The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, December 05, 2017, Page 6A, Image 6

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Ideas on co-ed sleepovers
Dear Annie: Our daughter, readers. Do parents let their
husband and family moved in to teens stay the night at the house
a small house next door to us as of someone of the opposite sex?
they both work, and their living It seems to be the norm around
close to us enables us to keep an this area nowadays. My daugh-
eye out for their three daugh- ter lets the girls have mixed
ters, ages 11, 11 and 15. Until company and requires that the
they get two bedrooms
boys sleep in one area
built on the cottage, the
and the girls in another.
15-year-old and one of
My husband says this
the 11-year-olds will
is not so. So I want to
use our spare bedroom
hear opinions from
to sleep in. My husband
your readers on this.
gets upset over their
I am not comfort-
able with either my
bringing friends home
16-year-old son or my
and doing the typical
granddaughters sleep-
stuff children this age
ing in the same room
do. He really gets upset Annie
Syndicate Inc.
with members of the
if their friends are of the
opposite sex, but sepa-
opposite sex.
When my (now adult) son rate rooms and nightly checks
was a teenager, my husband by adults are fine with me. —
allowed him to have girls stay Not Comfortable
in his room, yet he would throw
Dear Not Comfortable: Let
a fit if his sister (the mother of me get this straight: Your hus-
these girls we are talking about) band called your daughter a
even had a boy over watching a derogatory name because a boy
movie. He would actually call watched a movie with her at
her derogatory names. Now we your house and then went home,
have a 16-year-old son, whom but he let your son do anything
he lets do whatever he wants. he wanted? You need to have
I’m the only disciplinarian for a serious private talk with him
him, but even then, my husband and set down guidelines for
your grandchildren that treat
will override me.
Now my question is to your boys and girls equally. As for
co-ed sleepovers, I’m in agree-
ment with you. Until they are 18
and living on their own, I would
say that sleepovers should stay
single-sex. However, you asked
for opinions and facts from our
readers, so I am as curious as
you to see the feedback.
Dear Annie: I just read the
column about the woman who
compulsively looks at men. She
describes going into a kind of
trance in which she becomes
totally unaware of others, much
to her distress and her husband’s
For many years, I was a
practicing psychotherapist, and
I have seen many people expe-
rience profound changes as a
result of their work with a ther-
apist. However, I think this
woman needs to have a neuro-
logical work-up. What she is
experiencing reminds me of a
client of mine who had a seizure
disorder. When it was treated,
my client was able to manage
her life extremely well and use
therapy to enrich it even more.
— Hoping Help Is on Its Way
Dear Hoping Help Is on
the Way: Thank you for the
medical insight. Perhaps it will
save a life.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your sensory
awareness leans toward the spiritual today.
It’s as if your ears can hear intentions instead
of words; your eyes can see vibes instead of
faces; and your hands can touch souls.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Just because
you see what’s funny about the situation
doesn’t mean you’re making fun of it. Make
sure people know your intention — to bring
levity and amusement into play, not to make
others ashamed.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). In the same
way that telling people to “relax” tends to
really agitate them, suggesting that people
“be themselves” just might send a thinking
person into an identity crisis. Offer no advice,
only a hand to hold.
get you there.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Plan your next
move quietly, and keep it to yourself. It’s not
that you can’t trust the people around you —
you can — but you’ll learn to trust yourself
more if you keep this one close to the vest.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Truly, the
same condition that one person calls good
fortune another will deem miserable, and
both will be accurate. Today you’ll benefit
from seeing everything as a neutral circum-
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’ve
already attracted a rapt audience. If you walk,
they’ll follow. If you run, they’ll chase. Decide
carefully what you want to do with this atten-
tion before you make your next move.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). People don’t
grow alone. They might grow solo, but it’s be-
cause they are in an environment conducive
to growth. To give yourself the best chance at
success, build an environment conducive to
your own growth.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Shakespeare
summed it up for you in his “Sonnet 116”:
“Love is not which alters when it alteration
finds.” Your heart hasn’t been updated as to
recent observations, and even if you were to
tell it, it wouldn’t care.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). One coping mech-
anism that really works to manage stress is
to walk away from the stressors. Leave the
room. Leave the building. Changing your view
will change your perspective.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’re slow to
bring yourself to believe in all that’s going on
today. You’ve been burned before by buying in
too early. Anyway, it behooves you to do more
research and fact-checking.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Remove yourself
from stressors. Go easy. If you get angry
once, you’ll only get angry again later with
yourself for allowing yourself to lose your cool
in the first place.
ideas get funding. Your goals attract a
cheering section. Your problems bring you to
answers. One of the secrets to your success
is in continually finding happiness in the right
places: inside you, inside the work, inside the
details. It’s your attitude more than anything
that unlocks the chains that once held you
back. Libra and Taurus adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 5, 35, 33, 8 and 11.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). When you see
the truth and they don’t, it can be really
frustrating. But you actually don’t need them
to know the truth in order to accomplish your
goal. Knowing it yourself will be enough to