6A FEATURES Sloppy emails at work Dear Annie: I have and am often insulted by noticed a shift in common them. communication skills over When did it become the past few years in the accepted practice to slip into workplace that I believe what I consider a sloppy has been caused by texting, style of communication on and it has quickly the job? In my opin- DEAR become a pet peeve ion, people are enti- tled to communi- of mine. ANNIE cate in any way they I work for a large please outside the insurance company workplace; how- on the East Coast. ever, slang-style I have noticed that writing is unaccept- work-related emails able in a profes- are becoming less sional setting. and less profes- Lane Thanks for let- sional, to the point Annie Creators Syndicate Inc. ting me get this off where some are so my chest! — No Tex- vague that I wonder whether the sender realizes ting, Please Dear No Texting: how the end product looks to the receiver. I need to point Though our society is as out that I am a 20-something advanced as it has ever been, woman, and I do my fair it often seems like a dark share of texting. However, age for manners. Shine a when I receive an email light by your good exam- from someone in a profes- ple. The next time you get a sional context, I expect to lax email from a co-worker, see more than “tks” or “u” respond extra professionally or “mtg” in the body of the — with a formal salutation, email. When I see those a well-formed paragraph and abbreviated words, I give a proper closing. Often this the emails less importance is enough to shift the tone of the whole correspondence. It seems that today a lot of people — too many — have trouble differentiat- ing between what’s appro- priate at home and what’s appropriate at work. I, too, believe that in professional emails (or even text mes- sages, if you find yourself texting a boss), it’s import- ant to maintain a degree of formality. No one ever lost a job for erring on the side of politeness. Dear Annie: I enjoy your take on advice, for the most part, as well as your concise answers to writers’ issues. Could you, however, consider dropping the term “caretaker” in favor of “caregiver”? Many of us older folks think of ceme- teries when we hear “care- taker”! The latter is so much warmer. — Russ Dear Russ: Goodness me. You’ve got a point. I’ll go with “caregiver” in the future (unless, of course, I’m responding to a letter about cemetery maintenance). THE DAILY ASTORIAN • THURSDAY, JULY 20, 2017 TOMORROW’S HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). People have different paces, and those with a slower pace than yours (most people) will trigger impatience. The biggest challenge of the day will be keeping impatience in check. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You might be sur- prised what causes other people stress. You’ll get a glimpse of it if you’re paying attention. Someone dealing with things beyond your knowledge will be trying to act normal around you today. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). To fall in love is to be lucky and unlucky at the same time. Love is risk. As in most all gambling, if you stay in long enough, sooner or later the house will win. But if the game is fun to, you’ll find it worthwhile even when you’re losing. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Remember that change is the only constant. Whatever’s going on now, for better or worse, it’s not going to last. So why not be strong through it? You want to look back and be proud of yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There are people you trust so wholeheartedly, if they were ever to let you down, you’d instantly forgive them and blame yourself. This is a closeness you feel with some of the people you’re dealing with today. It’s a secure feeling. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your circumstances are where you are, not who you are. Some envi- ronments are harder to escape than others. Today you’ll have to wriggle and fight to unclench the talons that hold you in a place. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s quality over quan- tity in most things today, but in order to work out that math problem you need intimate knowledge of your values. Focus on your own life, happiness and vision; consider what you like about being FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH PHOEBE AND HER UNICORN B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Absurdly, life con- stantly demands that you simultaneously embrace and detach from it. Whether you march forward, stumble forward or fall forward, “forward” comes. The thing about life is, it goes on. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Take your ideas to many people. The general public will have ideas that you’ll have to weigh carefully. But a good friend can get you going in ways and direc- tions you wouldn’t have thought to travel, much to your benefit. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). No one knows what’s in the head and heart of another, and yet you feel you have a pretty good idea of it in regard to your nearest and dearest. Still, seek confirma- tion before acting on what you merely suspect to be true. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). While there are popular notions, there isn’t one single mean- ing that intrinsically exists. Yours is as good as anyone’s! Go on and construct the meaning that works best for you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Children are often more outwardly concerned with who they sit next to than adults are. It’s because they, like you, are wise to the fact that you can have a totally different experience sitting next to a preferred someone. TOMORROW’S BIRTHDAY (July 21). A better work/life balance is the aim and you’ll find it this year. You are poised to create powerful and posi- tive relationships. The next seven weeks bring an intensive study. You’ll trade your work and charm for good fortune in September. Re-invest a finan- cial bonus in November — this one could be your legacy. Capricorn and Sagittarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 49, 22, 1 and 7.