NOVEMBER 9, 2017 // 17 Astor Street Opry Shook Twins, Bart Budwig play the Liberty Company auction, gala tickets on sale ASTORIA — Tickets are on sale for the Astor Street Opry Company’s annual Auction and Gala the eve- ning of Saturday, Nov. 18, at the company playhouse (129 West Bond St.). This event will feature a live jazz band — the RJ Marx Jazz Quartet — and other live performanc- es with the Company’s most favored and talented people. In addition, we will have a silent and live auction with lots of items you will want to purchase to complete your holiday shopping. And the food … well, we are having the best, of course! Get your tickets now and come kick off the holiday season with us while supporting local arts. Ticket price is $20 per person or $35 per couple. Find tickets at brownpap- This event is one night only. Doors open at 5 p.m. at the Astor Street Opry Company. Unable to attend this event, but still want to support the organization? If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, send a check to our mailing address (129 West Bond St., Astoria, Ore. 97103), or, if you have a donation for the auction, contact the executive director at info@ astorstreetoprycompany. com. ASTORIA — Shook Twins, with Bart Budwig, will perform at Astoria’s Liberty Theatre (1203 Commercial St.) 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 10, as part of the venue’s Sunset Series. Tickets are $15. Doors open at 7 p.m. Born and raised in Sandpoint, Idaho, the Shook Twins are an indie folk-pop band from Portland. Iden- tical twins, Katelyn and Lau- rie are the main songwriters, but they also back up band member Niko Slice (electric guitar, mandolin and vocals), adding his compelling songs to the mix. Barra Brown is on drums, vocals and drum pad, and Josh Simon is on bass, vocals, electric guitar and synth. Central to Shook Twins’ sound is their wide range of instrumentation: banjo, acoustic and electric guitars, electric bass, mandolin, LIBERTYASTORIA.ORG Shook Twins electronic drums, face drum (beat-box), glockenspiel, ukulele, banjo-head drum- ming and their signature Golden Egg. Prizewinning pianist performs at Community Church CANNON BEACH — Pianist Vladislav Kosminov, an Uz- bekistan native, will perform at Cannon Beach Communi- ty Church (132 E. Washing- ton St.) on the church’s new- ly acquired 2008 Steinway Model B Grand Piano 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11. Sponsored by Portland Piano International, this concert is free and open to the public. Kosminov made his California debut in January 2015 performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1 with Maestro Jon Robertson and the Redlands Symphony. The performance was described by Redlands Daily Facts as a “concert … with music simply fl owing through his fi ngers and fl oating like liq- uid gold in intricate patterns up and down the keyboard.” As the winner of the 2013 Lynn Concerto Competition, Kosminov made his U.S. debut in October of that year under the baton of Maestro Guillermo Figueroa, per- forming Dmitri Shostakov- ich’s Piano Concerto No. 1. Previously, he was a prizewinner of several international and national competitions. In 2015, he was one of the prizewinners of the George Gershwin International Competition in Brooklyn, New York. Coming from a musical family, Mr. Kosminov was trained as a solo pianist. At home he studied at the Academic Musical Lyceum for gifted children named after Vladimir Uspensky. He has performed in various cities and historical places in Uzbekistan. 2911 Marine Dr #B Astoria, OR 97103 503-325-3276 The musicians create a unique and eccentric blend of folk, roots, groove and soul. On their latest single, 2016’s “Call Me Out,” Shook Twins once again take another leap from the acoustic music scene with a vibe-y, pop-infused soundscape with a poignant message ready to be em- braced by the masses. Lush harmonies, delayed banjo pickin’, deep drums and multi-layered lead vocals draw the listener into this intimate breakout summer single. Bart Budwig’s fi fth full-length record, “Paint By Numbers Jesus,” is a meditation on Jesus as a cultural fi gure, and a walk through the mind of some- one who is processing their place on the faith spectrum. It was inspired, partly, by Willie Nelson’s ‘Redhead- ed Stranger,’ a group of cover songs strung together tightly by Nelson originals, journalist Kat Parker wrote. Follow us on FACEBOOK.COM/ COASTWEEKEND Coaster Theatre Playhouse COURTESY CANNON BEACH COMMUNITY CHURCH Vladislav Kosminov in concert Mon-Sat 10 am - 8 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm Nov. 17 - Dec. 23, 2017 Medical & Recreational Cannabis Where Astoria Shops! Professional, friendly service along with an always fresh selection of the best Oregon brands and growers, including our own. AY X! WE L P SALES TA 3% LOCA S $ 10 PLU rd Punch! Rewards Ca FREE (Within Astoria city limits only.) HOME DELIVERY! To see our full menu, go to INTRODU CING $ G 6 R AM SPECIALS While supplie s last Must be 21 years old with govenment issued ID. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of marijuana. Keep out of the reach of children. Tickets $20 or $25 Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Sunday shows start at 3:00p.m. Sponsored by The Clark Foundation Tickets: 503-436-1242 or 108 N Hemlock Street, Cannon Beach, OR