The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 12, 2017, Page 5A, Image 28

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Associated Press
Calling it a beginning,
Trump signs health care order
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump directed his
administration today to rewrite federal rules so consumers can
have wider access to health insurance plans featuring lower
premiums. He called his new executive order a “beginning”
and promised more actions to come.
Frustrated by failures in Congress, Trump is moving to
put his own stamp on health care. But even the limited steps
the president outlined today will take months for the federal
bureaucracy to finalize in regulations. Experts said consumers
should not expect immediate changes.
“With these actions, we are moving toward lower costs and
more options in the health care market,” Trump said before he
signed his directive in the Oval Office.
But the changes Trump hopes to bring about may not be
finalized in time to affect coverage for 2019, let alone next
Trump said he will continue to pressure Congress to repeal
and replace former President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care
Act, better known as “Obamacare.”
One of the main ideas from the administration involves
easing the way for groups and associations of employers
to sponsor coverage that can be marketed across the land.
That reflects Trump’s longstanding belief that interstate com-
petition will lead to lower premiums for consumers who
buy their own health insurance policies, as well as for small
Those “association health plans” could be shielded from
some state and federal insurance requirements. But respond-
ing to concerns, the White House said participating employers
could not exclude any workers from the plan, or charge more
to those in poor health.
US to pull out of UN agency
over alleged anti-Israel bias
PARIS — The United States said today it is pulling out of
the U.N.’s educational, scientific and cultural agency because
of what Washington sees as its anti-Israel bias and need for
“fundamental reform.”
While the Trump administration had been preparing for a
likely withdrawal from UNESCO for months, the announce-
ment by the State Department rocked the agency’s Paris head-
quarters, where a heated election to choose a new chief is
The outgoing UNESCO director-general expressed her
“profound regret” at the decision and tried to defend the repu-
tation of the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organi-
zation, best known for its World Heritage program to protect
cultural sites and traditions.
The U.S. stopped funding UNESCO after it voted to include
Palestine as a member state in 2011, but the State Department
has maintained a UNESCO office and sought to weigh on pol-
icy behind the scenes. The U.S. now owes about $550 million
in back payments.
In a statement, the State Department said the decision will
take effect Dec. 31, 2018, and that the U.S. will seek a “perma-
nent observer” status instead. It cited U.S. belief in “the need
for fundamental reform in the organization.”
Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon,
praised Washington’s move as heralding “a new day at the
U.N., where there is a price to pay for discrimination against
Emergency alerts get scrutiny
after deadly wildfires
SANTA ROSA, Calif. — Communities in wildfire-prone
Northern California have an array of emergency systems
designed to alert residents of danger: text messages, phone calls,
emails and tweets. But after days of raging blazes left at least 23
dead, authorities said those methods will be assessed.
The fast-moving fires, strengthened by fierce winds and
nearly absent humidity, began to burn through the state’s fabled
wine country Sunday night. Counties used a variety of ways to
send out warnings, but the alert systems rely on mobile phones,
landlines or the internet to rouse residents.
State fire officials said today that while the priority is getting
people out of active fires, they would be following up on the
methods used and whether it was even possible to reach every-
one with so little time to react.
“People were in bed, asleep at midnight, and these fires came
down on these communities with no warning within minutes,”
said state fire agency Chief Ken Pimlott. “There was little time
to notify anybody by any means.”
Questions remain about police
response to Las Vegas massacre
A revised chronology given by investigators for the Las
Vegas massacre is intensifying pressure for police to explain
how quickly they responded to what would become the deadli-
est mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
Two hotel employees had called for help and reported that
gunman Stephen Paddock sprayed a hallway with bullets, strik-
ing an unarmed security guard in the leg, several minutes before
Paddock opened fire on a crowd at a musical performance, kill-
ing 58 people and injuring nearly 500 others.
At 10:05 p.m. Paddock began his 10-minute deadly barrage
into the crowd, firing off more than 1,000 rounds, police said.
Police didn’t arrive on the 32nd floor until 10:17 p.m., which is
two minutes after he had stopped firing.
Questions remain about what happened in the six min-
utes between the time police say Paddock fired off 200 rounds
through the door of his 32nd-floor suite into the hallway of the
Mandalay Bay hotel and casino and when he unleashed a deadly
hail of gunfire into the crowd at a the Route 91 Harvest festival.
Chief among them: Were police notified immediately about
the hallway shooting and did officers respond quickly enough
to have a chance to take out the gunman before could carry out
the bloodshed?
Spain celebrates national day
amid Catalan secession crisis
MADRID — Army troops and police are to march today in
Madrid as Spain’s celebrates its national day, amid one of the
country’s biggest crises as its powerful northeastern region of
Catalonia threatens independence.
King Felipe VI, accompanied by national and regional pol-
iticians, will preside over the colorful annual parade as Spain
awaits a response to a government request to Catalonia’s leader
to clarify by Monday if he has already declared independence
— in which case Spain warns it may apply Article 155 of its
Constitution and begin taking direct control of the region.
Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont announced
Tuesday that he was using the claimed victory in a banned Oct.
1 secession referendum to proceed with a declaration of Catalan
independence, but proposed freezing its implementation for a
few weeks to allow for dialogue and mediation with the national
government in Madrid.
Deadly and vast California
wildfires could gain momentum ‘Why so much hate?’ Femicides
plague Mexico’s largest state
SONOMA, Calif. — Wildfires already well on their way to
becoming the deadliest and most destructive in California his-
tory could gain momentum Thursday and erase even the mod-
est gains firefighters have made.
Steady winds with gusts up to 45 mph with nearly non-ex-
istent humidity are expected to descend on the areas north of
San Francisco, where at least 23 people have died and at least
3,500 homes and businesses have been destroyed.
“It’s going to continue to get worse before it gets better,”
state fire Chief Ken Pimlott said today.
Entire cities had evacuated in anticipation of the next wave,
their streets empty, the only motion coming from ashes falling
like snowflakes.
They included Calistoga, the historic resort town of wine
tastings and hot springs, whose 5,300 people are all under
evacuation orders. Tens of thousands more were also driven
from their homes by the flames. A few left behind cookies for
firefighters and signs that read, “Please save our home!”
VILLA CUAUHTEMOC, Mexico — Just like any other
day, Dr. Jessica Sevilla Pedraza went to work at the hospital that
morning, came home for a quick lunch and then left again. The
plan was to see more patients, hit the gym and be back in time for
her usual dinner with dad before he went to his night-shift job.
Instead a hospital co-worker showed up at the family’s door
in the evening. She said a man had come in with a bullet wound
in his leg and told doctors he had been with Sevilla when gun-
men intercepted them, shot him and took off with the doctor in
her own car.
“Ma’am,” the woman told Sevilla’s mother, Juana Pedraza,
“it’s my duty to tell you that we cannot locate your daughter.”
Two days later Pedraza identified 29-year-old Jessica’s body
at the morgue. She had been shot in the head and decapitated,
and the skin had been flayed from her skull.
“I can’t understand why,” Pedraza said. “Why so much
fury? Why so much hate?”
Ford: Was issued a
summons to appear
in court on Oct. 20
Continued from Page 1A
Ford began working for
the school district as a lunch
aide at Long Beach Ele-
mentary, according to the
Long Beach Police Depart-
ment investigation report. In
November 2016, she trans-
ferred to fill a vacant position
at Hilltop, the district’s fifth-
through eighth-grade campus.
In a police statement, former
intervention specialist Sean
Bresnahan said Ford’s pri-
mary duties were supervising
lunch, recess and transitional
periods during the day.
Risner did not respond to
email and phone requests for
Junk food, lollipops
Initially, staff members
thought Ford’s friendly inter-
actions with students were
an appropriate attempt to
build relationships. How-
ever, after Christmas break,
she began acting more like a
student than a staff member.
Teachers told administrators
Ford was shirking her duties
and finding opportunities to
spend time with students out-
side of her assignment areas,
even pulling them out of class
without permission on a few
By the end of January,
Bresnahan said, “It was very
clear that Brittini was hav-
ing boundary issues with stu-
dents.” Several teachers told
him Ford made trips off-cam-
pus to buy fast food and junk
food for a small group of
mostly male students, and
sometimes interrupted les-
sons to pass out treats.
Staff members thought
Ford seemed to be taking
a particular interest in the
alleged victim and his best
friend. Earlier this year, she
became an increasingly dis-
ruptive presence while “help-
ing” one teacher in her class-
room. The teacher said Ford
often sat next to the two boys,
loudly whispering with them
during lessons. She com-
plained to former Hilltop
Principal Darin Adams in
March, after Ford allegedly
“spent the class on her phone,
her feet up on the table and a
lollipop in her mouth.” Staff
also said they had witnessed
Ford acting in a “flirtatious”
manner with the two boys.
In early March, Bresnahan
learned Ford had been spend-
ing “significant amounts of
time” with the boys at her
home on the Coast Guard
base. A week later, she took
the boys on an unauthorized
trip to Warrenton in her per-
sonal vehicle during school
hours. She was fired. Adams
and Bresnahan began the
A - Charter Astoria/ Seaside - L - Charter Long Beach
internal investigation, and
subsequently informed the
“It was rather clear (the
victim) was being groomed
by Brittini,” Officer Don Tar-
diff wrote in his report.
At first, Tardiff said, the
alleged victim mowed Ford’s
lawn for pocket change, with
his mother’s permission.
However, in early spring, he
and his friend began spend-
ing more time at her home,
often playing video games
and going on fast-food runs.
During at least one of these
visits Ford allowed them to
look at nude pictures of her-
self that she stored on her
phone, according to the boys.
She also allegedly allowed
the victim to view a video of
her dancing in the nude.
messages, clothing
A turning point came when
Ford allegedly urged the vic-
tim to download the Snapchat
app on his phone. Snapchat is
a message and picture-sharing
tool that has a distinct advan-
tage for teens who are trying
to keep their social lives pri-
vate — messages and pictures
sent via the app disappear per-
manently after a short time.
An unintended consequence
is that adult predators use
the app to communicate with
minors, knowing their mes-
sages are unlikely to become
One night, shortly before
she was fired, Ford allegedly
texted the victim a message
saying, “I’m bored,” and
then proceeded to send him
a photo of herself in pant-
ies, followed by three more
selfies in increasing states of
undress. The boy said she also
requested photos of him, and
offered to perform oral sex
on him. He told investigators
that he cut off contact with her
after that.
Through her attorney,
Nicole Dalton, Ford invoked
her Fifth Amendment rights,
and did not grant police an
Dalton did not respond to
a request for comment.
Due in part to the fleeting
nature of Snapchat commu-
nications, investigators were
not able to secure photo or
text evidence. However, pros-
ecutor Mark McClain said
the friend witnessed, or was
aware of, each of these inter-
actions. In interviews, the
friend’s statements corrobo-
rated those of the victim and
other parties. If the case goes
to trial, he may be called as a
Prosecutors requested but
were not granted a warrant for
Ford’s arrest. Instead, she was
issued a summons to appear
in Pacific County Superior
Court on Oct. 20.
Evening listings
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM
Jeopardy! (N)
Wheel Fortune (N) Grey's Anatomy (N)
KATU News at 6 (N)
Scandal "Pressing the Flesh" (N)
Murder "It's for the Greater Good" (N) KATU News (N)
(:35) Jimmy Kimmel
KOMO 4 News (N)
Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy!
Grey's Anatomy (N)
Scandal "Pressing the Flesh" (N)
Murder "It's for the Greater Good" (N) KOMO 4 News (N) (:35) Jimmy Kimmel
NBC News (N)
KING 5 News (N) KING 5 News (N) Evening
Superstore (N)
GoodPlace (N)
Will & Grace (N)
Great News (N)
Chi.Fire "An Even Biggest Surprise" (N) KING 5 News (N) (:35) Tonight Show
(5:25) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Carolina Panthers (L)
(:15) KOIN Local 6 "Special Edition"
Ent. Tonight
KOIN 6 News (N) (:35) Colbert
(5:25) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Carolina Panthers (L)
(:15) KIRO 7 Game Day (L)
KIRO 7 News (N)
Steve Raible's Scouting Report (L)
KIRO News (N)
(:35) Colbert
KGW News at 6:00 p.m. (N)
Live at 7 (N)
Inside Edition
Superstore (N)
GoodPlace (N)
Will & Grace (N)
Great News (N)
Chi.Fire "An Even Biggest Surprise" (N) KGW News (N)
(:35) Tonight Show
Modern Family
Modern Family
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
Supernatural "Lost and Found" (SP) (N) Arrow "Fallout" (SP) (N)
News at 10 (N)
Two and a Half
Two and a Half
BareFeet NYC (N) Business (N)
PBS NewsHour (N)
Oregon Art Beat Oregon Guide (N) Midsomer M.
(:50) Midsomer M. "The Animal Within" (:35) Masterpiece "Sherlock, Series III: His Last Vow"
6 O'Clock News (N)
Family Feud
Family Feud
Gotham "The Demon's Head" (N)
The Orville "Krill" (N)
10 O'Clock News (N)
News (N)
Page Six TV
Mike & Molly
Mike & Molly
Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory FOX 12's News (N)
9 O'Clock News (N)
Family Guy
American Dad!
The Game
The Game
Modern Family
Modern Family
Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Gotham "The Demon's Head" (N)
The Orville "Krill" (N)
Q13 News at 10 (N)
Q13 News (N)
The Simpsons
(5:00) MLB Baseball National League Division Series (L)
MLB Game
Family Guy
Family Guy
American Dad!
American Dad!
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
Modern Family
Modern Family
Q13 News at 9 (N)
Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Two and a Half
Two and a Half
(5:00) NCAA Football Georgia Tech at Miami (L)
SportsCenter (N)
SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt (N) SportsCenter (N)
SportsCenter (N)
(5:00) H.S. Football (L)
NBA Season Preview Special
Baseball Tonight The Fantasy Show Jalen & Jacoby (N) E:60
The Fantasy Show
Fresh Prince
Fresh Prince
The Loud House
Henry Danger
Henry Danger
The Thundermans Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs ('09) Anna Faris, Bill Hader.
Andi Mack
Stuck in Middle
Raven's Home
K.C. Undercover Liv and Maddie
Raven's Home
Despicable Me ('10, Ani) Voices of Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Steve Carell. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ('71, Family) Peter Ostrum, Jack Albertson, Gene Wilder. The 700 Club
(5:00) The Hangover Part II
(:55) Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues ('13) Steve Carell, Will Ferrell.
(:15) FXM Presents Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues ('13) Steve Carell, Will Ferrell.
(:50) FXM Presents
Am. Beauty Star "A Quick Tip Tutorial" Project Runway "The Ultimate Faceoff" Runway (N)
(:50) P.Runway (N) Project Runway "A 'Little' Avant Garde" (N)
Am. Beauty Star "Pop-Up Beauty" (N) Project Runway
AMA Supercross -- Oakland, Calif.
Fantasy Football Hour (N)
H.S. Football O'Dea vs. Eastside Catholic
(5:00) UFC UFC 210
Speak for Yourself
Skip and Shannon: Undisputed Opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day. NASCAR Race Hub
Fast Five (2011, Action) Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel.
(:15) Tosh.0
(:50) Tosh.0 "Redneck Rappers"
Nathan for You (N) South Park
The Daily Show
The Opposition
Forged in Fire "Xiphos Sword"
Forged in Fire "The Kampilan"
(:55) Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper "Weapons of Japan" (N)
Ice Rd. Truckers "A Bridge Too Far" (N) (:05) Ice Rd. Truckers "A Bridge Too Far"
The First 48 "Cranked"
First 48 "Bad Romance/ Out of Control" The First 48 "Bad Tempered/ The Bully" The First 48 "A Murder in Mobile"
The First 48 "The Other Wife" (N)
(:05) The First 48
Say Yes-Dress
Say Yes-Dress
My 600-lb Life "Joe's Story"
My 600-lb Life "Susan's Story"
My 600-lb Life "Chad's Story"
My 600-lb Life "Brittani's Story"
My 600-lb Life "Joe's Story"
Gold Rush: Face Off (N)
Gold Rush: Face Off (N)
Gold Rush: Face Off (N)
Gold Rush: Face Off (N)
Gold Rush "Miracle on the Mountain"
Life Below Zero "Head Above Water" Life Below Zero "Against the Tide"
Life Below Zero "The Slow Grind"
Life Below Zero "Midnight Sun"
Life Below Zero "Higher Ground"
Life Below Zero "Midnight Sun"
Get Hard (2015, Comedy) Kevin Hart, Alison Brie, Will Ferrell.
Why Did I Get Married? ('07) Sharon Leal, Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry.
Bones "The Diamond in the Rough"
Independence Day (1996, Sci-Fi) Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Will Smith.
(5:30) The Book of Eli ('09) Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Denzel Washington.
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Modern Family
Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Chopped "College Challenge"
Chopped "Tailgate Fate"
Chopped "Tailgate Party"
Beat Flay (N)
Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay Beat Bobby Flay
Island Hunters
Island Hunters
Island Hunters
Island Hunters
Flip or Flop
Flip or Flop
FlipFlop ATL (N)
FlipFlop Atlanta
House Hunters (N) House Hunters (N) House Hunters
House Hunters (N)
Jurassic World (2015, Adventure) Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D'Onofrio, Chris Pratt.
(5:00) Men in Black 3 ('12) Will Smith.
Better Things (N) Better Things
Better Things
Men in Black 3
Anderson Cooper 360
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
Anderson Cooper 360
Anderson Cooper 360
CNN Tonight With Don Lemon
Fox News Tonight
Tucker Carlson Tonight
The Story
Tucker Carlson Tonight
Shark Tank
Super Rich (N)
Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Lives-Super Rich Paid Program
Flipping Out "The End is Nigh"
Flipping Out "Oh My, Versailles"
Flipping Out "The Gema Dilemma"
Flipping Out (N)
Real Estate Wars "Showdown" (N)
WatchWhat (N)
Flipping Out
The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm ('62) Karlheinz Böhm, Laurence Harvey.
7 Faces of Dr. Lao ('64, Fant) Barbara Eden, Arthur O'Connell, Tony Randall. Movie
(5:00) Tom Thumb ('58) Russ Tamblyn.
Underworld (2003, Fantasy) Scott Speedman, Shane Brolly, Kate Beckinsale.
Van Helsing "In Redemption" (N)
G. Wars "The Ghost in the Machine" (N) Blade (1998, Action) Wesley Snipes.
SF Machinery
Small Town
Rural America 'Live' "BRP-CanAM" (N) Steve Lantvit
Rural Eve. News Market Journal
GA Farm Monitor SF Machinery
Small Town
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