The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, September 15, 2017, WEEKEND EDITION, Page 3C, Image 19

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In the middle of a feud
Dear Annie: Last summer, not allowed to go to the recep-
my granddaughter “Emily” got tion, so I didn’t go, either. When
married. Her mother, “Angie” we got back to Angie’s home,
(my daughter), lives in the she wouldn’t even talk to me.
same town as Emily and said I My son-in-law told me it would
could stay with her while I was probably be better if I went and
in town. About a week
spent the night else-
before the wedding, Angie
where. I tried to explain
why I had sat where I
and Emily had a big fall-
did, but Angie wouldn’t
ing-out. Emily told me she
even listen to anything
wasn’t allowing Angie to
I said. She has not spo-
come to the wedding.
ken to me or answered
I talked to Emily for a
any letters I have sent
long time and persuaded
her since. I’ve apolo-
her to let her mother and
gized many times, but
stepfather attend the wed-
she refuses to talk.
ding. On the day of the Annie
Syndicate Inc.
I love my daughter
wedding, we were not
very much, but I also
seated where the bride’s
family was supposed to sit. We love my granddaughter. I was
had to sit a row back, as a sym- trying to do what I thought was
bolic gesture. Then my grand- right by them both. My grand-
daughter had the best man come daughter talks to me all the time,
and get me and take me back to but my daughter won’t have any-
the dressing room. She asked me thing to do with me.
How can this be resolved so
whether I would sit in the fam-
ily section. We discussed this for that my daughter and I can be
a while, and I finally said OK. I on good terms again? I am 79
was taken back into the chapel years old, and my daughter is
and seated in the front row, in 60. — Heartbroken Mother and
front of my daughter and the rest Grandmother
Dear Heartbroken Mother
of the family.
When the service was over, and Grandmother: You didn’t
Angie and her husband were cause this problem, and you
can’t fix it. It can be resolved
only when your daughter decides
to stop being vindictive. She
is using you as an emotional
punching bag because of the
issues she’s having with her own
What you’ve done so far —
explaining your side of the story,
expressing your love — is more
than enough. Now all you can do
is hope she drops the attitude. In
the meantime, do keep up your
relationship with your grand-
daughter, but be careful that she’s
not using you to upset her mom.
Don’t be a pawn in this petty
Dear Annie: I have read
many stories in your column of
people going through divorce or
dealing with the fallout. There is
an organization called Divorce-
Care, which offers help for these
people to heal from their pain.
I’ve been there. I know it works.
People need to give it a chance.
You can find classes by going to —
Single Again
Dear Single Again: I’m sure
some of my readers reeling from
the pain of divorce will appreci-
ate this tip. Thank you.
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Theories need
to be tested and proven before they can be
properly understood and taught. Action —
that’s what’s needed. Stop thinking about it
and try it out.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re an amaz-
ing team player when you’re working with peo-
ple who want to create something extremely
interesting, specific, exciting and beautiful.
You’re not a good fit for people who just want
to pass the time.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). People wait in
long lines at amusement parks for the most
thrilling and dangerous rides and the chance
to feel very afraid and yet safe at the same
time. You’ll do something similar in today’s
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Each
person’s chemistry is unique and therefore
it creates unique reactions when mixed with
yours. Today you’ll be surprised at just how
different you can be around certain people.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). We all have
stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves.
You’ll consider whether one of yours needs
an upgrade. You’ve earned your current more
positive and mature perspective, so put it to
work for you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When
you’re absolutely certain about what your
standards and preferences are, you won’t
even have to make a big deal out of assert-
ing them. People can just tell what you’re
about today.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’ll have to
involve others if you want to achieve your goal
today, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You’ll be especially compatible with earth
signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Those who
doubt the validity of your information will
thereby cause you to get more serious in
your wording, more particular about your
facts and more adamant in your stance.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). “Ask little and give
lots” is your motto. When you’re the more gen-
erous one, you can always be proud of your
contribution. Make an exception today. All will
benefit from a more equitable arrangement.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Refrain from
making a decision that will affect others. Put
it off until you can get more input. You can’t
assume that what’s good for you is good for
another person, even if that person is very
much like, or even related to, you.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). While you’re usu-
ally up for the risk, there are certain aspects
of your life that you shouldn’t leave to chance
today. Declare what’s precious to you, and
then treat it as such by protecting it.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The theme will
center on what true security is, where it comes
from and what you’ll do to have it. If there’s
an area of your life that could use a more
grown-up approach, today brings a chance for
serious “adulting.”
You have fans by the dozens, but you have
to believe in yourself even more than they
do to get your goal by the year’s end. Have
faith and keep moving! Your emotional bank
account fills up over the course of this solar
return as someone dear to you keeps mak-
ing friendly, loving and generous deposits.
Capricorn and Aries adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 19, 30, 41, 20 and 15.