The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, October 02, 2017, Page 6A, Image 6

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‘Omg im so angry’
Dear Annie: My friend “Bri- ment, all she said was, “It’s OK.”
anna” and I recently got into a fight
“It’s OK”? As if I had been in
via text messaging. She was trying the wrong!
to plan a surprise girls’ trip for our
Everyone ended up settling
friend’s 30th birthday. She was on a local place to celebrate our
texting a couple of other friends friend’s birthday, and it turns out
and me suggestions of
I can afford to go — but
places we might go, with
now I’m so angry with
Brianna that I don’t even
links to vacation rentals.
The places she was sug-
want to. Who was wrong,
Annie? — Sorry Not
gesting were out of my
price range, though, and I
Dear Sorry Not
politely said so. We went
Sorry: You’re both
back and forth on this
wrong for not picking up
point for a bit, and then
the phone and calling the
she said, “Well, are you
second things got tense.
sure you should even go Annie
Syndicate Inc.
Text fights are for peo-
on this trip if it’s just not
ple who don’t want to find
in your budget?”
I couldn’t believe she’d be so solutions.
But your false apology takes
rude as to say something like that
in front of our other friends (digi- you down another peg. “Sorry”
tally, at least). At that point, I just is like “I love you”; you should
went off and told her she was never say it just to hear it back. It’s
being selfish. Things devolved emotionally manipulative. It’s also
from there, and eventually the text prone to backfiring. Just look at
your predicament. You’ve painted
conversation ended for the night.
The next day, I felt anxious and yourself into a corner, one you
regretted the fight. I still wanted to can’t get out of without looking
go on this trip, and for the sake of like a fool and making an even big-
smoothing things over, I sent her ger mess. I say swallow your pride
a private message apologizing. I on this one and digest the lesson.
Dear Annie: This is in
expected she would apologize as
soon as I did. But to my amaze- response to the letter from “Unsure
in Ithaca.” The loss of “Unsure’s”
sister’s unborn child is very real.
Yes, she wants to move on. How-
ever, the pain is real, and she is
My sister miscarried a child.
From her experience, here’s what
not to say. (Believe it or not, these
things were said to her.)
“It was a blessing the baby
“You can try again and have
another.” (They already had hopes,
dreams and aspirations for the
baby they lost. A new baby isn’t a
“The baby was deformed.”
“There was something wrong
with the baby, and it’s better off
“You didn’t deserve that baby,
so God took it.”
As far as ways to cope, my sis-
ter bought a fairly large angel cen-
terpiece for her dining room table.
It’s her reminder that she has her
own angel in heaven. It’s there for
all the big celebrations. She also
bought an angel Christmas tree
ornament. It is hung every year,
along with “baby’s first Christ-
mas” ornaments. — Big Sister
Dear Big Sister: Thank you
for sharing.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). In science, oppo-
site forces attract and like forces repel, but it’s
not usually the case in social matters. Still, the
odd way people intermingle today will seem to
have its own mysterious logic and rules.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Much boils down
to simple matters of logistics. If you’re here,
paying attention to this, then you can’t be there,
paying attention to that. It’s the practical space-
time matters that will define the day.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Striving to be confi-
dent tends to look insecure. Just let confidence
happen if and when it does. Confidence is a by-
product of doing. The one you want to impress
will be more impressed if you’re comfortable
with however you really are.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). There’s a creative
rebel in you, and it feels like doing something to
make yourself happy that other people, frankly,
wouldn’t understand. When you’re happy, those
who genuinely and selflessly love you will be
happy for you.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Some Google the
menu before they get to the restaurant in order
to have a very clear idea of what they’re getting
into, and others delight in surprise and make
decisions on the spot. You’ll be in the latter
category today.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll gravitate
toward the magic words that will give you an
edge by making a difficult message more pal-
atable, or a boring message more interesting.
Bonus: your beautiful handling of language is
most attractive to others.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Some of the pro-
visions you need are food, but most of them
aren’t. Your soul is hungry. Your heart wants
love. Your mind craves a challenge. You’ll be
amply supplied.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Don’t watch the
clock; be the clock, reaching ever forward one
tick-tock at a time. The boring tasks will be a
challenge. What helps is to add more elements
to them and keep adding more until it’s a game.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It is said of
the aged, “When there is snow on the rooftop
there’s a fire in the furnace.” You could be
warmed by such a fire today as you let some-
one with more years than you share some
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The one who
knows you well will push all the right buttons to
get a desired reaction. If this is not something
you like, it’s time to change your wiring or put a
passcode in place.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There are many
possible interpretations of the cryptic informa-
tion coming from someone who matters a lot to
you. Take the lighter interpretation. Even if it’s
not what was meant, the levity in your response
will make it so.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Assumptions
are a waste of time and can be potentially
dangerous to a relationship. Extend the benefit
of the doubt, and be happy for all the times you
connect easily and without drama.
TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 3). You’re not
as young as you used to be or as old as you’re
going to be, and yet you feel in this moment a
sharp surge of vibrancy and vitality. Follow your
curiosities, especially in regard to the people
you’ll meet over the next four weeks. Your
generosity leads to good fortune in November.
Investments pay in July. Leo and Aries adore
you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 10, 6, 20 and