Kids eat breakfast with Santa in Warrenton Saturday The Daily Astorian WARRENTON — The Warrenton Community Cen- ter Advisory Board hosts Breakfast with Santa from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Warrenton Commu- nity Center, 170 S. W. Third St. On the menu are all-you- can-eat pancakes, prepared by Pig ’N Pancake, sausage, Lauren Walton Astoria’s newest 4-H group, the Astoria Cloverbuds, is a junior 4-H branch for children 5 to 8 years old. Their mission is to participate in a wide array of short-term learning experiences over the course of a year, allowing them to explore and discover different topics of interest. “The 4-H program is actively looking for adult leaders to volunteer,” said Lau- ren Walton, group leader of the Astoria Cloverbuds. For information, or to sign up, contact Jared Delay at the Clatsop County Extension at 503-325-8573. eggs and beverages, with coffee donated by Starbucks. The event also features a visit from Santa and a raffle for gift baskets. The cost is $5 for age 12 and older; $3 for ages 6 to 11; and $1 for age 5 and younger. All proceeds sup- port the Warrenton Commu- nity Center. For information, call 503-861-2233. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 4-H — Looking for 4-H leaders. For information, call Sandra Carl- son at the Oregon State University Extension at 503-325-8573. American Red Cross — Needs registration volunteers (donor am- bassadors) in Clatsop County to provide customer service and en- hance the blood donor experience. For information, call Angela Basurt- to at 503-528-5430. of interest. One or more three-hour shifts per month. For information, call the 503-325-6311. Astoria Senior Center — 1111 Exchange St. To volunteer, call Lar- ry Miller at 503-325-3231. Astoria Column — 1 Coxcomb Drive. Volunteers needed to wel- come visitors, provide information and answer questions about the As- toria Column and the city of Astoria. For information, call the Friends of the Astoria Column Visitor Center at 503-325-2963. Astoria Veteran Van Drivers — Volunteer drivers needed for the Disabled American Veterans van for one or more trips per month. The van leaves Astoria at 7 a.m. for the Portland Veterans Administration Hospital and returns in the early af- ternoon. To volunteer, contact Dick Lang, Astoria DAV van coordina- tor, at 503-298-8757 or dicklang@ charter.net. Drivers receive free breakfast and lunch vouchers for the hospital canteen on every trip. Astoria Riverfront Trolley As- sociation — 111 W. Marine Drive. Needs conductors/motormen to operate trolley and narrate points Astoria Warming Center — 1076 Franklin Ave. Winter overnight emergency shelter for homeless people needs volunteers for three- hour shifts from evening through the night to help with welcoming guests, serving dinner, cleaning the kitchen, monitoring the sleep- ing area overnight, and closing the shelter in the morning. Volunteers also needed for weekly litter patrols in the neighborhood. To volunteer, email astoriawarmingcenter@ gmail.com Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce — 111 W. Marine Drive. Volunteers needed at the chamber and for events. For in- formation, call 503-325-6311. Camp Kiwanilong — A large variety of volunteer opportunities are available. For information, call 503-861-2933 or go to www.camp- kiwanilong.org Cannon Beach Academy — 3781 S. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach. Volunteers needed for breakfast or lunch preparation and cleanup, reading groups, math groups, lunch/recess duty and housekeeping. Shifts are 1.25 hours or longer. For information, call 503-298-5245. Caring Adults Developing Youth (CADY) Mentoring Pro- gram — 800 Exchange St., second floor. Needs mentors for youths ages 10 to 17 at risk of school fail- ure. Time commitment: one year, about eight hours per month. For information, contact Laura Parker at 503-325-8601 or lparker@co. clatsop.or.us Clatsop Care Center — Vol- unteers needed daily for all three meals to provide one-on-one as- sistance to dining dependent resi- dents. Volunteers must participate in a 16-hour training program. For information, contact Mandy Brenchley at 503-325-0313, ext. 209. Clatsop County Animal Shel- ter — Animal care volunteers age 16 and older needed for one 3-hour shift per week. Pick up an application at 1315 S.E. 19th St., Warrenton. For information, or to schedule orientation, call Leslie Atkinson at 503-325-1000. Clatsop Community Action Regional Food Bank — Volun- teers needed to help hand out fruits and vegetables at the weekly produce pantries for two hours on Thursdays, from April to October, in Seaside and Warrenton. Ware- house attendants are needed for food packing or processing, pick- ing orders for agencies, light jan- itorial and housekeeping, or lawn and grounds maintenance. Three to four-hour shifts are available Monday through Friday. To volun- teer, call 503-861-3663. Clatsop Community College Outreach Literacy — Needs volunteer literacy tutors to work with adults, native and non-native speakers. Training available. For information, call 503-338-2557. Clatsop County Public Works — 1101 Olney Ave. Adopt- A-Road volunteers needed to re- move litter two times (minimum) per year for two years. Safety equipment and supplies provided. Volunteers must receive safety orientation. For information, call 503-325-8631. “Quality Workmanship at the Right Price” NORTH COAST AUTO SERVICE Since 1982 Complete Auto Repairs Foreign & Domestic Receive % OFF 10 YOUR GE N OIL CHA /31/18 il Valid unt 1 is ion of th resentat valid with ithout p In Invalid w me of service. discounts. ad at ti her offers or ers only any ot r new custom Valid fo • Tune-ups • Transmission Repairs • Free Loaner Cars Upon Availability • Brakes & Shocks • Electrical & Exhaust Systems • Tires & Wheels OPEN Mon-Fri 8 to 5 2060 Marine Drive, Astoria Just Minutes from Downtown 503.325.3282 • 800.246.4012