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Marion Avenue Gearhart 503-717-8150 BOOKMONGER YA series wraps up with unifying message Four years ago, William Ritter embarked on two new adventures almost simulta- neously. He started teaching at a new high school in the Willamette Valley, and he also saw the publication of his book, “Jackaby,” which was to be the first in a series of historical YA novels that deal in the supernatural. This spring, Ritter read the names of the graduating seniors at the high school’s commencement ceremony, sending the students he had spent four years with out into the world. Following close on the heels of their graduation, he now also sees the publication of his fourth and final Jackaby book, “The Dire King.” If you know about these parallel experiences in advance, you’ll notice how much good advice and life wisdom Ritter dresses up in 19th century costume and stuffs into his book. It’s probably more effective than delivering a droning speech to a gymnasium packed with giddy graduates, their fami- lies, balloons, bouquets, and contraband confetti. It’s certainly more enter- taining. “The Dire King” also has wendigos and goblins, pixies and gnomes, were- “The Dire King” By William Ritter Algonquin 352 pp $17.95 wolves and centaurs and assorted other creatures that R.F. Jackaby (a private eye with supernatural Seeing power), his able assistant Abigail Rook, the resident ghost Jenny Cavanaugh, and the shape-shifting police detective Charlie Cane must deal with as they combat a rising tide of mayhem and suspicion in New Fiddleham, New England. There are reckless and incompetent politicians, duped by evil forces, who are pandering to ignorance and ramping up paranoia as they detain “suspects” with little grounds for doing so. And there are larger and far more ruthless players in the “otherworld.” Using the chaos they have helped to cre- Crossword Answer T U B E I N A N C I N D I L A S T A B C G U A M S T R A D H O N E O N E A T E E D M I D I I L L F C L E F E C A R L I B E I V A N D I S C S L E E D E P P F E Y A S T E R I S K M O R A L D U E D A T D E E A R D E S P P R O I T E V I E D I A F B S S T L L A C E A R N T T E S W I E E L L S D I A N N G A G O R R A A M C R E H O A G A S T O N T I S S N U T E R E D F X A N T R A D E D S L A T I M L I C K I S I A C A R E O A G S C R A P H E N S I T T Y S A A K I E R Y S G O T E R S I D L E L E I P O N H A F H U A N F C A S C U T P O P A R H O I C K T S E S T S I I N T S E A R N A Z L E A N T H E G R A N I T E S T A T E R A T E S A R E N T P A R T E D I T O R E L P A S O L E S S O N R E P Z O E L Y D I A N A L A N P Y R E S T U M N I ate as a smokescreen (some- times fiction resonates eerily with the real world), they are working behind the scenes, bent on besieging humanity in a winner-takes-all war. The author goes on to devote several chapters to the physical conflict, taking care to describe the array of combatants, the war appara- tus, the blow-by-blows and the grisly outcomes – but as in movies that devote too much screen time to special effects, these scenes seem interminable. It is much more interesting when Ritter returns to the moral dilemmas and the nuanced arguments that demand that the reader’s intellect be fully engaged. As in the previous books in the “Jackaby” series, this tale is narrated by Abigail Rook. Over time we have seen Rook hone her headstrong disposi- tion into a more mature focus that combines thoughtfulness with determination. Rook has also learned how to comple- ment her boss’s single-mind- ed brilliance with her own blend of common sense and compassion. In short, we have seen her grow up and begin to define her place in the world. “This world doesn’t need showy champions,” she realizes. “It needs people who are good, people who do good, even if nobody will ever know.” “The Dire King” chal- lenges hatemongers and bullies. It promotes tolerance, resilience, courage and hope. More than ever, this is a message our young people need to hear, and William Ritter delivers. The Bookmonger is Barbara Lloyd McMichael, who writes this weekly column focusing on the books, authors and publishers of the Pacific Northwest. Contact her at