6B THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2017 How to Cook A Turkey Lewis & Clark Elementary Sam I went to Fred Meyer to buy a turkey for Thanksgiving. I couldn’t decide so I did meeny- minie-mo and picked one. It was regular size turkey, I bought it then I went home. And I set the oven to 350 degrees and cooked the turkey home for 15 minutes. I put chicken broth on it and sugar on it last. Sahalie Welcome to Sahalie’s cooking class. To make a turkey first you should go to Safeway in a car and find a well sized turkey. Check with the cashier and see if it still has giblets still. Go home and put on some gloves and grab a knife if it still has and start ripping out those giblets if it still has them. If doesn’t have giblets just start putting seasoning on the turkey, some good spices are: nutmeg, salt, pepper, and rosemary. After that put it in the oven, it depends on your oven but my family usually does 350 or 450 degrees. Set your oven timer to 4 hours, once the timer beeps check on the turkey. If it’s golden brown take it out if it’s not keep it in for another hour. When that timers beeps take it out with some mitts let it cool and then you can EAT. This recipe does not include stuffing. Teslyn First, you dirve to the store then you buy the turkey next you let it settle when it settles for about twenty minutes it is ready to bake. Let it bake for about four hours. After it cools off it is readey to be stuffed First, you open the turkey up so you can stuff it after it is stufft it is ready to be seasoned. If there is something else you want to add you can. enjoy your turkey Teagan First, you have to get in your car to go to the co-op. When you get their you go into the co-op. You go to the meat section to pick out your gint turkey. Then your going to go home. Second, your going to thaw your turkey. After that your going to take off the plastic. After that, your going to wan to take out the giblets, and clean it. Next, rub butter on your turkey. Make sure to open the seasoning and put on oregano, baisl, and thyme. When your done with that, get a tray out, and put the turkey on it. Make sure to grabe thermometer, and stick it in the turkey. Then, open the oven. Put the turkey in the oven 400 degrees. Let it cook for about 4 hours. Afer it’s finished, turn of the oven, open the oven, and take out the turkey. Take out the thermometer. Take your turkey to the table. Hope you like it! Katlyn First we go to the car. Then I ask my mom where we are going and she says that we are going to Fred Meyer to get a thanks giveing turkey. Second after we buy the turkey and load it up in the car and drive home, (VROOOOOM). Next we get home ,and get the turkey out of the car ,and put it in the house ,and then we put it in the sink to thaw out. Third we pre heat the oven to 325F ,and get the turkey out of the sin , and then we take of the paekaging and stik our hand in the turkey ,and pull out the neck & giblets and throw it away. After that we stuff it with dried bread cubes onions & seasonings. Cut up onions ,and but them under the skin of the brest. Also we put butter cubes under the skin of the brest we season the turkey skin with garlic & some lemon pepper. Cover it with foil and check on the turkey evry so often and baste our turkey and inject it with juices from bottom of the pan becase we don’t like our turkey meat dry. And we put the trkey in the oven. When the oven reachs above 165F we remove the foil and out back in the oven and contine cooking for 20 min to get the skin nice and crispy. And viola turkey done and then you get evry thing else ready and YOU EAT!!! Roberta First me and my dad went to get a Turkey and than we get home and than we take the giblets out. Second we put it in the oven for 20 min and than I take it out third I put butter on the Turkey and pepper and slote and It is ready to get eating and enjoy your turkey and that’s how I make a turkey. Daphne First, buy the turkey and drive home. Second take the turkey out of the package and put everything you need on and in your turkey. Third bake the turkey for 5 hours. Finally take the turkey out and let it cool. And there, you have a turkey. Spencer First you go to fred myers grab a big fat turkey go back to the house to get the gibltes out out it in the oven at 293 F untell it is golden brown and then smoosh butter on it add lemon jiuse on it and then put in the stuffing. Enjoy! Daryan Frist, We go to safeway to get the Turkey and the salt, peper, onions, butter, Next, we bring the Turkey to the oven and when its done we let it be a little cold Secomd, We give salt agin and peper an butter and We get the spoon and raflly and saft to make it good and we left it for a little more. Twird, We bring the Turkey in the middle when we bring the to the middle we bring fruit After, That, we bring bluebreeys a peach and a lot of fruits and the fruits I bring them in the outside. Fina;;y, We ate yes and it was so good yes and the fruit were good too, And it was a really good Turkey Day? Yum! Daniela First of all, a turkey you have to tak off any giblets from the cavity. Next, take the turkey out of the bag and pat it with paper after you are done put it in the freezer and make it stay there for about like 39 minutes. Now after 39 minutes take the turkey out and put it in the stove and it has to be 450 degrees, if not it wil come out bad so you have to put it at 450 degrees. Now when you take the turkey out after 450 degrees you will have an amazing tasting turkey for thanksgiving and your parents might like it but make sure you have your parents with you just in case you do it wrong so be careful. Raymundo First, get out of your house walk to were you keep your car then open the door get in the car then start the car drive were you get your turkey. Nex, open the door then walk in go get the turkey go to the cashier pay the turkey go out of the store then walk to your car then un- lock it get in turn on your car drive home then open the then get out of the car get the turkey out of the car walk to the door set the turkey on anything may be not on the ground then open the door. Second, go to the tabel then let it thaw then put the oven at 350 degrees then when the turkey is all done thaw then unrap it put in the oven put the oven for like two hours. After, open the oven then lift the turkey then put the turkey in the oven then in the 2 hour cut up the oninse, murshem, carrot then when the 2 hours our done open the oven get the turkey out then cut it open take out the giblets then put the stuffing in it on the side put the stuff you cut up on the side. Finial put the turkey on the tabel then get the plates cut the turkey then surf the turkey get some thing to drink get some cups then put the drink in the cups. THEN START EATING! Aila First me and my mom and dad-go the the store to get a turkey evry-year I triy to get the beggist turkey- ever then I Driv home in my truck. Next In my grandmas kitchen-we start to cook the turkey we-put nuts pepper and sal rose Mary on-it My mom stuft it with stuffing. After that I get to put the turkey-in my grandmas uvin at 352 degrees. It tacks-4:00 auers Then I tack it out of the-uvin it is Rily hot my grandma-sase to be carfu; I put it on the tablu-to coole. Last I out it on my Big table with-masht potatos and gravy green bens- yam coockys cack piy and milk and- ornjuse and Last But not lest puding- and all of ar frends com over to have- a Big party then we go to to the-budest temple on thancks giving. Nolan first step go buy a turkey from safeway buy a big one go home and take the package off the Turkey before you pute the seasonings on the Turkey then put salt and pepper and butter all around the out side of the Turkey and then pute the Turkey in the oven for lik 4 huors and when you have had the Turey in the oven for 2 huors take the turke and put more pepper and when the turkey is done it will tast dilishus. Cooper First go to a store buy a turkey and let it thaw next tear the plastic off. Then stuff it with stuffing and then preheat the oven to per pound 350 degrees put it in the oven for 35 minutes check the turkey. for golden brown. finally season it and enjoy a delicious turkey for thanksgiving. And make amazing mash potatoes and for desert blueberry pie. Genesis You buy it from Fred Meyer, next yo go home and take out the plastic, third, you clean and take out the giblets put carots and vegtebles after that put it in the oven for 350 degrees finaly, you take it out and wait for a few hours and take it out and done now eat it and now is delicious. Alejandro Frist you go to Fred Mayers Next: take out the turkey like haret Second then you take off the rapper then you put the turkey in the oven for 350F third: before you put the turkey in the oven put some salt or butter After that that’s your of in an oven for 350F to cook. Finally volh ready go can your turkey with your vumlly. Logan First, I go to Safeway or a farm get a turkey go home Let it thaw. Second take the plastic off Then take the giblets out put it in the oven cook it. Last, put spices and eat! Adan I get it at Safeway. You can get it in Fred Mey- er. In the Turkey in giblets. You can take it out. Jianna First take out the giblets Next seasoning Second stuffing it Third put salt and peppers and you can put butter. After that put it in the oven for seven minutes fanily then enjoy Hudson you start off by going to the store in the fastest car in the world and look really really awsome. Then go in and buy the most bigist turkey ever and take it and also aton of video games. Then drive how and let the turkey defrost and when your waiting go play with the video games. Then go check on the turkey and if it is done cut off it’s head and take the giblets out and put a lot of salt and peper and cinnamon. Then cook it and tur it up to the hotest mode and let it cook for 10 hours and when it is done go play video games then when your guets come over play hit the turkey with a baseball bat the srve it and that how you do it. Isaac Go to the stor and buy a turky. With out a head then un rapit and then sesin the Turky. Before you sesin it take out the orgons then sesin it then put it in the ofin at 80F then take it out and let it cool. Bonus!! Smushed potatos if you grow potato’s you wash them and peel them then push a pan down on it and then put the potatos in the pan then put in the ofin at 74F if you do not grow potatos go to the store and buy some and do the same! Pumpkin Pie shoot a pumpkin with a bazuka. Ruby When i wake up i went to the store it was thanksgiving. My mom did not tell me that it was thanksgiving so we got the turkey and we got home as fas as we can so first i got every thing that i need so i go and find the thing that i need. So at first i get some butter to put the turkey and then i tuck the guts but when i got them out it was so so so cod it was freezing my hand was freezing cold but i had to keep going because it was thanksgiving i was not going to give up so i keep going but i was done so i was going to put the turkey to the oven and i put the turkey for like 15 minutes and when i tuck it out i put some salt in the turkey. Hadley First of all, go to the store you think has the best turkey once you get to that store chose the plumpest turkey their is. Next, you pay for the turkey. Then you’r on you’r way home. When you get home you set the oven to 325F. After that you remove the turkcey guts from the turkeys breast. If you want you can dry the turkey by getting paper towles and drying the turkey inside and out. season it with salt and peper inside and out. Seat the turkey inside the oven on the only rack. Be sure to set it breast side up. and brush wish half a stick of butter. If your wondering how go brush it take a paint brush and wash it off melt the butter bip the paint brush in the butter and brush the turkey. If you want you can stuff the inside of the turkey with vegies. Allso cook the turkey for 2 houers. ONce you pull it out you have a perfect turkey. August Frsit you need to go to the fred mayer and get the trky no Did I te;; you that youre stroe is my favroit store. So back to the store then you go back hom but frist you need to pay. So now I am home and I am testing The ovens so i set it to 250 digres hot then you cut the top off and take all the bons and the guts then I cook it and i put lolmino and lim on the side whit water and bredd last but not lest the sose then my famolles coems and that is my store and by the way dont feget that my famolle need that trkey ples and thank you. We love fred mayer. The End Lily Frst you cut the top of the bag then you take the turkey otu of the bag and pot it on the bag and put your hand in the neck of the turkey to take the gouts out but it is cold so you sude ware gloves so your hands downt fres. Next you wash the insides of the turkey out then put it in the ove. After that you take it out of the ove and if you like sesunen you can put it on the turkey. Last you are rede to eta it. Thank you Angel First I need to cut the turkey head and cut his feet. Then I need to take his stuff because what happen if I eat it! I will be sick. AACHO!! Then I need to put some leaves, red grapes and I cook it I think 35 minutes??? Finally I eat!! Jason Once upon a time I went to a store called Fred Meyer and I wanted to pick the most juciest turkey there was but I couldn’t find any so I asked the employee if he had any more juicy turkeys left. He replied, “No, sorry but you can turkeys over there.” So I found one but it wasn’t that juicy so I had to find another turkey and there it was—the most juciest turkey in the world. I told my mom to buy it for me “She sadi but it costs 119 dollars!” “Please! Please!” I whined fine she replied so we got it and i jumped up in the air and said thank, thank you, thank you so we went to the car and went home and I went quickly to the table and stuck my hand through the head it was goww and my hand was also freezing but I took one gut then the other. Then we put it in the oven 325 degrees then we put fruit on top then I cut the turkey then we all ate the turkey. My little brother did not want to eat because he thought it was gross when it wasn’t for me it was delicious and juicy so we all ate and my little brother did not want to eat so he did not he just ate normal food like a taco with a tortilla wrapped around meat that’s what I ate I sadi he like that and not the turkey. We also put apples on the edges of the plate and grapes on top and put fake plants on top and hot sauce. That’s the end of my story. Wyatt First go to Fred Meyer and buy a turkey. I got a 12 to 16 pound turkey. I put my hand in the turkey. Grat the guck out. Clean it and put it in the oven temperature for 350. Put seasoning on it then salt and pepper on it. Wait for two days so it can cook throughout. That is how to cook turkey. Sebastien One day I got in my white and went to the store and bought a turkey and got in my car and went home. When I got home I got my scissors and cut the package open. And then got a knife then I cut open the turkey and pulled all the guts out. Then put it in the oven for 16 minutes when it was done, I got out my turkey baster and put the sauce on and the ate it Ares First I would cut the wrapper open then I would cut the head opem, take the gutes out then put it on a pan. Next I would put fuzz on it for no reason then put apples on the the sides put it in for an hour. Take it out put hot sauce on it then eat it. That’s how you make a turkey! Swift It is a few days before Thanksgiving. It is time to buy a turkey. I hop in the car and start to drive to Fred Meyers. I remember the recipe my mom told me. I repeat it in my head so I won’t forget it. When I finally get to the store, I find the juciest turkey, and take it home with me. The first thing I do is, I unwrap it. Then I shove my hand down the hole in it’s neck, and take out it’s guts. Then, I make some stuffing, and I shove some of it into the turkey. When I am done, I heat the oven ot 450 and pop in the turkey. I cook the turkey for about a half hour, and then take it out. I make cranberry sauce and some other dishes to go with the turkey. Finally, I eat. THE END Elena It was Thanksgiving. We want to Warrenton to go to Fred Meyers and get a turkey. The fancy ones were too expensive. We got a regular one. Our family had four people. That meant we needed a turkey that was small to medium. Once we got it home, we put it in the refrig- erator and after ten minutes, we took it out. We put on plastic gloves and started taking out the guts. Then we got onion powder, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to smother it in. We put oil on top and set the oven at 450 degrees Fahrenheit. And waited 10 to 12 minutes. Furthermore, we ate it with gravy. How did we make the gravy you ask? Well, we started with the salad dressing. (You can use oil too. Whichever suits your choice.) then we add some pepper and onion powder. Then we are done with the gravy. Enjoy! Bryan First go to a store and find a turkey that is good and then go to the house then get a knife to open the bag. Then get all of the guts out and put it in the oven to be hot put it for 450 degrees, wait for it to get ready. When it is done put it on a wax paper and put in on the plate and put some fruit on it and then eat it and have a good day and have a good Thanksgiving. Ryder So first of all you need to get in your 97 Cadi- lacc and drive down to Fred Meyer Warrenton and pick a turkey that best fits your family and not too pricey. Next, you go to the self-check- out and you find aturkey somewhere in those options and click it and then you click the buy button. Next, you drive home and you go to your kitchen and put the turkey on a counter. THen you get something to cut with so you can cut off the wrapper. Next, you take out the guts through the hole in the neck and dispose of them however you like. Then, you put on whatever seasonings you like on your turkey (preferable salt and pepper with a lot of but- ter). Then, you put the turkey in the oven at 450 degrees for 4 hours. Finally, you take the turkey out of the oven and feast on it. Enjoy! Xavier It was near Thanksgiving. My log cabin was near a local skate park. And I needed a turkey. So im goin to Hunt one. So i put my camou- flage. And killed it with my rifle. ANd brought it home it my bag. I skinned it and I choped it’s neck off!! Next I seasoned it cooked it checked the temperature. The sides, serve it, eat it, and eat ice crea from the freezer. The End Adalynn One fine day I got in big truck and went to fred myers and got a turkey and went home and defrosted the turkey and pre hedid my oven and took the guts out of my turkey and put it in my pan and cooked it and put salt and peper and I wade & some gravey and it was done since i dont know much about cooking it was very long. Enjoy! Ivan I got a car and went to cosco and got a caf toy and a turkey and i have a turkey in my hoem and me and my mom cook the turke the end. Braedon Fortunately, today i’m going to get a turkey at Fred Meyer. First, so first of course I need to go to FM to get a turkey. Right now i’m in my mom’s car to get the turkey, hey theres FM! I walk into the store with my mom, and we go to the meat section. Hmm 78 pounds or 79 pounds of turkey. I feel like 80 lbs, yeah that’s what i’m feeling. I go to the check out with my mom, and It is $54.99. I go home, and start working on it. First, I get out the turkey, then a bowl, a hot pad, and lastly a knife, a fork, and a plate. So before I begin, I’ll defrost it in the water. Once it’s done defrosting. I take of the plastic and put it on the plate. I wait for it to dry for just a couple minutes. Next, we cut a clear hold in the neck with a knife. Then we used the fork to start getting all the organs out. After, we need to get the blood out. Next, we preheat the oven for 350 degrees F. Beore we put it in the oven, I had to put on the seasonings! I put on salt, pepper, dried thyme, dried rosemary, dried sage, and garlic powder. I also put a lemon in it for flavor. Once it’s done preheating, We get a hot pad and put it in the oven, for 26 hours, and 40 min. I got bored so I went to sleep, I woke up and I needed it to cook for 6 more hours. After I played video games for 4 hours, I go to the kitchen, and it’s already done! Last, I got my mom, and she takes it out with a hot pad. She burnt herself because it was so hot! I thought that it was perfect! It could feed about 20 people! The next day, it was thanksgiving! I was happy. We made all the dishes, but the one I was most proud of, was the turkey. We invited my whole family, and we ate till we felt like we were going to explode! The turkey was delicious! It was the best thanksgiving ever!!!!!!!! Keturah Prep: 20min. Cook: 3hrs. Ready: 3 hrs. And 45min. It was a week before thanksgiving and I went with my family into our blue dodge van. We drove to Fred Meyer to pick out a huge, good-looking turkey. Wehn we got out of the car it was pouring down rain and very windy. We ran to get inside Fred Meyer. There were lots of people looking at the turkeys. Everyone seemed to be buying turkeys. The turkey we chose was the perfect size and looked nice. When we got home, we went to the kitchen and started to make the turkey. First, we got the scissors and started to cut the package open. When we got the turkey out of the package, we reached inside to get the insides out. Then this is how we cooked the turkey: 1. Heat the oven to 325 degrees. 2. Place the turkey in a 13/14 size pan. 3. Put onions and celery in the pan. 4. Dry the turkey with paper towels. 5. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the turkey. 6. Put in the oven let it cook for 3hrs. 7. The turkey will be ready in 3 hrs. and 45 min. 8. Put tin foil over the turkey after 1 hr and 20 min. When our family’s turkey was done, we put it on the table on Thanksgiving day with stuff- ing, mashed potatoes, rolls, gravy and sweet potatoes. After dinner we played games and had so much fun with my family. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I get to spent time with my family. The food is delicious and tastes the best. The End Logan Move the gutt. Next, you wash your hands. Then you set the oven for to 428. Last when it is down you cut it up. I find a turkey in my backyard. It ran to my car and it went in my car. It was funny! I like it and it was a butt to check. It is lunch. I came outside it was gone. We found it. But how did the turkey get lost? I wondered. The End Landon Preheat oven to 350 degreesF. Take out all the bones and guts then add ceaning salt, blak peper, peperoni other if you want then. Cook the turkey 125 degreesF for 15 minits then let it cool down for 7 min. then the other stuf takes 20 min and that is how to cook a turkey. Ava I went to Fred Meyers to get a turkey. I got my turkey and then I bought it. Then I brought my turkey home. And then I unwrapped the turkey then got the guts out. Then I put the turkey on the pan and put salt and pepper on the turkey. Then I put it in the oven. Then took the turkey out of the oven. I let the turkey cool. Then I cut the turkey and served it to my family. Mayte Frist rub the turkey in side and out with the kosher salt. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (). Brush the turkey with ½ the 312 to 4 hours in the preheat oven, until the internal temperature of the thigh reaches 180 degrees FC85 degrees CJ. Christina one afternoon I went to fred meyers with my dad and my sister me and my sister looked for a big fat turkey. She found one. P Peace of Mind Tire Protection L Lifetime Tire & Mileage Care WITH EVERY PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCK TIRE PURCHASE WARRENTON SEASIDE 1167 S.E. MARLIN AVE. 2155 S. ROOSEVELT DRIVE 503-861-3252 503-738-9243 www.LesSchwab.com