8 // COASTWEEKEND.COM Craft sea creatures in Cannon Beach CANNON BEACH — The Haystack Rock Awareness Program is hosting a day camp 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23, where the young and the young- at-heart can learn about sea creatures and make sea creature crafts with recycla- ble materials. The “Egg Crate Sea Creature” camp will be led by Chrissy Smith from the Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. “It will be fun for all ages and abilities while participants learn about Haystack Rock’s intertidal animals, and make ador- able sea creatures out of egg crates and paper towel rolls,” the program said in a release. Participants should pre- pare to immerse themselves in the elements — by dress- ing for all types of weath- er— as they venture down to the beach in Cannon Beach. They will meet at the red truck in front of the rock. This class is $35; pro- ceeds support the HRAP Education Department, which offers free fi eld trips educating over 2,500 stu- dents every year. Now in its 32nd season on the beach, HRAP aims to protect, through education, the intertidal and bird ecol- ogy of the Marine Garden and National Wildlife Ref- uge at Haystack Rock. Learn more about the program’s various events or register at www.ci.can- non-beach.or.us/HRAP/ page/camps. For more information, visit www.ci.cannon-beach. or.us/hrap/page/camps, or contact Lisa Habecker, HRAP education and volun- teer coordinator, at 503- 436-8064 or habecker@ ci.cannon-beach.or.us NW word nerd By RYAN HUME FOR COAST WEEKEND DOMOIC [DƏ•MŌ•IK] noun 1. Domoic acid: a natu- rally occurring neurotoxin with the chemical composi- tion of C15H21NO6. This amino acid is produced by certain types of microscop- ic algae, especially of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, of which 23 of the known 48 species generate the toxin responsible for amnesic shellfi sh poisoning. While there are always scant amounts of domoic acid present in ocean waters where the algae is found, it is when the algae blooms that shellfi sh, sardines and anchovies absorb levels of the toxin that can become dangerous to the birds, sea mammals and humans that consume them. Amnesic shellfi sh poisoning can cause confusion, vomiting, seizures, brain damage WIKIMEDIA COMMONS and death. The bivalves, crusta- ceans and small forage fi sh that regularly consume this phytoplankton are unaffected by the degen- erative effects that occur higher up the food chain and, with time, will excrete the concentrated toxin and be safe to eat again. The international and national standard for domoic acid THE COASTER THEATRE PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS JUNE 16 - SEPTEMBER 2, 2017 JUNE 23 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2017 ALL PERFORMANCES BEGIN AT 7:30 P.M. TICKETS: $20 OR $25 ALL PERFORMANCES BEGIN AT 7:30 P.M. TICKETS: $20 OR $25 Sponsored by The Ocean Lodge, Inn at Cannon Beach, Lodges at Cannon Beach and Candi & Jon Holzgrafe Sponsored by The Ocean Lodge, Inn at Cannon Beach, Lodges at Cannon Beach, Probuild/Milgard and Leland E.G. Larson 108 N Hemlock Street, Cannon Beach, OR Tickets: 503-436-1242 or coastertheatre.com in shellfi sh meat unfi t for human consumption is 20 parts per million Origin: Also called demoate in neurophysiological jar- gon, domoic comes from the Japanese, dōmoi, ドウ モイ, which is a regional word from the Tokunoshi- ma Island dialect meaning, “seaweed,” where the toxin was fi rst isolated from a species of red algae known as Chondria armata in 1958. For many years, the toxin was used there as an antiparasitic drug, often to deworm Japanese children. Its fi rst known use as domoic in English is traced to 1982. It is now widely believed that an August 1961 incident in which hundreds of sea-birds dive-bombed the city of Capitola, California, which served in part as inspiration for Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” was the result of domoic acid poisoning the fowl after a feast on local anchovy. The toxin was fi rst offi - cially detected on the west coast in 1991 and has been the scourge of Dungeness and razor clam seasons for many years since. “Shellfi sh and fi sh can accumulate domoic acid without apparent ill effects. Research has shown that razor clams accumulate domoic acid in edible tissue and are slow to expel the toxin. In Dungeness crab, domoic acid primarily ac- cumulates in the viscera or ‘butter.’ Cooking or freez- ing affected fi sh or shellfi sh tissue does not lessen the toxicity.” — Washington Depart- ment of Fish & Wildlife, “DOMOIC ACID - A major concern to washington state’s shellfi sh lovers,” http://wdfw. wa.gov/fi shing/shellfi sh/ra- zorclams/domoic_acid.html, accessed Aug. 7, 2017 “Just as the unexplain- able avian attacks in ‘The Birds’ have terrifi ed movie buffs for more than half a century, the 1961 fren- zy puzzled scientists for decades. They now believe the culprit was domoic acid — the same neurotoxin that has delayed this year’s Dungeness crab season in California.” — Laurel Hamers, “This Hitchcock movie was in- spired by crab toxin frenzy in Capitola,” The Mercury News, Dec. 7, 2015 CW