The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, November 10, 2017, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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Father in all ways but biological
Dear Annie: I recently dis- medical questions, etc.
I have spoken to her privately
covered that the man I called Dad
all my life was not my biological about this — telling her that I am
father, after he passed away last not comfortable with the constant
year. “Jack” always treated me the questions — multiple times. How-
same as his other children, with ever, she will not stop. She says it
kindness and love. I will always doesn’t bother her. I have tried to
change the subject when
think of him as my father
she gets into a line of ques-
and have no desire to know
tioning; she brings it back.
who my biological father
It has gotten so that I
try to avoid being around
He loved my children,
her. However, this is
and they were extremely
impossible at times.
lucky to have him in
How do I stop the inva-
their lives. I am not sure
sion? — DC
whether I should tell them
Dear DC: You’ve
the truth, because he was
her that this behavior
such a wonderful part of Annie
Syndicate Inc.
makes you uncomfortable,
their lives.
and she responded by say-
Seeing as he kept the
truth from me, I don’t think he ing it “doesn’t bother” her? Either
wanted anyone to know. — Grate- this woman is hard of hearing or
she has a mental illness that causes
ful for Him
Dear Grateful for Him: You’re compulsive talking. You might
probably right that he didn’t want want to talk to some other relatives
anyone to know, but he sounds like regarding the latter concern.
And the next time she starts
such a supportive parent that I’m
sure he would want you to make the game of 2,100 questions, be
whatever decision is right for your extremely direct. Just say: “Stop.”
If she won’t, excuse yourself and
Dear Annie: I am a very pri- walk away. It’s nice when relatives
vate person, but I have a family take an interest in our lives, but an
member who asks too many ques- interrogation is no conversation.
Dear Annie: “Stressed Out in
tions (of everyone) all the time —
silly questions, personal questions, Middle America” wrote to you
about her friend “Jenna,” a hoarder.
You told “Stressed Out” to encour-
age Jenna to see a mental health
specialist. Well, I know from expe-
rience that trying to tell a hoarder to
see a counselor does no good. My
son and his wife are hoarders. They
refuse to even believe that anything
is wrong with them. They have not
cleaned certain rooms in 20 years.
They just keep piling up stuff and
collecting more. We used to go
clean the home every six months.
However, we are elderly now and
are unable to do it. It is so very sad
that their children have to live like
that. I wish we could have gotten
custody of our grandchildren when
they were born, as their mother
does not even care for them, but
our son does care for them. The
whole situation is very sad. —
Hard to Watch
Dear Hard to Watch: Seeing
as your son does care for the chil-
dren, you could tell him that you
think the situation is so serious that
if he doesn’t seek counseling, you
will have no choice but to call the
authorities. The children could be
in danger. Contact their local gov-
ernment to see what agencies, such
as Child Protective Services or
Adult Protective Services, could
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). It’s not about
having better cards than the others at the
table. It’s about knowing when not to sit at the
table at all, and if you do sit there, knowing
when to get up and go home.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Even though
you’ve been to this place hundreds of times
already, you have all the excitement of a
person arriving for the first time. Your open
mind makes it so. From this mindset springs
your endless creativity.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Thinking of the
world that was long before you and the one
that will be long after you will accelerate your
spiritual growth. You’ll act out of a responsibil-
ity to tomorrow and the next decade and the
next century.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). What is stand-
ing in the way of your ability to give others
what they want and need from you? Figuring
this out and acting to improve the situation
will make your life easier in at least 10 ways.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Forces of destruction
don’t always come in ugly, terrible packages.
They are often captivating, seductive and
beautiful, in fact. Beware of what falls into
these categories today.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re different
because of your work title. Your profession
obligates you to act in a way that goes be-
yond what the law, morality or public opinion
demands. It’s something you can’t shake
even when you’re not working.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). What you got
into voluntarily won’t be gotten out of with as
much ease. Think about this before you raise
your hand. Would you still volunteer if you
knew you couldn’t undo it later?
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some relation-
ships are like video games. You have to “die”
a few times in the game before you realize
how it’s played. You’re confident and ready to
learn. Your ego can handle a few blows, and
you’ll be better for it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Younger
people than you may be doing it, but that
doesn’t mean you’re too late. The train may
have left the station, and that doesn’t mean
that you’re too late, either. Maybe you’re just
early for the next ride.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There’s
something very intense about the kind of love
that exists only theoretically, without physical
interaction or real-life obstacles. This kind of
dreamy love has something to teach you this
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There’s free-
dom in privacy. That’s why you don’t always
tell people where you’ve been, what you’re up
to and where you’re going. You might take this
a step further and go completely undercover.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll lose a
mindset without losing your mind. Or another
way to think of it (as many neuroscientists do)
is that you have many minds inside you, so
it’s really OK to lose one from time to time.
a favored child of the universe. The year
stretches out like a vast bridge to carry you
over both the troubled waters and the peace-
ful depths. You don’t have to work for the luck
that lands in your pocket next month. You’re
the star of someone’s dreams: No pressure,
but it will affect decisions in 2018. Leo and
Pisces adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5,
3, 33, 39 and 45.